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Mahanidhi Madan Gopal Das

The pastimes and teachings of Bhagavan Sri Ramachandra are described in two chapters of the Srimad Bhagavatam (IX.10-11). Now let us reflect upon these eternally relevant teachings that are both amazing and inspirational to hear.

I.Characteristics of the Ideal King

“Lord Ramachandra was a saintly king of pure character, raja rishi charitah shucih. He took a vow of accepting only one wife. And by His personal example, Sri Rama taught householders how to properly execute their duties.”

II. Characteristics of the Ideal Queen

Shukadeva Goswami describes the sterling qualities of the Queen, Sri Sitadevi: “Sri Sitadevi fully understood the feelings of Her beloved master, bhava jna bhartuh. She was submissive, chaste and shy. By her sweet love, good character and service, Sitadevi fully enchanted the mind of Her Lord.”

III. People Under an Ideal King

The popular term “Rama Rajya” refers to the reality of an ideal kingdom ruled by an ideal king providing peace, happiness and fulfillment to every living entity under his dominion. The phrase appears in the Srimad Bhagavatam (9.10.51), rame rajani.

What were the characteristics of that wonderful world ruled by the King of Kings, Sri Ramachandra?

“Sri Rama protected the citizens exactly like a father. And because the citizens accepted Lord Rama as their father, they performed their social and religious duties very nicely. Although it was Treta, because Lord Rama was a completely religious King, everyone felt they were living in the age of peace and truth, Satya-yuga.”

“No one experienced any type of bodily or mental suffering. Nor did anyone undergo any debility, lamentation, distress, fear or fatigue. And most amazingly, there was no disease, old age or untimely death!”

IV. Nature Under an Ideal King

“The forests, rivers, hills and mountains, the states, and all lands and seas fully supplied for everyone’s needs.” (Srimad Bhagavatam 9.10.50-55)

To conclude his description of rama-rajya, Shukadeva Goswami offers a blessing, phala shruti: “Anyone who hears about the glories of Lord Ramachandra will be freed from envy and be liberated from the bondage of fruitive activities, karma bandha vimuchyate.” (Srimad Bhagavatam 9.11.23)

Raghupati Raghava Raja Rama, Patita Pavana Sita Rama ki jai!

Sri Rama, Jaya Rama, Jaya Jaya Rama ki jai!

Jai Jai Sri Radhe!

Mahanidhi Madan Gopal Das

It takes a lot of love and trust, in short—faith—to fully give one’s heart to another. And the ultimate expression of faith is the act of surrendering to God, which is the terra firma supporting the kingdom of divine love.

For those who are courageous enough to surrender to God, a vast unlimited fortune awaits. The following verse from Ramayana (Yuddha-kanda 18.33) portrays a very sweet current of love between Bhagavan and bhakta. Here Lord Rama promises to reward His surrendered devotee.

Sri Ramachandraji said, “It is My vow, that I will give permanent fearlessness to anyone who surrenders unto Me and prays, ‘O Rama, I am Yours!’”

sakrd eva prapanno yas, tavasmiti ca yacate,
abhayam sarvada tasmai, dadamy etad vratam mama

Man, tan, dan, Sri Rama samarpana ki jai!

Jai Jai Sri Radhe!

Mahanidhi Madan Gopal Das

During His childhood in Ekachakra Dhama, Sri Nityananda Prabhu enjoyed the lilas of various forms of Bhagavan Sri Krishna. Vyasa avatara Sri Vrindavana dasa Thakura wonderfully depicts Nitai Balarama’s ecstatic boyhood pastimes.

One day in Ekachakra, a sportive youth named Nitai assumed the form of Lord Ramachandra. A “monkey army” of Nitai’s boyfriends, dressed as simians, cheered “Jai Raghunatha!”as they tossed trees into the water to build a bridge to Lanka.

Another time, Sri Nityananda Prabhu played Lakshmanji, holding a bow in hand bow and angrily walking to meet Sugriva. At that time, Sri Nityananda Prabhu said, “O you wretched monkey, My Lord is in anguish. If you care to live then come to meet Sri Rama who is anxiously awaiting your arrival.”

Nitai fully entered the bhava of Lord Rama’s younger brother Lakshman. Nitai’s chums, however, thought it was all jest because they did not understand Nitai’s internal moods. Nitai’s friends dressed up as five monkeys—Sugriva, Hanuman, Nala, Nila and Tara.

Lakshman Nitai said, “Who are you? I see you are all monkeys roaming in the forest? I am the servant of Raghunatha, please introduce yourselves.” Then Lakshman embraced them and took them to Lord Ramacandra. Offering dandavats to Sri Rama, the five monkeys cheered in unison “Jai Sri Rama! Jai Sri Rama!” (adapted Chaitanya Bhagavata Chp 9)

Rama Lakshman Nitai ki jai! Jai Sri Rama! Sri Rama!

Jai Jai Sri Radhe!

Mahanidhi Madan Gopal Das

In Hari-bhakti Vilasa (HBV), Srila Sanatana Goswamipada describes the vow to worship Bhagavan Sri Ramachandraji, Sri Rama-navami vrata, in sixty-verses taken from Agastya Samhita and Ramarchana-candrika.

Devotees who are fully absorbed in the primary Krishna bhakti-bhajana of shravana, kirtanam and smaranam need not observe all the details of the many vows and vratas mentioned in Hari-bhakti Vilasa. This book describes vratas for each and every month, for Bhagavan and His various forms, and even for the different seasons..

However, for devotees who are not practicing intense bhajana, such occasional Vaisnava vratas are very useful because they help one remain absorbed in Krishna consciousness. All activities in Krishna bhakti are performed only for the purpose of pleasing Sri Krishna, attracting His glance of mercy and bringing His sweet love into our hearts.

Quoting from (HBV 14.241-301), we will describe the vrata to inspire devotees to do more—serve more, surrender more and make more and more spiritual advancement.

I.What are the benefits?

One becomes purified of material desires, sinful reactions and goes to Vaikuntha. But most importantly, love for Krishna comes in our hand, bhaktis tasya kare sthita! ((HBV 14. 300)

II.What are the Starting Mantras?

“O Raghava (Lord Rama), today for Your pleasure, I WILL FAST FOR 24 HOURS!!!! (sunrise to sunrise), ashta yama. O Lord Hari, please be merciful to me and liberate me.” (HBV 14. 262-266)

III. Procedure of Worship

  1. Rise early, bathe and complete worship before noon. If possible, observe the vrata in sadhu-sanga. Offer full arati to a murti, painting (picture) of Sita-Rama, Laksmana and Hanuman.
  2. Hear Rama-katha about the divya-janma, siksha and lilas of Sri Ramachandraji.
  3. Offer prayers to Sri Rama, play musical instruments and chant Hari Nama-sankirtana. Especially chant the following mantra:

In San Francisco (U.S.A.), 1968, Srila Prabhupada introduced a new chant which was the favorite of Mahatma Sri Gandhiji. Prabhupada personally repeated the words one by one and even spelled them.

Then in his wonderfully rich, love-laden voice, Srila Prabhupada sang so beautifully…

raghupati raghava raja rama, patita-pavana sita-rama

Srila Prabhupada said that these were Lord Rama’s different names, glorifying Sri Rama as the Lord of the Raghu dynasty, the ideal king, the deliverer of the most fallen, and the husband of the most gorgeous goddess of fortune.

IV. Jagarana, remaining awake all night worshiping Sri Rama is suggested, although this may not be feasible for many.

V. A fragrant sweet offering:

“Without being lazy, one should spend his day and night lovingly offering fragrant flowers to Lord Rama every three hours.” (HBV 14.296) Jai Vijaya Rama ki jai!

VI. Breaking the Vrata

Rise early (if you have not done jagarana), offer full arati to Sri Ramachandraji; feed and donate to brahmanas and honor maha-prasadam.

VII. Concluding Prayer

“O Lord Rama, I am breaking my vrata by honoring Your prasadi. May You be fully satisfied with me, and please give me peace and Krishna bhakti.”

tava prasada svikarat, krtam yat paranam maya
vratenanena santushta, svasti bhaktim prayaccha me

Sri Rama Navami Vrata ki jai! Sita-Rama Laksman Hanuman ki jai!

Jai Jai Sri Radhe!

Mahanidhi Madan Gopal Das

Soaring through the sky at supersonic speeds. What is it? Is it a meteor on a collision course with Mother Earth? Is it a thunderbolt cast by the angry rain god? No, IT’S HANUMAN, holding a huge mountain in his powerful hand! Jai Hanuman!

Lord Rama gave the command! And hoards of bears and love-crazed monkeys ran in every direction to bring rocks to build the fabled bridge to unite the anguished lovers pained by the pangs of separation. While collecting mountains and boulders from the Himalayas, Hanuman noticed a huge mountain towering above the land of Vrindavana.

Alighting from the sky, Hanuman repeatedly tried with all his strength, but to no avail, to lift that beautiful majestic mountain. Hanuman was perplexed and wondered how this mountain could be more powerful than he. Thinking the mount was a great sage or rishi, and that he may have offended him, Hanuman immediately did a full parikrama (sat kosh, 14 miles) to appease him.

Suddenly, an akash vani (unseen voice) proclaimed, “The ocean bridge is now complete and no more rocks are required!”

Hearing this, that mountain became very unhappy and said, “O now I will not be blessed by the wonderful touch of Lord Rama’s lotus feet.” Hanuman, his heart melting with compassion, said, “O great one, please forgive me. Let me consult with my master and I will come right back.”

After Hanuman narrated the whole story, Sri Ramachandra said, “O Hanuman, that great personality is none other than Giriraja Govardhana! Go tell Giriraja that in the upcoming Dwapara-yuga, when I come as Vrajendranandan, I will hold him on My hand for seven days, and that he will be the best of My devotees, hari dasa varya!” (adapted, Adi Varaha Purana)

Ramachandra Bhagavan ki jai! Vajrangabali ki jai!

Giriraja Dharana ki jai! Jai Jai Sri Radhe!

Mahanidhi Madan Gopal Das

In great ecstasy, Gauranga-sundara enjoyed a variety of pastimes with His loving Nadiya-vasis. Being the sarva-avatari, purnatama swayam Bhagavan, Mahaprabhu would sometimes please His devotees by displaying His various forms such as Vishnu virata-rupa, Nrsimha Bhagavan, Lord Rama, Sri Krishna and Radha Govinda Yugala. And once Mahaprabhu even became the greatest of dasya bhaktas.

One day on Vijaya-dashami, Sri Chaitanydeva celebrated Sri Rama’s victory over Ravana, lanka vijayera din. To enter the mood and pastimes of Sri Ramachandraji, Mahaprabhu personally dressed up all His devotees as monkey soldiers, vanara-sainya.

Himself becoming Hanuman, hanuman aveshe, Mahaprabhu grabbed a large tree branch, scaled the walls of the Lanka fort and began to smash it to pieces!

“Jai Sri Rama!” “Jai Sri Rama!” “Jai Vajrangabali!” “Jai Ajanu-lambita Gaura!”

In great anger, Hanuman Mahaprabhu roared, “Where is that Ravana who has kidnapped the mother of the universe? Now I shall kill him and all his family, krodha aveshe, jagat-mata hare, papi marimu sa vamshe!”

Astonished to see Mahaprabhu as Hanuman, everyone repeatedly cheered, “Jai Ho! Jai Ho! Jai Ho! (Caitanya Caritamrita. 2.15.31-35)

Bhagavan Sri Ramachandraji ki jai! Jai dasya-rati Hanuman ki jai!

Jai Jai Sri Radhe!

Mahanidhi Swami

One day in Goloka Vrindavana on Karttika Purnima during Sri Krishna’s aprakata-lila an amazingly, sweet and beautiful pastime took place. Soothing rays of moonshine danced on the floor of the nikunja, as Nikunjeshavari Radha, rapt in the anticipation of romance, sat in anxious waiting. But Priyaji’s gallant lover Shyama arrived in the wee hours of night just before dawn.

Upset and disappointed, Radhika glared at Shyama, and then angrily tied Krishna around the waist with the string from Her undergarment (nivi). Krishna said He was detained due to Maa Yashoda’s offering a feast to celebrate the end of Karttika. Pacified by this excuse, Radhika untied Her Priyatama and smiled affectionately at Her sweetheart. At that time, Sri Krishna felt the epitome of bliss being bound by His beloved in such an intimate way.

In supreme satisfaction, Shyama addressed Sundari, “O beautiful treasure of My heart, because You bound Me around the waist with Your girdle, My name Damodara has become even more endearing to Me. No other name of mine is as dear to Me than this. By the power of this name “Damodara”, one will obtain vishuddha-vraja-prema and residence in My glorious abode of Sridhama Vrindavana. During My prakata-lila in Bhauma Vrindavana, when Janani Yashoda binds me to the mortar this name Damodara will be revealed to the world.”

Now Bhagavan became famous as “NIVI DAMODARA”, and this is the most adorable form of Sri Krishna in Vrindavana that we so lovingly revere as Gaudiya Vaisnavas. (net source: Sri Jiva Goswamipada’s Radha-Krishnarchana-dipika, verses 120-127)

Radha-Damodara ki jai! Nivi-Damodara ki jai!

Jai Jai Sri Radhe!

Mahanidhi Swami

On the day after Dipavali, Nanda Baba arranges for Jatipura brahmanas to do a pancha-amrta abhisheka of Giriraja Govardhana. Cooks prepare many kinds of sweets, rice, rotis and sabjis. Then then they arrange everything on leaf places to offer to Govardhana Hill. In one form Krishna sits next to Nanda Baba.

And in another, huge form, Krishna sits atop Giriraja gobbling up all the offered foodstuffs at once with one very long arm! Observing this, small Gopala says, “Baba! Just see how Giriraja is eating everything!” Nanda and the cowherders happily gaze upon Giriraja in great amazement as Giriraja Baba concludes His bhoga and munches on some paan.

Then the Vrajavasis offer Giriraja Dharan lots of flower garlands and sandalwood paste. Local brahmanas offer Giriraja a huge ghee lamp held on a long pole. At the end, the gopas offer dandavats to Giriraja and ask Him, “O Giriraja Dharani! What is the best way to please You?”

Giriraja resoundingly replies, “I am most pleased by anyone who performs My parikrama!” So that’s exactly what Nanda Baba and all the gopas do. Leading the parikrama are the cows, then the brahmanas, the older gopas and gopis, the young gopis, Sri Krishna, His chums and lastly Nanda Maharaja and Yashoda Maiya. After Govardhana parikrama, Nanda Baba feed all the Vrajavasis brahmanas and give lavish charity of cows, gold, silver and cloth.

Nanda and his family then take prasadam and rest afterwards. The Playful Pair, Priya-Priyatama, slipped away for some confidential exchanges in a secluded Giriraja nikunja. Later, the Divine Couple return to the camp and meet again at midday at Radha Kunda for Their usual fun loving pastimes. (Gaur Govinda Gutika, adapted)

Radha-Govinda’s Giriraja Annakuta Utsava ki jai!

Giriraja Dharan ki jai! Jai Jai Sri Radhe!

Mahanidhi Swami

In Karttika 1972, in his “eternal residence” at the Radha-Damodara Mandira, Srila Prabhupada had the most amazing conversation full of realizations and Vraja illuminations. Present there at that most auspicious time were his fortunate disciples Shyamasundara, Gurudasa, Hayagriva, and Prabhupada’s gurubhai Dr. O.B.L. Kapoor. We hope all our devoted friends will increase their understanding and love for Radha-Krishna, the Vrajavasis and Sridhama Vrindavana by reading the following entries which we have categorized by topic.


Srila Prabhupada: “The Vrajavasis prefer to die rather than give up their Krishna. Throughout India you’ll find that some of the lower castes—the shudras, or vaishyas, or harijans—will convert to Mohammedanism [Christianity], but in Vrindavana even the shudra will not give up Krishna, not even for all the gold in the world.”

“A devotee knows that this Vrindavana right here is Vrindavana. Even if the people living in Vrindavana do not appear very pious, they are most fortunate because they live in the land of Krishna. Jaya jaya vrindavana-vasi yata jana, all glories to all the inhabitants of Vrindavana! It is not said that only the devotees here are glorified. Everyone! Even the pigs. It is more fortunate to be born in Vrindavana than in a rich or aristocratic family, because in the next life, one will go back to Godhead.”


Srila Prabhupada: “No one born in Vrindavana is ordinary. It may not be very palatable to hear, but those who live in Vrindavana and commit sinful activities take birth as dogs, monkeys, and hogs here. In this way, by eating the dust of Vrindavana, they become purified, liberated.”

Disciple: “Gurudeva, how does one get these different bodies?”

Srila Prabhupada: “If a person in Vrindavana engages in too much sex indulgence, he will get the body of a dog, a monkey, a pigeon, or even the body of a tree. The pig body is there for one who overeats or eats prohibited food.”

Disciple: “Gurudeva, what about those guys down by the Yamuna that smoke ganja all day?”

In a very sweet, humorous way with a slight laugh, Srila Prabhupada replied: “They get hippy bodies with big beards and long hair. And they have to take birth in San Francisco U.S.A.”


Srila Prabhupada “The effect of living in Vrindavana cannot be overestimated. At every turn, you are reminded of Krishna here, and your spiritual strength increases due to that contact. For instance, from ’62 to ’65, I would sit in these rooms and chant Hare Krishna and see the samadhis of Jiva and Rupa Goswamis. Just by thinking of how they wrote, I got courage to write. I would type and cook a little. I lived very simply, content to be in Rupa Goswami’s presence. These samadhis are the best in Gaudiya Vaishnavism. They actually inspired me to go to the West.”


Disciple: “Prabhupada, it appears that the Dhama is deteriorated and unclean.”

Srila Prabhupada: “Vrindavana has not deteriorated! Just see. For a materialist, everything is topsy-turvy because his vision is perverted. Beauty and ugliness are in the eye of the seer. The ugliness that you see here is yoga-maya, Krishna’s covering. Vrindavana appears dirty and deteriorated to drive away the atheists and impersonalists. For a devotee, this Vrindavana is as good as Krishna’s transcendental abode in the spiritual sky, Goloka Vrindavana. But you must have the eyes to see. Vrindavana hides HERSELF from the materialist.

“Vrindavana is so potent that even the dogs and pigs here are going to be liberated. Life here is not polluted because even the most polluted are being purified. So it is not deteriorating. If even the dogs are going to be liberated, how has Vrindavana deteriorated?”


Disciple: Prabhupada, why did you just speak of Vrindavana as a person [ hides herself]?

Srila Prabhupada: “In spiritual consciousness, everything is personal. In Ramayana, we find that even the city of Ravana appeared before Hanuman as a gigantic person, a rakshashi, and Hanuman knocked her down because she challenged him.”


Srila Prabhupada: “Both the pigs and devotees here in Vrindavana are liberated, indiscriminately. Unless one is a devotee in a previous life, he cannot take birth here. He may take a pig’s or dog’s body for a few years, but that’s no impediment. He is simply getting rid of sinful reactions.

Disciple: “Are people in Vrindavana liberated even if they don’t have a bona fide spiritual master?”

Srila Prabhupada: “Yes, because Vrindavan is directly under Krishna’s supervision. Krishna is their spiritual master.”


Living eternally in Vrindavana engaged in the loving personal service of Srimati Radharani is the goal of all Gaudiya Vaisnavas. In our hearts, in our minds and with our lives we all try to live moment by moment in Vrindavana. We meditate on Vrindavana, dream of Vrindavana, and try our best to tell everyone about the sweet glories of Vraja Dhama. Every Gaudiya is a messenger of Vrindavana, carrying the good news of Radha-Govinda’s pure loving service to one and all.

In closing his wonderful teachings at this time, Srila Prabhupada humbly said, “I’m simply Vrindavana’s messenger.” (all entries from Vrindaban Days cp. 5)

Srila Prabhupada ki jai!

Kartika Vratosava ki jai!

Jai Jai Sri Radhe!

Mahanidhi Swami

The Fall season in Vrindavana (Oct-Nov), Karttika, is surcharged with both sensual beauty and spiritual shakti. The peacocks freely advertise their rainbow colors, and tall trees scent the breeze with sweet aromas from their flowers. With the loving arms of her soothing waves, the Yamuna River offers crystal clear water for tasting and cooling currents for bathing.

Every day at the Radha-Damodara temple, thousands of Vaisnava pilgrims go around the temple, participate in the many kirtanas, and hear the enlightening Bhagavata discourses by different panditas speaking in turn. This spiritual atmosphere, swelling with sounds, scents and sentiments, saturates any sincere soul with ecstatic love for Sri Krishna.

All the months of India are named after different forms of Narayana like Madhava, Govinda, Keshava and so on as in Vaisnava tilaka. Similarly, the month of Karttika is called “Damodara” which also refers to a Vishnu form. This fact is confirmed in sanatana-siksha (Cc. 2.20.201), wherein Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu said:

äçvine padmanäbha, kärtike dämodara, rädhä dämodara anya vrajendra-kumara

“In the month of Äçvina, the predominating Deity is Padmanäbha, and in Kärttika it is Dämodara. This Dämodara [which the month is named after] is different from Rädhä Dämodara, the son of Nanda Mahäräja in Våndävana

Nevertheless, most Vaisnavas understand that the “Damodara month” refers to that naughty boy, Krishna, who Mother Yasoda bound around the waist with a rope, which took place on Dipavali day in Karttika. During this Damodara month, if one manages to capture Krishna with the ropes of pure devotion, he will be released from the bondage of repeated birth and death.

Gauòéya Vaiñëavas consider Radharani to be the presiding Deity for the month of because Sri Srila Rupa Goswamipada (Utkalika-vallari) refers to Radharani as Karttika-devi, the goddess of Karttika. Unlike others who call it the “Damodara” month, Gaudiyas, using the following scriptural evidence, refer to Karttika as the “Radha-Damodara” month.

“One day in Karttika, Shyama arrived late for His rendezvous with Priyaji in Her kunja. In loving anger, Manini Radha glanced at Shyama with frowning eyebrows. Using some golden vines, Kunjeshvari then tied a rope around Shyama’s belly to punish Him for not showing up as promised. Madhava pleaded that He was late because Maa Yashoda had kept Him home for a festival. Seeing Her mistake, Radha quickly untied Her beloved Damodara.” (Bhaviñya Puräëa, Uttara-khaëòa) Rädhäräëé’s desire to bind Krishna with Her love is fulfilled in this pastime. Thus Vrajavasis adore this Damodara, bound by Devi’s love.

The Garga-samhita tells another wonderful lila of Radha-Damodara: “One day as children Radha and Gopala were walking together in Bhandiravana along the shimmering blue waters of Kalindi. The lovely couple rested for a time under the cooling shade of a Banyan tree. In an instant, Yogamaya manifested their robust, youthful forms. Suddenly from nowhere, Lord Brahma arrived. Then acting as the officiating priest, Brahmaji performed a mock marriage with all the demigods in attendance. During the wedding ceremony the sari and dhoti of Radha and Krishna were tied together as is the custom in Vedic weddings. After the ceremony the guests left, and Radha-Govinda again assumed their childhood forms and walked home.” Since the Divine Couple were tied together at this time, some Vaiñëavas consider this pastime a lila of Radha-Damodara ki jai!

Damodara Yashoda-dulala ki jai! Joi Damodara Lal ki jai!

Karttika Vratotsava ki jai!

Jai Jai Sri Radhe!