Tag Archive for: Mahanidhi Madana Gopala baba

Mahanidhi Swami

No one other than Srimati Radharani can describe the extent of Sri Krishna’s love and attachment to Her. The Gaudiya Vaisnava mahajana poets have directly perceived this, along with the experiencing the endless beauty and sweetness of Radha and Krishna together.

Afterwards, these parama bhakta poets have written delightfully tasty (rasika) descriptions of what they have personally seen and realized in their meditations. Their poems are masterpieces of language, music and bhava. They are also perfect compositions of Gaudiya siddhanta and rasa tattva, the truth and taste of prema.

The following quotes of renowned Gaudiya padakartas, poets, wonderfully shows how much Sri Krishna loves His beautiful sweetheart Radhika. Read them and relish the nectar from the land of lila.

One day, Radha sat with Her girlfriends in a secluded kunja in the middle of a forest bower. They were relishing Hari-katha together, when suddenly Radharani started speaking very candidly about Krishna.

Sri Radha said, “O sakhis! I know My beloved Shyama really loves Me! From everything that I have seen and heard, it is very clear that Shyama has given His full heart to Me!

“For example, when I bathe at one bathing ghata, Shyama bathes in the next one. And when by chance some water splashes from My body onto Shyama’s, He comes running towards Me with wide-open arms. Just to touch at least My clothes, Krishna gives His clothes to the same washer man.

“When Hari hears even half a syllable of My name “RA” He becomes very happy. Just to touch My shadow, Shyama runs this way and that along the ground. And wherever the breeze from My body blows, Bihariji turns His face in that direction. O sakhis! That Madana Gopala just can’t find enough ways to express His eager mind!”

But this Raya Shekhara (padakarta), a servant at Shyama’s feet, knows something of it.

At another time, Radha said, “Shyama doesn’t even dream about Himself anymore. My dearest doesn’t listen to anything else! He just stares at My face without blinking!” (padakarta Jnana das)

“It was once asked, ‘Why does rasika Madana Mohana wear the Kaustubha jewel around His neck?’ Krishna does this so He can embrace Sri Radha’s reflection in the jewel!” (Dr. Haripada Shila)

Now Krishna will personally reveal how much He dearly loves Srimati Radhika. One day Govinda confided to a gopa friend, “O sakha! This girl steals My heart! And now My eyes are restlessly looking down the road, hoping to catch a glimpse of Her! And after She stole My eyes and My mind, My heart has become empty!” (padakarta Govinda das)

Sri Krishna continued, “O sakha! Can you tell me which Creator has brought this nectar-ocean named Radhika to earth? When I hear Radha’s voice, I become overwhelmed and I fall in a swoon. What more can I say?

“When these two syllables “RA” & “DHA” enter My ears, My heart starts burning. O My dear gopa friend! I can’t understand what’s happening. I don’t know what to do. What should I do? My whole body is shivering, and I can’t keep My composure anymore! (padakarta Chandi das)

Hladini Shakti Madanakhya Mahabhavati Radharani ki jai!

Rasika Shekara Vrindavana Nagar Shiromani Shyamasundara ki jai!

Jai Jai Sri Radhe!

Mahanidhi Swami

Before He was a week old, Krishna began stealing. On the sixth day of Krishna’s advent, the fiendish witch Putana came to kill Him. But clever Gopala stole Putana’s prana to end Her devilish work. From then on, Gopala became known as Pranahari, “He who steals one’s very life!”

The poets glorify Sri Krishna in Vraja as the “crownjewel of all thieves”, caura cudamani! As a mere infant of three, it was Nanda Gopala’s daily pastime to stealthily steal butter from His neighbors. Between the ages of 5-10, Govinda often stole the lunch tiffins, clothes and ornaments of His cowherd companions.

At the beginning of His adolescence, Krishna stole the clothes of the Vraja kanyas, gopi vastra harana. As a robust youth, Shyama stole the hearts of Radha and the gopis with the captivating song of His murali calling them to Vamshivata for rasa.

Krishna’s thievery of the gopis is not partial, it is complete and absolute. The rasika janas say, gopala kamini jarash caura jara shikamanih, “For stealing everything from the damsels of Vraja, Krishna has become famous as “the crownjewel of adulterous thieves”.

After concluding His earthly pastimes, Sri Krishna took His divine entourage to the transcendental realm of Goloka Vrindavana. But even there Hari’s acts of thievery continued.

One day in Goloka, Krishna performed the biggest theft of His entire career! Gopinatha secretly stole the heart of His dearest Gandharvika Radha, and Her brilliant golden complexion (bhava & kanti) to appear in Kali-yuga as Gauranga to steal the hearts of anyone who sees Gauranga, remembers Gauranga or chants Gauranga’s transcendental name: GAURANGA!!!!!!!

The following is a list of Krishna’s many acts of thievery coming from a poem entitled, “Sri Chaurastakam”. By reading this wonderful offering of a loving Krishna bhakta, we can all better appreciate the unlimited vastness of Bhagavan Sri Krishna’s love for every living entity. Every verse of this wonderful prayer ends with the refrain, “I offer obeisances to Krishna “The King of Thieves”, cauradhipam krishnam aham namami.

From the beginning in Gokula, Nandulal stole the sins and the life-air of Putana. Makhanacora is the celebrated the baby butter thief. While roaming in Vraja, Gopala stole some clay and ate it, vraje carantam ca mrdo hi cauram.

Govinda stole the pride of Brahma and Indra, and the minds of the cows and Vrajavasis. Lastly, Hari stole the heart of Srimati Radhika. Krishna stole the poison of Kaliya; stole the miseries felt by Yamunaji; and Krishna stole the innocence and the garments of the gopis.

The poem concludes with this verse:

chittasya shilasya, janasya cauram

aneka janmarjita, papa cauram

dasyam gatanam, ca samasta-cauram

cauradhipam krishnam, aham namami

“Hari steals the hearts of all good people, and He also steals their lifetimes’ of sins. And for those who surrender to His service, Krishna STEALS EVERYTHING!”

Out of His infinite compassion and kindness for us, Sri Krishna steals everything that is bad within us, and gives us everything that is good! May Giridhari Shyama, Hari Murari come one day and steal my heart. Other than this, I have no wealth; a mere beggar with a prayer.

Mukunda Hari Sri Krishna Bhagavan ki jai!

Caura Shiromani Shyamasundara ki jai!

Jai Jai Sri Radhe!

Mahanidhi Swami

What is an Utsava?

Every year, Radha-Krishna’s devotees celebrate many kinds of festivals (aka utsava) of varying sizes called either utsava, maha utsava or maha maha utsava. In Sanskrit, the word utsava means a festival or celebration that gives happiness to all.

Especially held in honor Bhagavan Sri Krishna and His devotees, an utsava will typically include these features: flower petals and garlands, gates, decorations, and sprinkling sandal-scented water; special gorgeous dresses, offerings and worship of Radha and Krishna; music with many kinds of instruments like karatala, mrdanga, horns, flutes, bells, gongs and conches; harinama sankirtana with euphoric dancing; hearing Govinda lila-katha, enthusiastic maha-prasada seva; and meeting with devotees—sharing hearts, aspirations and Krishna-katha.

Bhagavan Sri Krishna personally describes how to observe a mahotsava for the pleasure of one’s cherished Thakuraji, “During a mahotsava, devotees should become absorbed for some time in singing along with other devotees, chanting loudly and dancing, acting out My transcendental pastimes, and hearing and telling stories about Me.” (SB 11.27.44)

One devotee said, “A festival means plans, preparations, creativity, color, smells and surprises. It means friends—giving, receiving and sharing; along with lots of singing, dancing, playing and merrymaking—ALL for the pleasure of Thakuraji.”

One Vrajavasi said, “Utsava means an enjoyable festival of bliss by seeing Radha Ramanaji, singing, dancing and feasting on His maha-prasada!”

I definitely agree with this!

Types of Utsavas

Gaudiya Vaisnavas observe all kinds of spiritual celebrations including even a “mango eating” festival (Amotsava). Srila Krishnadasa Kaviraja explains, “Every day for twelve months, Lord Gauranga performed kirtana, and held a mango-eating festival with His bhaktas, bara masa kirtana avasane, amra mahotsava prabhu kare dine dine.” (Cc. 1.17.88)

Here is a list of some joyous celebrations: birth, janmotsava (Sri Krishna Janmotsava and Nandotsava; Krishna’s dancing with gopis, Rasotsava; swinging festival, Dolotsava; chipped rice and sweet yogurt, Cida-Dadhi Mahotsava; bathing Sri Jagannathaji, Snana-yatra Mahotsava; beholding a youthful Jagannathaji, Netrotsava; Lakshmi coming to see Jagannatha Swami, Hera Panchami Mahotsava; lighting hundreds of ghee lamps, Deepavali Mahotsava; offering Giriraja a mountain of grains, Annakuta Mahotsava; name giving, nama karana mahotsava; marriage, vivahotsava; disappearance day, tirobhava mahotsava; and a super big blissful Harinama festival, maha maha utsava sankirtana range.

One can even hold a daily super grand festival of bliss, as Sri Advaita Prabhu did when Mahaprabhu visited him in Shantipura, prati-dina kare acarya maha mahotsava. (Cc. 2.3.201)

Beside all the wonderful benefits, one will derive from observing the festivals described above, Srila Rupa Goswamipada says, “If one celebrates festivals in the temple of Lord Hari, then such a person’s festivals will be forever celebrated in the realm of Lord Hari [as a result], bhavati nityam hari-loke mahotsavah.” (Brs. 1.2.220)

Considering all these points, devotees can also observe wonderful festivals of bliss, mahotsavas, to honor the most auspicious appearance days of Srimati Radharani and Her beloved asta-sakhis. Their avirbhava tithis are listed here for your observance.

Sakhi Janmotsavas 2016

August 14: Lalita-sakhi, Shravana shukla ekadasi (see below too)

September 2: Ranga & Sudevi-sakhis, Bhadra shukla ekam

September 4: Tungavidya-sakhi, Bhadra shukla tritiya

September 6: Indulekha-sakhi, Bhadra shukla panchami

September 8: Campakalata & Lalita-Sakhis, Bhadra shukla saptami

September 9: Sri Radhastami & Visakha-sakhi, Bhadra shukla ashtami

October 4: Chitra-sakhi, Ashwina shukla tritiya.

Ashta-sakhi shiromani, Radhe! Radhe! Jai Jai Sri Radhe!

Mahanidhi Swami

One day in Jagannatha Puri, Sri Chaitanydeva was rescued from the tossing waves of the sea by His loving devotees. Slightly dazed, Mahaprabhu sat on the beach and looked up into the vast sky above. Suddenly, Mahaprabhu began speaking in a most absent-minded way.

Sri Chaitanya said, “Coming to Vrindavana, I saw the Yamuna and the damsels of Vraja. The gopis were removing their garments and ornaments and handing them to their attendant sakhis. Donning thin white bathing attire, they joyfully entered the Yamuna along with their beloved Priyatama Shyama.

“While standing on the bank, I saw Vrajrendranandana playing in the water, jala-krida. Krishna, Radhika and all the gopis were enjoying pastimes in a greatly sportive mood, maha-range karena keli.

“They began a water fight, and everyone started splashing water back and forth. In the tumultuous showers of water, no one knew who won or lost, jaya-parajaya. The water fight, jala-yuddha, went on and on unlimitedly. Nava-ghana Shyama and the tadit-gana sakhis mutually drenched each other in showers of water.

“In the beginning, they just playfully splashed water on each other. Then it broke out into a free-for-all as they fought hand to hand; face to face; chest to chest; teeth to teeth; and finally nail to nail! O, what prema can’t do!

“Thousands of hands splashed water; thousands of gopis’ eyes gazed at Govinda; thousands of legs brought them near Shyama; and then they kissed Krishna with thousands of faces and embraced Him with thousands of bodies. And with thousands of ears they relished Raman’s intimate joking words.

“Krishna forcibly dragged Radha into water up to Her neck. Grasping Shyama’s neck, however, Padma Sri floated on the water like a lotus.

“Krishna expanded Himself into one form for each loving gopa-sundari. Shyama then behaved with them in many naughty ways. Suddenly Radha and Krishna started a love quarrel, krishna kalaha radha sane.

“While this was going on, all the other gopis fled and hid amongst the yellow lotuses. Submerging their bodies up to their necks, only their beautiful faces could be seen floating on the water.

“Radha broke away from Kanu and met with Her gopis. Together they attacked Govinda with full force and vigor. Nothing short of a maha-pralaya of water cascaded down on Madhava’s head.”

After describing His wonderful lila-drshti of seeing Radha-Krishna’s amazing jala-krida in the Yamuna, Mahaprabhu said, “By experiencing and tasting this lila, My mind has become blissful and My eyes and ears are now fully satisfied, kari asvadana, anandita mora mana, netra-karna judaila!” (Cc. 3.18.79-99)

Indeed, that lucky person, who in any place or time sees Radha-Krishna’s jala-keli lila, will definitely taste the highest bliss and feel absolutely rejuvenated and completely satisfied.

Gaura-Govinda Jala Keli Lila ki jai!

Yamunaji ki leheray bole, “Sri Radha! Sri Radha!”

Jai Jai Sri Radhe!

Mahanidhi Swami

Mahaprabhu was personally always immersed in madhurya-rasa, thinking of Radha-Krishna lila, radha sange krishna lila ei haila jnana, adha sange krishna lila, ei rase magna prabhu haila apane. (Cc. 2.14.74) The example set by Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu is the cherished goal of every raganugiya-sadhaka.

While wandering in Jagannatha Puri, Mahaprabhu would often enter various gardens with His devotees and reenact Krishna’s Vraja-lila. One day, Sri Chaitanya entered the cooling waters of Indradyumna sarovara (lake), and enjoyed sporting in the water with His devotees, bhakta-sange vrindavana-lila, indradyumna sarovare kare jala-khela.

Mahaprabhu splashed water on the devotees, and from all sides they splashed Him back. While standing in the water they would form one or many circles. Then they would play karatalas and slap the water in a clever way to sound like the croaking of frogs, jala-manduka-vadye.

Sometimes two devotees would pair off and have water fights. Whoever splashed the most would win and the other would lose. Mahaprabhu enjoyed watching the fun.

Advaita and Nityananda squared off first, splashing uproariously. Defeated, Advaita Acharya rebuked Nitai with bad names, kare galagali. Sportive water fights also broke out between Swarupa Damodara and Vidyanidhi; Murari Gupta-Vasudeva; Srivasa Thakura-Gadadhara Pandita; and Raghava Pandita-Vakreshvara Pandita.

While furiously splashing each other, Sarvabhauma Bhattacharya and Raya Ramananda lost their gravity and became like children, shishu-praya. Observing their restlessness, Mahaprabhu smiled and spoke to Gopinatha Acharya, the brother-in-law of Sarvabhauma Bhattacharya:

“Acharyaji, they are playing just like restless children, bala-chanchalya. Ask them to stop, because they are both very wise, grave and authoritative persons, pramanika jana.”

Gopinatha replied, “Prabhu, it appears that a drop of mercy has risen from the vast ocean of Your krpa and drowned these fortunate souls. We see that tasteless, dry cakes remain after oil has been extracted from seeds. Our Bhattacarya had passed his life in eating these cakes until You mercifully made him drink the nectar of lila!”

Smiling, Mahaprabhu called for Advaita Prabhu and asked him to assume his form as Shesha Naga. Mahaprabhu lied on Nada and floated about on the water, displaying His aishvarya-lila as Sheshashayi Vishnu.

After frolicking in the water (jala-krida) for some time, Mahaprabhu returned to quarters accompanied by His devotees. (Cc. 2.14.74-91)

Gauranga jala-keli ki jai! Jai Jai Sri Radhe!

Mahanidhi Swami

Sri Krishna’s water pastimes (jala-keli) are beautifully described in a variety of scriptures. The following lila comes from mahanidhi swami’s book titled, Radha Krishna Pastimes at Radha Kunda:

A Splashing Defeat (Jala-keli)

Every afternoon, Radha-Govinda and the sakhis play in the prema rasa-filled water of Radha-kunda. While in the kunda, they relish different sporting activities like water splashing, hide and seek and battling with lotuses, which will now be described.

One day in Radha-kunda, after sporting and enjoying in different ways for about 2½ hours, Sri Krishna and the gopis become a little fatigued. Observing this, Radha’s maidservants (manjaris) invite everyone to relax in the refreshing cool waters of Radha-kunda.

Radha-Madhava and the sakhis gladly accept the invitation and prepare for Their divine water sports. The manjaris tie up the sakhis’ hair, remove their heavy saris and ornaments, and dress them in fine white bathing outfits. Shyama also wears thin white bathing cloth.

Eager to mitigate His love-fatigue and that of His girlfriends, Krishna enthusiastically enters Radha-kunda and begins sporting like an intoxicated elephant. Shyama’s eyes blossom like flowers of joy as He gazes upon the glistening bodies of the gopis, whose lovely features resemble the beautiful Radha-kunda.

The attractive azure eyes of the gopis look like the blue lotuses in the lake; their faces, flushed with the luster of love, mimic the pink lotuses; their bouncing locks of cobalt black hair are swarms of restless bees; their full breasts are like chakravaka birds; and their graceful golden arms are the soft stems of attractive lotus flowers.

Some timid sakhis stand on the shore, hesitating to enter. The gopis in Radha-kunda splash them with water, tug on their garments and giggle while pulling them into the kuëòa, clothes and all. Fearing Krishna’s attack, some gopis protect themselves by standing in knee or waist deep water.

Smiling proudly, Krishna stands in waist-deep water and begins bombarding them with water. The intoxicated elephants of Krishna’s eyes revel in a river of delight admiring the gopis’ gorgeous figures shining through their thin wet bathing attire. Similarly, the female elephants of the gopis’ eyes submerge in the nectar stream of Syama’s enticing form shimmering beneath His wet garments.

The gopis hold hands with each other to form a golden rope around Shyama. Then they move toward the center, tightening the circle as they draw closer to Krishna. All at once in a surprise attack, the sakhis dump loads and loads of water over Shyama’s head. To tolerate the downpour, Krishna covers His eyes while smiling blissfully.

In retaliation, Madhava drenches the gopis with such torrents of water that they become momentarily stunned. But even then, the radiant loving faces of the gopis remain as effulgent as the orb of the full moon.

Unable to tolerate Her sakhis’ defeat, Sri Radha launches a bold offensive, splashing Shyama with both hands. Using Her cupped hands, Kishori completely soaks Krishna with thick streams of water. As the glittering water continually cascades down Krishna’s chest, it appears that Shyama is being pierced by the irresistible power of Cupid’s flower arrows. Krishna’s flower garland and pearl necklace snap; only His Kaustubha withstands defeat.

Regaining His composure, Krishna starts boasting before Radha, “O Priyaji, now see if You can bear My water barrage!” Laughing affectionately, Shyama souses Shyamaa jiu’s face with water. Although somewhat afflicted by Krishna’s onslaught, Kundeshvari Radha easily tolerates it by covering Her excited eyes with Her lotus hands.

From all the commotion, Radha-kunda becomes scented with flower pollen and honey falling off the pink, red, white and blue lotus flowers, and water lilies. The touch of Krishna and the Vraja-gopis increases the natural fragrance and coolness of the kunda. The musk, sandalwood and kunkuma falling from their bodies scents and tints the water with different attractive colors.

From a pavilion overlooking the kunda, Vrinda-devi, Nandimukhi and Dhanistha throw flower petals and loudly cheer for Swamini, “Jaya Radhe! Jaya Radhe!” From the opposite side of the lake, Subala and Kundalata, supporting Krishna’s side, shower flowers on Krishna while shouting, “Jaya Sri Krishna! Jaya Sri Krishna!”

Krishna renews His attack on the gopis by throwing armfuls of water. To protect themselves, the gentle gopis lower their heads and cover their eyes, ears and noses with their hands. With a thousand eyes, Shyama relishes the tender beauty of their lovely bodies; with a thousand feet, Krishna approaches them; with a thousand arms, He embraces them tightly; and with a thousand faces, Krishna softly kisses the doe-eyed gopis.

Seeing the golden faces and reddish pan-stained lips of Her sakhis turning pale from Krishna’s assault, sweet-voiced Radhika attacks Krishna with redoubled enthusiasm. The constant splashing of Radha and Her sakhis forces Krishna, the crest-jewel of lovers, to lower His head and say, “Stop, Stop! I am defeated.”

Radha, accepts Shyama’s surrender, stops spraying Him and bursts into laughter. Appreciating Radha’s blissful mood, one sakhi says, “O Radha! There is no need to splash Krishna anymore since He admits defeat. The flower garland on Hari’s head is hiding amidst His dark hair out of fear. The water has washed off His mineral powder designs, and the bees have rejected Rasika Mohana’s fallen flower garland.”

Lalita says, “O Swamini! Stop fighting now! Just see how Krishna’s topknot is undone, His tilaka has rubbed off, His earrings are shaking, and Govinda’s garland is torn to shreds. And now the glowing rays of Krishna’s Kaustubha gem have taken shelter of Your cheeks. O sakhi! Don’t torture Krishna anymore!”

The gopis celebrate their victory by slapping the water with their hands to make music, and sounds resembling croaking frogs, (jala manduka vaadya). Hearing the sound of thumping water, the peacocks mistake it for rumbling clouds, fan their feathers and dance madly. Madhumangala joins the peacocks while flapping his armpits and exclaiming ‘hee hee!’

During the water battles, sometimes Krishna defeats the gopis, and sometimes they defeat Krishna. From sporting in the water so long, the gopis’ bodies tire and become slightly thin. Consequently, their bangles start slipping from their wrists. Out of compassion, Krishna picks some lotus stems and lovingly fashions some bangles from them. Then Gopinatha ties them on the gopis’ wrists to keep their golden bangles from sliding off into the water.

After some time, the damsels of Vraja lose interest in splashing water as their creeper-like arms tire, and their braids, garlands and garments loosen. Similarly, their supporters also lose interest in cheering for their own team or ridiculing their opponents. Thus ends the water splashing pastime.

Radha-Krishna jala-keli lila ki jai!

Radha Kunda ki jai!

Jai Jai Sri Radhe!

Mahanidhi Swami

During the hot season, Krishna regularly plays in the various rivers, lakes, waterfalls, kundas and sarovaras of Vraja, i.e. Radha Kunda, Yamunaji, Pavana Sarovara and Manasi Ganga. Sometimes with the boys and sometimes with the gopis, Krishna thoroughly enjoys swimming, diving, floating, splashing, frolicking, and boating in the refreshingly, cool transcendental waters of Sridhama Vrindavana.

Sri Krishna’s water pastimes (jala-keli) are beautifully described in a variety of scriptures. The following lila comes from Srila Rupa Goswamipada’s Padyavali (269-280)

A Boating Pastime (nauka-lila)

One hot summer day, Nandanandana disguised Himself as a boatman wearing a red gumsha around His hips and another one tied on His head. Then He climbed into an old dilapidated boat tied to the shore of the Yamuna and pretended to sleep.

Radhika and Her sakhis approached that boatman and repeatedly called out, “Hey Nauka! Take us to the other side of Yamunaji!” Krishna, however, ignored their pleas while continuing to feign sleeping. Finally, the nauka-dhari woke up and said, “O My dear young girl, please step into My boat.

Just before Radha stepped into the boat, Lalita-sakhi whispered in Her ear, “Wait a minute sakhi! Look there at the boatman’s gumsha. He’s hiding a vamshi inside. This nauka is none other than that notorious Nauka Bihari Shyama!”

The ruse revealed, Radha said, “O Nauka Bihariji. The river is very deep, this is an old rickety boat, and we are simply helpless girls. It is very dangerous for us to board this boat. But what to do? There are no other naukas available at present who can take us slender girls across the Yamuna.”

Cautiously, the gopis boarded the boat and Krishna began plying the rickety craft across Yamunaji. In the middle of the Yamuna, Krishna suddenly stopped the boat and demanded immediate payment of the fare. Shyama smiled as He gazed at the frightened face of Radha, who had no money to give.

Forgoing the fare, Shyama moved the boat along. Out of nowhere, a powerful wind arose and started violently tossing the boat. Greatly alarmed, Radha said, “This boat is rocking to and fro. The river is deep and this reckless Nandanandana is the captain. Now the sun is setting in the west and the village of Vraja is still far away. And I am a helpless girl. O sakhi, what shall I do now?”

The boat started filling with water and began to sink into the Yamuna. Radha and the gopis tried their best to bail out the water. “O Lalita, said Radha! Alas! Destiny has become My enemy. My hands are exhausted. They can no longer throw out the water.

“The Yamuna is filled with huge waves, and the boat is filling with water. Still, Kåñëa is not afraid. Even in this calamity, lusty-hearted Krishna again and again puts His hand on me!”

Turning Her attention to the nauka-dhari, Radhika said, “O Shyama, all You do is speak joking words and fool around. O Krishna, if I live through this, I will never again place My feet in Your boat.”

Shyama replied to His sweetheart, “O Sundari Radha! Don’t be so harsh. By Your mercy We will live through this. All You need do is pay the boat-fare of a promise to enjoy with Me a festival of amorous pastimes in the cave of Govardhana Hill.”

Sometime later when the gopis came to the Yamuna, Radha remembered this encounter with “the boatman”. At that time, Kishori appealed to Her dear friends: “O sakhis! All of you please bow down before your ishta-devata, and pray that either Yamunaji becomes very shallow, or that we get a boat-captain other than Shyama!”

Remembering this pastime in the mood of maidservant, Srila Raghunatha dasa Goswamipada yearns for Radha’s intimate seva: “When will I serve Sri Radha in Her favorite lake on a warm summer evening? Yearning to enjoy water-pastimes, Radha and Her playful sakhis jubilantly sprinkle the expert Govinda with streams of water from their pitchkaris.” (Utkantha-dashaka 8)

Ananda Khanda Bhagavan Sri Krishna ki jai! Radha-Krishna Nauka-lila ki jai!

Nauka Bihari Shyama ki jai!

Jai Jai Sri Radhe!

Mahanidhi Swami

For the pleasure of your Thakurajis, devotees should place their Giriraja or Shaligrama shilas in a container of cool, fragrant water mixed with tulasi, flowers and sandalwood paste on the hot sunny days (above 32 C.). That means NOW from April to August (India), from 9 a.m. til sunset. Then remove Thakuraji and place Him on His singhasana.

For murtis i.e. Radha-Krishna, Gaura-Nitai, this seva means placing a small water fountain before Thakuraji. Srila Prabhupada describes, “Fountains can still be seen in various temples of Vrindavana during the summer season. It is a small, aromatic fountain of flowers fixed in front of the Deities.” (Krishna Book 45)

Here’s the details of this wonderful seva from Srila Sanatana Goswamipada’s Hari bhakti-vilasa (15.1-18):

The description starts with a prayer glorifying Gauranga’s grace. “By the mercy of Sri Chaitanya, even the most fallen can observe grand festivals i.e. water sports (jala vihara) for the pleasure of Bhagavan Sri Krishna. I take shelter of Sri Chaitanya.”

“After performing your regular daily puja, place Thakuraji in a container of water coming from either a gold, silver, copper or clay vessel. And please remember: DO NOT PUT Thakuraji in water on cloudy days.

“Because Vishnu created water; lies in it and because water is very dear to Vishnu, one should worship Hari by placing Him in water, especially during the hot season, jalsrashta yato visnur, jalashayi jalapriya, tasmad grishme visheshana, jalstham pujayed harim.”

Giriraja Dharan jala-keli utsava ki jai!

Jai Jai Sri Radhe!

Mahanidhi Swami

In pursuance of the conceptions described in part one, we humbly offer the following prayer. With a handful of words, we will attempt to express our gratitude to worshipable Sri Vrindavana, and all the amazing objects and entities therein who have so kindly allowed me to live amongst them for the last 29 years.

In so many ways, both directly and indirectly, they have all taught me about humility, and how to love, how to serve and how to respect each and every entity and everything in Sri Vrindavana Dhama. To all of them and my beloved Vrajabhumi, I humbly bow.

O hills, mountains, valleys and dust of Vrindavana, I bow down to you, and beg for your mercy.

O trees, forests and kunjas of Vrindavana, I bow down to you, and beg for your mercy.

O plants, shrubs, vines, herbs, flowers and seeds of Vrindavana, I bow down to you, and beg for your mercy.

O rivers, lakes, pools, kundas and sarovaras of Vrindavana, I bow down to you, and beg for your mercy.

O sky, clouds, stars, moon and sun of Vrindavana, I bow down to you, and beg for your mercy.

O spring, summer, rainy, autumn, cold and bitter cold seasons of Vrindavana, I bow down to you, and beg for your mercy.

O heat, cold, hot winds, rain, hail and storms of Vrindavana, I bow down to you, and beg for your mercy.

O Magha, Vaishakha and Karttika months of Vrindavana, I bow down to you, and beg for your mercy.

O insects, ants, mosquitoes, scorpions, crickets, lizards, mice, rats and snakes of Vrindavana, I bow down to you, and beg for your mercy.

O jackals, wolves, and bear of Vrindavana, I bow down to you, and beg for your mercy.

O squirrels, mongoose, rabbits, deer and neel gaya of Vrindavana, I bow down to you, and beg for your mercy.

O Gomata, buffalo, donkeys, camels, mules, horses, goats, sheep and chickens of Vrindavana, I bow down to you, and beg for your mercy.

O cats, dogs, pigs and monkeys of Vrindavana, I bow down to you, and beg for your mercy.

O hawks, owls, bats and crows of Vrindavana, I bow down to you, and beg for your mercy.

O doves, pigeons, sparrows, mynas, parrots and peacocks of Vrindavana, I bow down to you, and beg for your mercy.

O wasps, moths, butterflies and bees of Vrindavana, I bow down to you, and beg for your mercy.

O fish, frogs, turtles, ducks and cranes of Vrindavana, I bow down to you, and beg for your mercy.

O yatris, deshis, videshis and Vrajavasis of Vrindavana, I bow down to you, and beg for your mercy.

O bhangis, baniyas, bankers, brokers, brahmanas, police and politicians of Vrindavana, I bow down to you, and beg for your mercy.

O farmers, milkmen, mallis, sabji and fruits walls of Vrindavana, I bow down to you, and beg for your mercy.

O laborers, students, husbands, wives, widows and retirees of Vrindavana, I bow down to you, and beg for your mercy.

O boatmen, bus drivers, rickshaw, scooter and taxi wallas of Vrindavana, I bow down to you, and beg for your mercy.

O poets, artists, artisans, sculptors, musicians, singers, magicians and mukuta wallas of Vrindavana, I bow down to you, and beg for your mercy.

O brahmacaris, grhasthas, vanaprasthas, and sannyasis of Vrindavana, I bow down to you, and beg for your mercy.

O devoted ladies, doing puja here and there, of Vrindavana, I bow down to you, and beg for your mercy.

O sadhus, vairagis, swamis and babajis of Vrindavana, I bow down to you, and beg for your mercy.

O mahantas, sevaits, pujaris and Goswamis of Vrindavana, I bow down to you, and beg for your mercy.

O pandas, purohitas, vipras and vaidyas of Vrindavana, I bow down to you, and beg for your mercy.

O acharyas, panditas and gurus of Vrindavana, I bow down to you, and beg for your mercy.

O thakurjis, devatas, devis, lingas and shilas of Vrindavana, I bow down to you, and beg for your mercy.

O Govardhana, Varsana, Nandagrama, Yavata and Surya-kunda of Vrindavana, I bow down to you, and beg for your mercy.

O Radha Kunda, Shyama Kunda, Kusuma Sarovara, Manasi Ganga and Govinda-kunda of Vrindavana, I bow down to you, and beg for your mercy.

O Yamuna, Keshi-ghata, Vamshi-vata, Nidhi-vana, and Seva-kunja of Vrindavana, I bow down to you, and beg for your mercy.

O Dvadasha Vana, Upavanas, Nibhrta-nikunjas and Dana, Prema, and Mana gullies of Vrindavana, I bow down to you, and beg for your mercy.

O Srimati Radharani in all Your astoundingly beautiful, sweet and compassionate forms of Vrindavana, I bow down to you, and beg for your mercy.

O Sri Krishna in all Your incomparably enchanting, playful and mischievous forms of Vrindavana, I bow down to you, and beg for your mercy.

O Sri Vrindavana Dhama! Today, tomorrow and forever into eternity, I bow down to you, and beg for your mercy.

pavana radhe tero nama, pavana sri vrindavana dhama.

jaya jaya shyamaaa, jaya jaya shyama, jaya jaya sri vrindavana dhama!

Jai Jai Sri Radhe!

Mahanidhi Swami

In Bhakti-rasamrita-sindhu (1.2.88-89), Srila Rupa Goswamipada describes the devotional practice (bhakti-anga) of serving and worshiping persons and things (tadiyanam ca sevanam) that are related and very dear to Bhagavan Sri Krishna i.e. the Tulasi plant, Srimad Bhagavatam, Mathura/Vrindavana and the Vaisnavas, tadiyas tulasi-shastra-mathura vaisnava adayah.

All Gaudiya Vaisnava acharyas write and preach about worshiping Vrindavana because it is Bhagavan Sri Krishna’s sweet home, and the beautiful place of His most satisfying and blissful pastimes with His dearest sweetheart Srimati Radharani and all other elegant damsels of Vraja.

Here is a small sample of acharyas’ praising Sri Dhama Vrindavana.

Sri Prabodhananda Sarasvati:

“You should worship Vrindavana forest as if it were your very life and soul, because Vraja is filled with the essence of the greatest prema rasa known as madanakhya mahabhava. (5.45) With the nectar of ecstatic love, please worship Vrindavana, the most amazing of all Krishna’s abodes. (7.49) Please just worship Vrindavana, where Radhika eternally wanders from bower to bower. (13.25)

“Vrajabhumi is so special, unique and magnificently attractive that Srimati Radharani and Sri Krishna also worship Vrindavana. One day Shyama said, ‘O Priyaji! Let Us expand into millions of forms, and with each of those forms We will offer arati to Sri Vrindavana Dhama!’” (14.53) (Vrindavana Mahimamrita)

Srila Narottama dasa Thakura:

Thakura Narottama presents the essence of Krishna consciousness as, anande bolo hari, bhaja vrindavana, “Chant “Hari! Hari!” in bliss and worship Vrindavana!” (Nama Sankirtana)

Srila Prabhupada comments: “If you want a transcendental, blissful life, then chant the Hare Krishna Maha Mantra, and come worship the holy place of Vrindavana!” (SB 4.23.7)

The entire Vraja Mandala is the tadiya vastu of Sri Krishna, and it is eternally and intimately connected with Krishna. Not only Vraja Bhumi but all the objects, places, things and Vrajavasi residents are also tadiya and worshipable. In his bhajana “Vrindavana Mahimamrita, Srila Narottama dasa Thakura sings, “jaya radhe, jaya krishna, jaya vrindavana, shyama-kunda, radha kunda, giri-govardhana….and…”All glories to Yamuna, Mahavana, Keshi-ghata, Vamshi-vata, Dvadasha Vana, Rama-ghata and also all glories, all glories to the wonderful Vrajavasis, jaya jaya vrindavana basi jata jana.”

While teaching the science of bhakti-yoga to His devotee, Bhagavan Sri Krishna said, “O my dear Uddhava! Without being embarrassed or caring about the laughter of friends, one should transcend his bodily consciousness and offer dandavat pranams to all—even the cows, outcastes, dogs and asses, visrjya smayamanan svan, drsham vridam ca daihikim, pranamed danda-vad bhumav, a shva, chandala go kharam.” (SB 11.29.16)

Srila Visvanatha Cakravartipada comments, “Here Bhagavan Sri Krishna is saying, ‘O Uddhava! This verse describes the practice of one who naturally sees Me everywhere. One should disregard the ridicule of friends who are saying, “Look! This great person is offering respects to a low creature.” ‘Uddhava, one should give up the bodily conception of thinking, “I am so elevated and he is so fallen. So how can I offer respects to him?” Just give up that embarrassment, see Krishna everywhere and offer respects even to the dogs and chandalas.’”

500 years ago, Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu spoke similar instructions: “Considering one’s self to be lower than a blade of grass, one should always show respect to others, trnad api sunichena, mana dena.” Gauranga also said, “A devotee should be prideless and show respect to all living entities, knowing them to be the resting place of Krishna, habe nirabhimana jive sammana, dibe jani krishna adhisthana.” (Cc. 3.20.21, 25)

Jai Jai Sri Radhe! Vrindavana Dhama ki jai ho!