Mahanidhi Madan Gopal Das
This series of posts will present facts (tattva) regarding the identity, moods (gopi-bhava), intimacy and sevas of Srimati Radharani’s beautiful and talented handmaidens known as manjaris, kinkaris, or dasis.
Also we will present many astonishing and wonderful lilas to highlight the manjaris most personal and confidential sevas to Srimati Radhika and Her dearest Priyatama Shyamasundara.
The information here is based on the commentaries of Advaitavamsa Acharya 108 Sri Ananda Gopala Goswami and 108 Sri Ananta Dasa Babaji Maharaja taken from “Vilapa Kusumanjali” and “Radha Rasa Sudhanidhi” translated by Sri Advaita Dasji.
Manjari Lila: Manjaris Break the Impasse
The maidservants of Sri Radha don’t even dream of their own needs. The manjaris always throw Radha and Krishna into ever-new pools of transcendental fun. One day Yugala Kishora sit down in a kunja with Their backs against each other. They are angry with each other and They both think: “I will not be the first one to speak!”
They don’t want to disgrace Themselves by apologizing, but at the same time Radha-Madhava are suffering because They cannot meet each other. Suddenly Sri Rupa Manjari breaks the impasse by telling Shyam, “What are You telling me by blinking at me? I cannot woo Swamini for You!”
Both think the job has been done, and so Radha-Krishna begin to laugh and joke with each other again. How wonderful is this manjari’s service who thinks, “For Radha-Madhava’s pleasure we can do anything!”
Manjari Lila: Putting Radha to Rest
Tulasi-manjari comes up to Swamini to remind Radha that now is the time to take a little rest. The sakhis are oblivious about this due to being absorbed in their intimate discussion with Swamini. But Tulasi never forgets her service. She made a bed
covered with a blue sheet for Sri Radha to lie on.
Tulasi-manjari says, “Hey Shyamaju! So much time has passed now come and take a little rest!” How much love this maidservant has!
The sakhis admit: “O Radhika! We don’t love You as much as Tulasi does! We completely forgot that now it’s time for You to rest a little bit!”
Tulasi takes Swamini by the hand and makes Her lie down on the bed. A blue oil lamp burns there to soothe Swamini’s eyes with the remembrance of Her lover. Radha is very happy to lie down on the bed prepared for Her by Her beloved manjari. Tulasi sees that Swamini decorates the bed by stretching out on it. It is as if Radha’s sweetness drips from the bed and inundates Tulasi with a stream of rasa.
Swamini is enchanted by dreaming of Shyam’s form. How wonderfully Radha moves in Her sleep while Radha dreams of enjoying with Krishna! How sweetly Srimati moves Her feet and how sweet is the smile on Radha’s face! How much Radha speaks in Her dream!
Later at night, when Radha-Krishna meet in Vrndavana, Krishna asks Radha, “Did You dream of Me this evening? I also dreamt of You!”
Blessed is our Swamini, blessed is our Shyam! Blessed is Tulasi-manjari, and blessed are all the sadhakas meditating on these sweet Vraja madhurya-lilas of Radha Govinda Yugala.
Jai Jai Sri Radhe!
Manjari Tattva: Sweetness of Sriji’s Seva
Sri Raghunatha Dasa Goswami has no other aim than Swaminiji’s lotus feet. In Vraja Vilasa Stava he says, “My heart is very agitated by remembering even a drop of the sweet, divine nectar-ocean that is Yugala Kishora.”
The acharyas are our example. When the practicing devotee performs bhajan in allegiance to the acharyas, a tiny drop of their vast devotional greed may become infused in one’s heart.
Govinda’s seva is bliss and a lack of Krishna’s seva is misery. Sri Rupa Manjari prays, “I desire service alongside the sakhis of Radharani.” That service contains the greatest bliss. When you love Krishna the divine remnants of that love will be scattered throughout the universe.
Then you can experience universal love as it is. Then the spiritual world is sweet, the material world is sweet, and sweet Krishna becomes even sweeter. Sweetness will then pervade your entire being from inside out.
Radharani’s manjaris ki jai! Jai Jai Sri Radhe!