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Mahanidhi Madan Gopal Das

Srimad Bhagavatam is called the “king of all spiritual books” (Grantha Raja) for good reason. Within this triguna-free, immaculate and divine spiritual shastra, the amala-purana, one will find all the sweet, majestic and beautiful truths about the sadhana and sadhya (daily practice and perfection) of Gaudiya Vaisnavism.

In his most compassionate and wonderful shastra, Sri Chaitanya Caritamrita, Sri Krishna Dasa Kaviraja summarizes all the teachings of the six Goswamis of Vrindavana by quoting the key Bhagavatam verses which the Goswamis themselves used to prove and substantiate these beautiful truths.

To highlight its importance for all devotees of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu and Radha-GovindaYugala, the same Bhagavatam verse is often quoted three or more times in Caitanya Caritamrita.

With the grace of Sri Advaita Prabhu, Sri Guru and the Vaisnavas, this series will focus on these super important Bhagavatam verses and commentaries in order to present the beautiful truths or tattvas of Gaudiya Vaisnavism i.e. Sri Krishna, Sri Radha, Bhakti Sadhana, Sri Harinama, Krishna Prema, Sri Guru and the Vaisnavas.

Beautiful Truths


* Devotees Are Superior to Brahmins
viprād -dvi-ṣaḍ-guṇa-yutād,-aravinda-nābha,
pādāravinda-vimukhāt-śva, pacaṁ-variṣṭham
manye -tad-arpita-mano,-vacane-hitārtha-
prāṇaṁ-punāti-sa-kulaṁ,- natu-bhūrimānaḥ (Srimad Bhagavatam 7.9.10)
Sri Prahlada said, I consider a dog-eater who has dedicated everything—his mind, words, activities, wealth and life—to Bhagavan Sri Krishna superior to a brāhmaṇa having all the twelve qualities of brahmin averse to Bhagavan. The dog-eater purifies his whole family, whereas the so-called respectable person does not.

Srila Visvanatha Cakravartitika: One should consider the absence or presence of bhakti. The dog-eater who has offered his mind, actions (īhitam), wealth (artha), words and life to Sri Krishna is far superior to a born brahmin endowed with the good qualities of knowledge, mind and sense control, shyness, tolerance, lack of envy, determination and peace.
How is the dog-eater devotee superior? He purifies his whole family whereas a venerable Brahmin without Krishna bhakti cannot purify himself, what to speak of his family.

* Devotee Helps Others
etāvaj-janma-sāphalyaṁ, dehinām-iha-dehiṣu,
prāṇair-arthair-dhiyā-vācā, śreya-ācaraṇaṁ-sadā (Srimad Bhagavatam 10.22.35)
It is the duty of every living being to perform welfare activities for the benefit of others with one’s life, wealth, intelligence and words.

Sri Jiva Goswamipada tika: Words means giving good instructions to free one from samsara.

Srila Visvanatha Cakravarti tika: One should use one’s life to serve others.

* A Nama Sadhaka Is Topmost
aho-bata-śva-paco, ’to garīyān,
yaj-jihvāgre- vartate,- nāma-tubhyam
tepus -tapas –te,- juhuvuḥ -sasnurāryā,
brahmānūcur-nāma, gṛṇanti -ye -te   (Srimad Bhagavatam 3.33.7)
How astonishing! The outcaste who chants Your name with even the tip of his tongue becomes a guru (gariyan)! All those who chant your name are most respectable, and they have already performed all types of austerities, yagyas, sacrifices, bathing (tirtha-snanas) and Vedic study (brahma-anucuh.

Srila Visvanatha Cakravartitika: This is most astonishing (aho-bata)! The outcaste who chants just one name of Bhagavan Sri Krishna is the best guru (gariyān). He becomes a qualified diksha guru empowered to teach and give mantra to others.

Srila Prabhupada tika: If one has the pure mentality of only chanting the holy name to please Bhagavan Sri Krishna, then even a low born person is purified and quite competent to deliver others (as Guru), even though he or she was born in a family not following Vedic rules and regulations.

* The Perfect Devotee King
sa –vai- manaḥ- kṛṣṇa, -padāravindayor,
karau- harer- mandira,-mārjanādiṣu,
śrutiṁ- cakārācyuta, -sat-kathodaye

tad-bhṛtya-gātra, -sparśe -’ṅga-saṅgamam
ghrāṇaṁ -ca -tat-pāda,-saroja-saurabhe,
śrīmat-tulasyā,- rasanāṁ -tad-arpite

pādau–hareḥ-kṣetra, -padānu-sarpaṇe,
kāmaṁ -ca- dāsyen,-atukāma-kāmyayā,
yathottama-śloka, -janāśray-āratiḥ (Srimad Bhagavatam 9.4.18-20)

King Ambarisha attained bhava or love for Bhagavan by using his mind, senses and whole body in favorably serving Bhagavan Sri Krishna by meditating upon Krishna’s lotus feet, glorifying Bhagavan Sri Krishna, cleaning Hari’s mandira, hearing Sri Acyuta -katha, taking Thakuraji -Mukunda’s- darshana, visiting Sri Hari’s lila-sthalis like Mathurā and Vṛndāvana.

Touching and embracing Vaisnavas, smelling Thakuraji’s maha oil perfumes and flowers, tasting Sri Krishna’s maha-tulasi, bowing down to Sri Hrshikesh and His bhaktas, and by engaging all his desires in selflessly serving Bhagavan Sri Krishna under the shelter of loving devotees fully attached glorifying Bhagavan Sri Krishna.

Srila Visvanatha Cakravartitika: These verses describe the kings’ sādhana for attaining Krishna prema. King Ambarish performed all these wonderful devotional acts with the sole desire to attain love divine devoid of material desire as seen in Prahlāda and other pure Vaisnavas.

Srila Prabhupada: This verse shows that IT IS NOT POSSIBLE TO TRAIN ONESELF without guidance from the spiritual master. The first business of a devotee is to accept a bona fide spiritual master who can train him to engage his various senses in rendering transcendental service to Bhagavan Sri Krishna.

Vaisnava Tattva ki jai! Srimad Bhagavatam ki jai! Jaya Jaya Sri Radhe!

Mahanidhi Madan Gopal Das

1977, we left our Delhi train in Mathura, and bounced along the dusty road in a clickety-click, clickety-click horse cart ride to Vrndavana. “Welcome to Vrndavana, the Land of Krishna” said the sign as we approached its precincts.

“Ahh, we made it, we’re here; this is the spiritual world!”

Then Sri Vrndavtavi Mata blessed us with our first darshana of Vrndavana, and completely excited our heart with a special kind of attraction. We felt a unique sense of imperceptible peace, and some inexplicable feeling of continually resonating joy in the core of our heart.

As we wandered about the villages of Vrndavana, Varshana, Nandagrama, Govardhana and Radha-kunda all of our senses, especially our eyes, ears and nose, were captivated and transported to a subtle and mysterious realm far beyond whatever lies outside this “play land of God”, lilabhumi Vrndavana.

Now we will share some of our memories from forty-two years ago.

Legions of robust, brilliant green happy parrots chattered everywhere in the neem trees lining the Chattikara road like rows of sentinels guarding the path from the Delhi Road to the Banke Bihari Mandir. The road was so narrow that if two cars were passing, the car giving way would get scratched by the scrawny, thorny babul trees (acacia arabica) flanking the road.

The twisty, narrow roads of bricks were polished smooth from millions of loving shuffles scurrying to tiny temples or regal palaces housing the sweet Kings of their hearts. In the small “family temples” and grand mandirs, the Thakurajis were all being cooled with large cloth fans pulled by the eager hands of grateful bhaktas.

Before our Vrndavana yatra we had darshan of many Krishna murtis in mandirs in America, Canada and UK. But here in Vrndavana, we experienced the Thakurajis to be very different, extra special, close and friendly, touchable and human like. If you reach out, Thakuraji will hold your hand, whisper something in your ear and move into your heart. Here the Thakurajis are not aloof and distant. They are loving, and like gaumata they want attention and care.

Thakuraji wants to be close and near His devotees. He misses them and hankers to see them in every arati. When you take darshan of Damodar jiu, Govindadeva, Gopinatha, Radha Raman, Radha Vallabh and Shyamsundar you feel that They really like you, and appreciate your standing before them admiring Their sweet and perfectly beautiful divine forms with every drop of devotion you possess.

“O such a land! Such a wondrous experience! And such a love found in nowhere but Vrndavana!”

The Yamuna River, glistening with an undeniably rich dark blue color, immediately reminded us of our beloved Shyamsundar. Yamunaji meandered in a zig-zag way through the magical landscape, not purposely toward a goal, but lazily like a person relishing one’s self in the inner world of contentment. Like the path of Krishna bhakti, Yamunaji moved slowly, carrying the hidden treasure of her personal joy while steadily move toward her goal, the ocean.

One night at 1.30 a.m. while sleeping in our small Raman Reti guesthouse, we were suddenly awakened by some unearthly sound. It was the deep thunderous crying of what seemed to be thousands of domestic cats meowing in unison. What was that curious mystical cry? The sound abated after some time, but then again roared back into prominence at about 4 a.m.

The next morning, our Vrajavasi friend said, “O that is the peacocks in the forests singing for Radha-Krishna’s nightly rasa lila. And at 4, they are calling all the bhaktas to come for Krishna’s darshan in mangal arati!”

In 1992, by Krishna’s power alone, we did dandavat parikrama of Vrndavana. It was all just sandy plains from Keshi Ghat to the big white Jagannatha Mandir. Then believe it or not, the entire length of the parikrama marga was ONLY soothing cool and purifying white Yamuna sand. Parrot and peacock filled big tall neem, palasha, kadamba and arjuna trees interspersed with fruit orchards of ber, guava and jamun trees lined both sides of the marga. Crossing the Vrndavana-Mathura road, the parikrama marga was bordered by big trees and garden filled spacious ashrams of various saints all the way to Raman Reti.

Often we would take visiting devotees to the then tallest building in Vrndavana, the seven storied “Pagal Baba Mandir”. From its roof we would point out the Goswami Saptalaya Mandir domes, and the royal Madan Mohan temple gloriously reigning atop Dvadashaditya Tila.

This is the Vrndavana of forty-two years ago that completely captured the dry and broken heart of one 24-year-old American. Like many, we were searching for a nature loving, personal and playful God. We found Him here; Krishna and Radha in their paradise of pure devotion, Vrndavana! It was an incredible overtaking of our being. Impossible but it’s happening. We can see, smell, hear, taste, touch and feel Krishna right here, NOW in Vrndavana.

Ten years later, in 1987, by Srimati Radharani’s mercy, we happily moved permanently to Vrndavana. Then a tragedy appeared. Unfortunately, for the next 20 years (1987-2007), we painfully and helplessly watched the divine paradise that once enchanted our hearts disappear right before our tear-filled eyes.

Sadly, our hearts broken, it’s now ALL GONE! No more trees, no more parrots, peacocks or mynas, those talented maestros, and NO MORE YAMUNA! Small “family temples” vanished under the rubble of stores and apartments. Other friendly, sweet and vibrant small temples turned into sprawling complexes of marble, gold, tinsel and trim all neatly packaged in steel “monkey cages”. Thakuraji’s “devotee fans” moved by loving hands and hearts were replaced by ceiling fans and AC’s.

During the destruction of Vrndavana, we often thought and prayed, “O Radharani! You are the Queen of the trees, birds and forests of Vrndavana. And You are the one and only supreme Empress of absolutely, pure and immaculate selfless love for Sri Krishna, mahabhava. We promise You that if we ever get some money, we will buy a little land and offer You some beautiful trees as a small token of our love and gratitude for all and everything that you have and still are giving to us.”

After many years, by Srimati Radharani’s sweet will, She gave some land in Her heart’s domain, Sri Radha-kunda Dhama. By Sri Krishna’s grace there are now over thirty-five trees here for Lila Yugal’s enjoyment, including neem, campak, asoka, amla, moulshri and Their favorites, our precious Tamal and Kadamba yugal vrksh.

With great disappointment, however, we have seen that most of the devotees buying land here will mindlessly decimate all the trees, and then cover every inch of their plots with cement, buildings driveways and towering walls, leaving zero vraj raja, save and except a ceremonial “tulsi stambha”. What about serving Vrndavana, and pleasing the Queen who so kindly gave you the land, Vrndavaneshvari Sri Radha?

We met one South Indian sadhu just after he purchased a plot in Vrndavana. “Maharaja, what is your plan for your land? Are you going to cover every inch with cement like everyone else does?”

Swamiji replied, “O, No, no, this is Vraja. I promise you I will build a small ashram along the back wall and leave the remaining area for a garden with trees and flowers for our Thakuraji.”

“Yes, this is good. Actually, it’s a privilege and a special favor from Srimati Radharani to be granted some land in Her Queendom. “Your property” and all the land in Vrndavana actually belongs to Sri Radha alone. We are merely guardians meant to protect and beautify it with flowers and trees as a place for the happiness and sweet pastimes of Sri Sri Radha Govinda Yugal.”

Conversation over, construction starts and guess what happened? A big ashram manifested eating all the land, and the “promised garden” is nonexistent! Such is the age of Kali!

To all those blessed devotees moving to Vrndavana and building a home on a private plot, we humbly make the following appeal. No matter how big or small your plot is, please only build on one-third or one-half of “your land”, and leave the rest for a “Radharani Bagicha”, a beautiful garden full of fragrant flowers and happy trees! The is real residence in Vrndavana, Vrajavasa, and this is Krishna bhakti.

In closing, we pray: “O Vraja! O Vrndatavi Mata! How very much we miss you that while writing this our tears are falling on the paper. Will we ever see you again? Will we ever be embraced by you again, and fill with that special feeling of love, security, hope and happiness than only a bhakta can perceive? O Srimati Radharani! If Vraja does not return, then please I beg You to take me to Your lotus feet in Goloka Vrndavana Dhama.

Jai Jai Sri Radhe! Sridham Vrndavana ki jai!

Mahanidhi Madan Gopal Das

To progress nicely in Radha-Krishna bhakti -bhajan, we offer the following ideas for your daily remembrance and practice, sadhana -abhyasa. For most Gaudiya Vaisnavas this is the essence of SAMBANDHA and PRAYOJANA i.e. the foundation and goal of Radha-Krishna bhakti bhajan.

Our Eternal Identity

** By nature every jivatma (you) is an eternal servant, part and parcel of Bhagavan Sri Krishna.

** As Gaudiya Vaisnavas we are Radha-Govinda Yugala -upasakas, which means that here every day, and forever in Vraja Gokula, we will worship Radha and Krishna in the keli -kunjas, divine play groves of Sridhama Vrndavana in Goloka—the spiritual sky.

** My Sthayi-rati (permanent mood of loving attachment to Bhagavan Sri Krishna.)

Of the five Vraja rasas or ratis, we possess and serve Sri Krishna in the topmost form of madhurya-rati (divinely ecstatic amorous love), with the same parakiya bhava that Srimati Radharani and all Her confidential sakhis like Lalita, Visakha and Tulasi-manjari feel toward Bhagavan Sri Krishna.

** We are eternal loving maidservants (manjaris/dasis/kinkaris) of Srimati Radharani, following the moods and sevas of Her other manjaris like Sri Rupa and Tulasi manjaris.

** For Sri Radhika’s happiness, in our daily reading and meditation, we offer one specific seva (which we cherish most), and a variety of other tasteful services to please Swamini Radha throughout the day and night, asta-kaliya lila.

** Upon attaining Radha-Govinda prema, we will leave this maya jagat, samsara, once and for all, and go directly to Radha-Govinda Yugala’s pastimes in Bhauma Vrndavana.

** Then Srimati Herself and Her dearest companions like Visakha sakhi, Tulasi-manjari, Guru manjari and param-guru manjari will personally train us in perfect sevas, and all the nuances and advanced feelings beyond Krishna prema i.e sneha, maan, pranaya, raga, anuraga, bhava and MAHABHAVA.

** Our hearts and bodies have now become perfect (siddha-deha/siddha-bhava)—complete and immaculate divine spiritual beings.

** Upon concluding Their prakata lila in Bhauma Vrndavana, Radha-Govinda Yugala, all Their eternal associates (nitya-siddhas), and all Their sadhana-siddha dasi manjaris (us) will go directly to Goloka Vrndavana in the spiritual sky to eternally serve Radha-Krishna in the ever-fresh, beautiful and natural play land of loving happiness—Sridhama Vrndavana.

Jai Jai Sri Radhe!

Sri Vraja Dhama ki jai!

Mahanidhi Madan Gopal Das

It’s true that both in quality and quantity, Bhagavan Sri Krishna is infinitely SAT CHIT AND ANANDA, which means Sri Krishna has a beautiful spiritual form made of eternity, all-pervading unlimited consciousness, and infinite transcendental, ecstatic loving bliss.

ishvara parama krishna, sac cid ananda vigraha,
“Bhagavan Sri Krishna is the transcendental form of eternity, unlimited knowledge and bliss.” (Brahma-samhita 5.1)

Although many think and speak, “The jivatmas or jivas (human beings like us) are like Sri Krishna, sac cid ananda, one with Krishna in quality but not in quantity. Thus Krishna is the big sat chit ananda, and we are a small edition, “chota sat chit ananda”.


This is completely INCORRECT due to a misunderstanding of the word ANAND, which is often used when describing the jivatama. According to Upanisads, Srimad Bhagavatam, Puranas and the Vrndavana Six Goswamis the eternal constitution, nature, or composition of the jivatma is only SAT and CHIT, eternality and consciousness. In other words, “I am eternal and I am aware of my existence.” [Sri Gita 2.20]

Now we give a brief summary of the sastras and Sri Jiva Goswamipada’s definition of the inherent nature of the jivatma.

To begin with, Sri Jiva Goswamipada says that understanding the true identity and nature of the jiva is the first step in the science of God-realization. (Tattva San. Anu. 53)

In various Sandarbhas, he explains that ananda is only in the svarupa-shakti of Bhagavan Sri Krishna and NOT IN tatastha-shakti i.e. the jivatmas. We jivatmas only have the POTENTIAL TO EXPERIENCE ANANDA, if and when we receive the gift of bhakti by the grace of Bhagavan Sri Krishna or Sri Guru.

Bhakti is a combination of Sri Krishna’s two transcendental potencies, hladini i.e. bliss, real spiritual ananda, and samvit i.e. transcendental knowledge.

The material happiness we jivatmas feel through our senses, bodies or minds has absolutely nothing to do with the transcendental ananda that is part of Sri Krishna’s being.

As said earlier, the confusion about the true identity of the jivatma arises from the misunderstanding and misapplication of the word ANANDA. It is just like the word ATMA, which sastra uses interchangeably to mean either SOUL, MIND OR BODY.

A second example is the word KAMA, which, depending on the context, can mean either base, material desire or physical LUST i.e. intense craving to satisfy one’s selfish carnal instincts.

Or in spiritual matters KAMA refers to the cent per cent, absolutely pure spiritual desire, and intense transcendental amorous passion of the Vraja gopis like Srimati Radharani to please and satisfy Sri Krishna in every possible way, without a pinch, fragrance or even one iota of selfish desires “for me”.

Similarly, the word ANANDA is used to describe the material happiness of the jiva as in “Are you feeling anand?” Such material ananda, which is merely a play of polarity or the removal of a distress or lacking, should never be confused or equated with the totally transcendental eternal ANANDA of Bhagavan Sri Krishna.

Sri Jiva Goswamipada explains in Paramatma Sandarbha that the chit or knowledge aspect of the jivatma is merely the potential to learn and experience material knowledge, the innate nature of knowing. All the material knowledge that we may collect is stored in the buddhi. This knowledge, chit feature, is not part of the jivatma’s transcendental nature.

It is only if and when the jivatma receives Krishna’s transcendental chit shakti in the form of bhakti by the grace Bhagavan or Sri Guru that spiritual bliss i.e. TRUE AND REAL ANANDA, and transcendental knowledge CHIT are infused and mixed in the inherent nature of the transcendental jivatma.

Thus all Krishna bhaktas should understand, appreciate and be forever grateful to Sri Krishna and Sri Guru for Their giving the matchless gift of pure bhakti. By the mercy of bhakti, all devotees can now know and understand Sri Krishna, reality the beautiful.

And they can NOW TRULY LOVE and experience unending real spiritual joy and fulfillment in the service of Sri Sri Radha-Krishna in the pleasure bowers of Vraja for time eternal!

Jai Jai Sri Radhe!

(concept, Dr. Sri Satyanarayana Das Babaji Maharaja)

Sri Krishna ki jai! Sri Guru ki jai! Bhakti-devi ki jai!

Mahanidhi Madan Gopal Das

His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada appeared in a family of pure Gaudiya Vaisnavas in 1896 in Calcutta. From early childhood he showed signs of pure devotion to Lord Sri Krishna.

At the tender age of five, he single-handedly organized a neighborhood Ratha yatra festival to glorify Lord Jagannatha. He authentically decorated a small cart to resemble the Lord’s colossal chariot in Puri. Besides leading the kirtana party, he organized cooking and prasadam distribution.

With his enthusiasm and ecstatic love for Lord Krishna he engaged the community in chanting:

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare,
Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare.

Unlike other children his age who would waste their time playing, Srila Prabhupada preferred to visit the local Radha Krishna temple. For hours together, he would lovingly gaze upon the transcendental forms of Radha Govindaji, absorbing Their divine blessings and beautiful darsana.

In his youth, Maharaja Pariksit used to dress a Deity of Krishna. Similarly, from his childhood, Srila Prabhupada also began worshiping small Deities of Radha and Krishna. He quickly mastered the traditional beats and ragas on mrdanga and harmonium. With pure devotion Srila Prabhupada would sing sweet devotional bhajanas to please Radha Govindaji.

At twenty-six, he met his eternal spiritual master Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura (Founder Acarya of Gaudiya Math). At their first meeting, Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura gave Srila Prabhupada a divine command: “Go to the West and spread Krishna consciousness in the English language.”

In full faith Srila Prabhupada embraced the order as his life and soul. After realizing his guru’s teachings, he started writing and distributing Back to Godhead, an English language magazine on the science of Krishna consciousness. Although begun in 1944 in a small way, “Back to Godhead” now circulates worldwide in over fifty languages.

Srila Prabhupada, like all pure Vaisnavas, showed immense compassion for the suffering conditioned souls. Although they are rotting in the materialistic life of ignorance, the stubborn conditioned souls insist that they “have no time for spiritual life.”

Neither their indifference, nor the sizzling summer heat of Delhi could keep Srila Prabhupada from distributing the cooling balm of Krishna consciousness. Once while selling Back to Godhead he collapsed on the street from heat stroke. Yet he remained fixed in his determination to please his spiritual master.

He took sannyasa in 1959 after retiring from household life. Taking shelter of Vrndavana, he rented a bhajana kutira in the Radha Damodara temple where he absorbed the association of Sri Rupa and Sri Jiva Gosvamis. Srila Prabhupada spent the next six years performing intensive Krishna bhajana.

Regularly, he bathed in Yamuna, and took darsana of Madana Mohana, Govindaji, Gopinatha, and Radha Ramana. He prayed for the mercy of the six Gosvamis and continued writing and printing. During bhajana he would receive blessings, inspiration, and direct guidance from the all merciful Sri Rupa Gosvami.

At this time, he began his life’s main literary work, an English translation with commentary of the Srimad Bhagavatam. For Srila Prabhupada it was more of a devotional outpouring than a mere translation from esoteric Sanskrit to understandable English.

Gaudiya Vaisnava history reveals that some advanced devotees would begin crying in spiritual happiness while reading the Srimad Bhagavatam. Smearing the ink on the pages, their tears would make the lines illegible. Similarly, Srila Prabhupada once said that his Srimad Bhagavatam commentaries are actually expressions of his “devotional ecstasies.”

Working alone, Srila Prabhupada wrote, begged money to print, and personally hauled the paper to publish the first three volumes of Srimad Bhagavatam. Recollecting these times, he once said humbly to his disciples:

“I did not know anything about writing. But my spiritual master told me to spread Lord Krishna’s glories in English. So this is what I tried to do, following in the steps of my Guru Maharaja. He was such a transcendental aristocrat. I had no great personal qualifications. I just tried to follow his instructions.”

Other disciples of Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura tried unsuccessfully to preach Krishna consciousness in English speaking Europe. Srila Prabhupada, however, had full faith in his guru and Krishna’s name. Fearless as Abhimanyu, he brought Krishna consciousness to the world’s most powerful country, America.

Besides speaking English and being a “super power,” America was leading the world in the sinful activities of meat eating, illicit sex, gambling, intoxication. If Americans would take up Krishna consciousness, thought Srila Prabhupada, then surely it would spread to “every town and village,” as Lord Caitanya predicted five hundred years ago. After all, “What’s a glorious victory without a glorious fight,” which Srila Prabhupada would sometimes say.

At the age of seventy, armed with karatalas and a crate of Bhagavatams, Srila Prabhupada set off to America in 1965 on the steamship “Jaladutta.” During the arduous forty-day sea journey the ship met heavy storms. For two consecutive nights, he had severe heart attacks which almost killed him.

On the third night, Lord Krishna appeared to Srila Prabhupada in a dream. The Supreme Lord Himself was pulling the ship to America, encouraging Srila Prabhupada and giving him all protection. Srila Prabhupada penned this prayer upon reaching New York City:

“My dear Lord Krishna, You are so kind upon this useless soul, but I do not know why You have brought me here. Now You can do whatever You like with me. How shall I make them understand the message of Krishna consciousness?

“I am very unfortunate, unqualified, and most fallen. Therefore, I am seeking Your benediction so I can convince them. For I am powerless to do so on my own.

“O Lord, I am like a puppet in Your hands. So if You have brought me here to dance, then make me dance, make me dance. O Lord, make me dance as You like.”

In Manhattan, Srila Prabhupada struggled through the icy cold snowbound winter of l965. He continued writing and occasionally selling a few Bhagavatams. But for one year nothing really happened.

Gradually, a few yoga students began attending his classes on Bhagavad gita. The word spread that an “Indian swami was in town teaching a unique yoga method: chanting Hare Krishna.” After his room was robbed, he moved into a small storefront apartment at 26 Second Avenue in the Lower East Side.

In nearby Tompkins Square Park, Srila Prabhupada led the first public chanting of Hare Krishna in the Western world. On July 13, 1966, he founded ISKCON (The International Society for Krishna Consciousness) and initiated a dozen disciples.

To receive initiation disciples must promise to give up all forms of illicit sex, meat eating, intoxication, and gambling. Srila Prabhupada was well on his way to realizing his mission.

Under Srila Prabhupada’s pure guidance the Krishna consciousness movement quickly flourished. Within months ISKCON Radha Krishna temples opened in New York, San Francisco, Boston, Los Angeles, Montreal, and London. In the l970’s, he traveled around the world fourteen times, establishing 108 Radha Krishna temples in all the major cities of the America, Europe, Africa, India, Asia, and Australia.

He initiated a total of five thousand sincere disciples from different nationalities. He opened asramas and pure vegetarian “Govinda’s” restaurants. On every continent he started Vedic gurukulas and goshalas. Srila Prabhupada was the first spiritual master to introduce both elegant Deity worship of Radha and Krishna and the annual Ratha yatra festival of Lord Jagannatha in the western countries.

ISKCON’s Jagannatha Ratha yatra festivals, complete with three beautiful wooden carts carrying Lord Jagannatha, Lord Baladeva, and Lady Subhadra, a thunderous sankirtana procession, and massive prasadam distribution, take place every year in over two hundred cities worldwide.

Though constantly traveling and preaching to priests, princes, politicians, philosophers, scientists, and his disciples, Srila Prabhupada kept translating the Srimad Bhagavatam. He wrote over eighty books about Krishna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead.

Some of his most famous works are: Bhagavad gita As It Is, KRISHNA BOOK, Teachings of Lord Caitanya, Nectar of Devotion, Science of Self Realization, and English translations with commentaries on Srimad Bhagavatam, , Isopanisad, Upadesamrta, Narada Bhakti-sutras, Mukunda mala stotra, and Caitanya Caritamrta.

Prabhupada’s books appear in fifty languages such as French, German, Italian, Spanish, Chinese, Russian, Japanese, Swahili, Hindi, Bengali. And almost a billion copies have been distributed worldwide.

In only eleven years, between the ages of seventy and eighty-one, Srila Prabhupada accomplished his mission. He credited his phenomenal success to personal effort, unshakeable faith in his spiritual master, and complete faith in and dependence upon the Divine Names of Bhagavan Sri Krishna.

He was not an ordinary person. Srila Prabhupada was personally chosen and empowered by Sri Krishna and Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu spread “Krishna consciousness” and chanting Hare Krishna all over the world.

In Vrndavana, l977, on November 14th, during the most auspicious time of Karttika, while surrounded by loving disciples singing their hearts out in kirtana, Srila Prabhupada chanted Hare Krishna and entered the eternal pastimes of Radha Syamasundara. To this day, ISKCON is expanding due to member cooperation, and the strict following of Srila Prabhupada’s ideal example of divine behavior and his pure devotional teachings.

As one of the world’s most dynamic religious and cultural movements, ISKCON has more than four hundred temples on five continents. Srila Prabhupada’s bhajan kutir and samadhi are in Vrndavana at the Radha-Damodara Mandira, and the ISKCON Krishna Balarama Mandira.

(Book Excerpt: Gaudiya Vaisnava Biographies and Samadhis in Vrndavana)

Mahanidhi Madan Gopal Das

There are twenty amazing and intimate ways to express your devotion, dependence and attachment to your Priya Thakuraji i.e. beloved transcendental murti form of Bhagavan Sri Krishna. Of Sri Rupa Goswamipada’s sixty-four limbs of bhakti sadhana, ten forms of bhakti (#23-42) directly involve Sri Thakuraji and His worshipers—us!

Upon reading this description you will discover that our beautiful, sweet, charming and playful master, Sri Krishna, not only likes formal worship, but Syama also likes the wild frantic dancing of His bhaktas.

The term Sri -Thakuraji means one’s favorite and beloved murti or Deity (Devata) of Sri Krishna i.e. Bankebihari, Radha-Vallabha, Radha-Syama or Radha Ramana.

By citing Srimad -Bhagavatam and other Puranas, Sri Rupa Goswamipada reveals twenty different ways to please and personally interact with Radha and Krishna in their most beautiful, merciful, and accessible transcendental forms.

After listing each item, Sri -Rupa mentions the benefits attained by these loving exchanges with Bhagavan Sri Krishna. The benefits and their sources from Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu are in brackets. By engaging in these ways with Sri -Thakuraji, you will: conquer maya, and become free from disease, sin and rebirth (1.2.125-6, 129); attain liberation to Vaikuntha (1.2.139); and fulfil all your desires (1.2.165).


1 Accept Sri Thakuraji’s -Nirmalya (1.2.125)

Eating, smelling, touching and wearing Krishna’s divine food, perfumes, flower malas and celestial clothing.

2 Dance Frantically Before Sri Thakuraji (agre- tandavam: (1.2.128)

3 Dandavats -To Sri Thakuraji (1.2.129)

4 Stand Up To Greet Sri Thakuraji (1.2.130)

5 Follow Sri -Thakuraji In Procession (1.2.131)

6 Visit Sri -Thakuraji’s Sacred Places (1.2.132)

(i.e. mandira, Vrndavana, Navadvipa etc.)

7 Parikrama (1.2.135)

(Sri -Thakuraji’s -murti or temple four times)

8 Worship Sri Thakuraji “Deity Worship” (1.2.137)

(bathing, dressing, feeding)

9 Paricarya -Seva to Sri -Thakuraji (1.2.140)

(wave camara, ring bell, blow conch)

10 Gita, Solo Singing Bhajans for Sri -Thakuraji (1.2.144)

11 Sankirtana, Singing Loudly (1.2.145)

(Krishna’s names, qualities, pastimes)

12 Japa, Silently Utter Diksa -Mantras (1.2.149)

(before Sri -Thakuraji)

13 Vijnapti, Submissive Prayers (1.2.151)

(express your worthlessness, and submit your inner feelings towards Sri -Thakuraji while ever yearning for His personal service)

14 Stava -Patha (1.2.157-9)

(before Sri -Thakuraji, recite Bhagavad-gita; prayers of acaryas and mahajanas; and your spontaneous outpourings and heart’s compositions)

15 Naivedyam -Svado, Relish Maha -Prasada (1.2.160)

(honoring Sri -Thakuraji’s tulasi, grains, fruits etc.)

16 Padya -Svado, Drink Sri -Thakuraji’s -Caranamrta (1.2.161)

17 Dhupa -Saurabhyam (1.2.162)

(smelling Sri -Thakuraji’s incense, flowers, malas, perfumes)

18 Sri -Murti -Sparsanam (1.2.165)

(touching Sri -Thakuraji if one is qualified)

19 Sri -Murti -Darsanam (1.2.166)

(looking at your Priya -Sri -Thakuraji, and being overwhelmed by feelings of love)

20 Aratrika -Darsanam (1.2.167)

(seeing Sri -Thakuraji’s -arati, festivals, and puja—bathing, dressing etc.)

Love your Thakuraji -ki jai! Jai Jai Sri Radhe!

Mahanidhi Madan Gopal Das

Srimad Bhagavatam is called the “king of all spiritual books” (Grantha Raja) for good reason. Within this tri-guna-free, immaculate and divine spiritual sastra, the amala purana, one will find all the sweet, majestic and beautiful truths about the sadhana and sadhya (daily practices and perfection) of Gaudiya Vaisnavism.

In his most merciful and wonderful sastra, Sri Caitanya Caritamrita, Sri Krishna Dasa Kaviraja summarizes all the teachings of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu and the six Goswamis of Vrindavana. Throughout the book he cites key Bhagavatam verses to prove these truths, which the Goswamis themselves also discuss in their works.

To highlight its importance for all devotees of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu and Radha-Govinda Yugala, the same Bhagavatam verse is quoted once, twice or even four times in the Sri Caitanya Caritamrta.

With the grace of Sri Advaita Prabhu, Sri Guru and the Vaisnavas, the “Beautiful Truths of Bhagavata” series will focus on these Bhagavatam verses that reveal the absolute truth about Sri Krishna, Sri Radha, Sri Guru, Vaisnavas, Bhakti Sadhana, Sri Harinama and Krishna Prema.


The first post in this series discussed Guru tattva. Now we will present the key Srimad Bhagavatam verses describing the identity of Krishna’s devotees, associating with them and serving these compassionate and tangible mercy forms of Bhagavan Sri Krishna.

All sincere sadhakas should learn and reflect upon these verses. Absorbing, understanding and implementing these truths will strengthen your faith, expand your joy, and double your enthusiasm to love, serve and respect all the humble servants of Sri Sri Radha and Krishna.

Devotees Live in Damodara’s Heart

sādhavo hṛdayaṁ mahyaṁ sādhūnāṁ hṛdayaṁ tv aham
mad-anyat te na jānanti nāhaṁ tebhyo manāg api

Sri Krishna says, “O Sage Durvasa! Saintly devotees are always in the core of My heart. And I am always in their hearts. They know nothing but Me, and I know nothing but them.” (Srimad Bhagavatam  9.4.68/Caitanya Caritamrita 1.1.62)

Krishna Devotees Are Walking Holy Places

bhavad-vidhā bhāgavatās tīrtha-bhūtāḥ svayaṁ vibho
tīrthī-kurvanti tīrthāni svāntaḥ-sthena gadābhṛtā

When Vidura returned from his tirtha-yatra, Maharaja Yudhisthira said, “O Vibho! Devotees like yourself are the embodiments of all holy places. Because you carry Bhagavan Sri Krishna within your heart, you turn all places into holy tirthas.” (Srimad Bhagavatam 1.13.10/Caitanya Caritamrita 1.1.63)

Six Ornaments of a Devotee

titikṣavaḥ kāruṇikāḥ suhṛdaḥ sarva-dehinām
ajāta-śatravaḥ śāntāḥ sādhavaḥ sādhu-bhūṣaṇāḥ

“Devotees are adorned with the six good qualities of being tolerant, merciful, friendly to all beings, without enemies, peaceful, and straightforward.” (Srimad Bhagavatam 3.25.21/Caitanya Caritamrita 2.22.81)

Serving Saints Gives Liberation

mahat-sevāṁ dvāram āhur vimuktes tamo-dvāraṁ yoṣitāṁ saṅgi-saṅgam
mahāntas te sama-cittāḥ praśāntā vimanyavaḥ suhṛdaḥ sādhavo ye

“Serving saintly devotees opens the door of liberation. Whereas, association with men connected with women opens the door to hellish life. The saintly are very peaceful, pride-less, kind to all and well-behaved.” (Srimad Bhagavatam 5.5. 2/Caitanya Caritamrita 2.22.82)

Sri Visvanatha Cakravartipada says sadhavah means “those who do not see fault in others.

Unique Rarity of Krishna Bhaktas

muktānām api siddhānāṁ nārāyaṇa-parāyaṇaḥ
sudurlabhaḥ praśāntātmā koṭiṣv api mahā-mune

“Among all the perfect ones, the blissful devotee of Narayana/Sri Krishna is very rare—one in a million.” (Srimad Bhagavatam 6.14.5/Caitanya Caritamrita 2.19.150)

Sri Krishna Saves His Devotees

sva-pāda-mūlam bhajataḥ priyasya tyaktānya-bhāvasya hariḥ pareśaḥ
vikarma yac cotpatitaṁ kathañcid dhunoti sarvaṁ hṛdi sanniviṣṭaḥ

“One who gives up all other engagements to surrender to the lotus feet of Sri Hari is very dear to Bhagavan. Indeed, if such a dedicated soul accidentally commits a sin, Antaryami Sri Krishna within one’s heart, immediately removes the sinful reaction.” (Srimad Bhagavatam 11.5.42/Caitanya Caritamrita 2.22.144)

Srila Prabhupada tika: Although a beloved child may accidentally commit an abominable activity, the loving father forgives the child, taking into consideration the actual good intentions of the child.

Although the devotee does not ask Sri Krishna to free him the future suffering from his sins, Sri Krishna, by His own sweet will, frees the devotee from the reactions to accidental fall downs.

This causeless mercy of Sri Krishna upon His devotee is His param- aisvaryam, or supreme opulence. Gradually the faithful devotee becomes pure and free from sins just by thinking of and serving Govinda’s lotus feet. Thus Krishna bhaktas are never actually defeated in life.

All Nama Chanters Are Great

aho bata śva-paco ’to garīyān yaj-jihvāgre vartate nāma tubhyam
tepus tapas te juhuvuḥ sasnur āryā brahmānūcur nāma gṛṇanti ye te

“O, how astonishing and worshipable are even dog-eaters if they chant Krishna nama! They have already performed all kinds of austerities and yajnas, cultivated good saintly virtues, bathed in all tirthas, and studied all Vedas”. (Srimad Bhagavatam 3.33.7/Caitanya Caritamrita 2.11.192)

Sripada Vallabhacarya tika (Sri Subodhini): Devahuti says, “By birth, class or conduct a chandala cannot compare with a Brahmin. However, the chandala is greater if he is chanting Krishna’s Divine Names. A complacent satisfied Brahmin performs actions for his own benefit. He may not chant Krishna’s names due to pride, ego or his status in society! In this way, he does not become a Krishna bhakta.

Sri Visvanatha Cakravartipada tika: The outcaste who chants even incompletely just one name of Bhagavan Sri Krishna is the best. He is a guru, and fully qualified to teach the mantra and the holy name to others i.e. diksa-guru. Amara-kosha says anūcura (line 2 of the verse above) means “a teacher, a person proficient in recitation of the Vedas with its angas.”

In prior lives the chandalas must have performed all types of yajnas and tapas, so now they no longer need to perform them nor will they do so in the future.

Srimad Bhagavatam Maha Purana ki jai! Hari Kathamrta ki jai! Jai Jai Sri Radhe!

Mahanidhi Madan Gopal Das

Firstly, if one has the shelter of Sri Guru, one is indeed very, very fortunate and truly blessed by Bhagavan Sri Krishna. Unfortunately, however, right now on this planet billions of people either have no spiritual teacher or don’t care to have one.

Sometimes it happens that one must leave the Guru to progress in spiritual life. The sastras and Gaudiya Vaisnava acaryas like Sri Jiva Goswamipada give specific guidelines regarding leaving the Guru.

Presented here are all our posts on this subject which will greatly help anyone thinking about this. First, we cite various scriptures stating that one should never reject the diksa guru. But as everyone knows, there are always exceptions to any rule. Thus, the second half of the post cites various sastras to show the legitimate reasons for rejecting or leaving the Guru.

Everyone must clearly understand that rejecting the diksa Guru is a very, very rare and serious action. It should never be done whimsically or fancifully just because you don’t like him or he’s not a “Big Devotee”.

Rejecting a diksa Guru is a most delicate decision, only to be taken after deep sastric understanding of when and why a Guru should be rejected; discussing with sadhus, and if possible, speaking directly to one’s diksa Guru about the proposed rejection, and why you feel so. One should also chant lots of nama japa, and utter sincere prayers to Bhagavan Sri Krishna begging for guidance and strength.

I repeat: “This is a most serious decision!” If such a decision i.e. to reject one’s Guru is taken prematurely or without sufficient knowledge or understanding of the Guru disciple relationship, the disciple may destroy his/her spiritual life!


Sri Sanatana Goswami says in Hari Bhakti Vilasa (4.363-365 Bhumipati trans.)

“Those who reject an authorized spiritual master who comes in disciplic succession are so condemned that even carnivorous animals [i.e. eagles, vultures, dogs, fox, wolves, etc.] will not eat their flesh. If Guru rejects a disciple, Sri Hari automatically rejects him too.

“The disciple’s intelligence then becomes polluted and he/she starts showing great arrogance. Such disciples are the lowest among mankind, if after formally accepting a Guru they reject him out of illusion. Such disciples will rot in hell for millions of kalpas!”

Please deeply consider that if the Guru is well-behaved, following all religious principles; initiated by a proper Guru; and teaching the correct Gaudiya Vaisnava tattva siddhanta—THEN ONE SHOULD NEVER LEAVE THAT DIKSA GURU. Diksa Guru means the Guru who gives Gopal mantra or Kama gayatri to a disciple, which are the diksa mantras for all Gaudiya Vaisnavas.

It may be that one’s diksa Guru APPEARS LIKE a very simple person, even though he is a true Krishna devotee, and a pure, serious and dedicated disciple of his Guru and personal lineage. Sri Guru may not be a big scholar, a charismatic personality, a great kirtana leader, speaker, or sastra nipuna—who knows all the minute details of each tattva or spiritual truth.

But nevertheless, Guru is Guru and thus even the “simple” Guru is a real Guru. Therefore, all the sweet mercy and blessings of the samasti guru, Adi Guru Sri Krishna will flow through him FULLY AND COMPLETELY to the surrendered disciple who is loyal, faithful and sincerely dedicated to serving Sri Hari, Sri Guru and the beautiful Vaisnavas.


Sri Sanatana Goswami says, (Hari Bhakti Vilasa (4.369-371 mmgd trans.):

“If, due to illusion about one’s Guru (gurum moha), a disciple considers that the Guru is an ordinary human being and thus chastises him, then such a disciple must take the body of a pig for one hundred births, shukara -bhavatyeva tesham- janma –shatesh-vapi).

“Without a doubt, a foolish disciple, who rejects his/her diksa Guru (guru- drohino -mudhah), will constantly perform sinful activities (satatam- papa- karinah), and all their accumulated piety will transform into sin (teshanca- yavat- sukrtam- dushkrttam- syanna -samshayah).”

“Therefore, an intelligent disciple, considering that his/her Guru is non-different from Bhagavan Sri Krishna, (Krishna- abhavena -buddhiman), should worship Sri Guru at least three times a day and offer dandavat- pranams.”

Now for the exceptions to the rule. Sometimes a disciple may have to reject the Guru, move on and take another Guru.

Regarding this principle, we have counselled many sincere, pure-hearted Krishna bhaktas who feel unhappy, frustrated, dissatisfied, and spiritually suffocated in their Guru-Sisya relationships. They are confused and stuck; not knowing how to get out or improve their spiritual lives.

Hopefully, the light of the sastric knowledge provided herein will help such surrendered souls find their true mentor—the sad guru—and again smile with the satisfaction produced from serving and loving a real spiritual teacher.


Citing various Gaudiya Vaisnava scriptures, we will give eleven reasons for rejecting a Guru and taking another.


The conditions for rejecting the Guru are described in the Narada Pancharatra (1.10.20)

and Mahabharata (5.178.24):

guror -apy avaliptasya –kāryākāryam- ajānataḥ
utpatha-pratipannasya- parityāgo- vidhīyate

“One should completely reject a Guru (parityago- vidhiyate) who:

  1. Is arrogant and proud
  2. Does not know what to do or not do, or gives improper guidance.
  3. Teachings are inconsistent, against the conclusions of Srimad Bhagavatam and Gaudiya Vaisnava scriptures.
  4. Has deviated from the path laid out in the bhakti-sastras (utpatha-pratipannasya), or preaches bogus ideas or apasiddhanta i.e. against the teachings of the six Gosvamis.

Sri Bhakti Sandarbha (238) elaborates on this reason:

“The Guru who speaks incorrectly or illogically, and the disciple who hears this will both go to a horrible hell for unlimited time, yo- vakti –nyaya- rahitam -srnoti -ubhau –narakam- ghoram- vrajatah –kalam- aksayam.” (Narada Pancaratra)

  1. Is envious or antagonistic toward other Vaisnavas (vaishnava-vidveshi cet parityajya. (Bhakti Sandarbha anu. 238)

Commenting on Bhakti Sandarbha (238), Pandit Sri Ananta Das Babaji Maharaja says, “If due to envy, a Guru forbids his disciple to associate with or serve an advanced devotee, the disciple should humbly bow and ask the Guru to retract that prohibition.

“But if the Guru still forbids him, the disciple should just take shelter of Krishna and continue serving his Guru from a distance without abandoning him or behaving inimically toward him.

“If some instruction of Sri Guru is inconsistent with sastra, the disciple should leave his Guru’s association [and take association of a sastric Guru], and serve his diksa Guru only from a distance.

“But if the Guru is openly malicious, offensive or antagonistic toward other Vaisnavas, one should conclude that the Guru is not a Vaisnava and abandon him immediately because he has no Vaisnava bhava or attitude [humility and respecting all]. One should then take shelter of a proper Guru and perform bhajana.” (Guru Tattva)


  1. Not satisfied with Guru.

This most amazing point is discussed in Bhakti Sandarbha (anu. 207.1-4).

First Sri Jiva Goswamipada condemns the practice of rejecting the Guru (guru-tyaga) by quoting Brahma Vaivarta Purana:

bodhaḥ- kaluṣitas- tena -daurātmyaṁ -prakaṭī-kṛtam
gurur- yena –parityaktas- tena -tyaktaḥ- purā- hariḥ

“One who abandons his/her Guru has already rejected Sri Hari. One’s intelligence is polluted and one has acted duplicitously.”

EXCEPTION TO THE RULE: Yes! You Can Reject Guru

Then Sri Jiva says, “However, there is another spiritual rule or exception (apavada -vacana) to this rejection rule (tyāga-niṣedhāt) of Brahma Vaivarta Purana, which is this:

tad-aparitoṣeṇāpy- anyo- guruḥ -kriyate
tato- aneka-guru-karaṇe- pūrva-tyāga eva siddhaḥ

Sri Jiva Goswami says, “However, if one is dissatisfied (aparitoṣeṇā) with the diksa Guru, one may take diksa from another Guru (anyo -guruh -kriyate). In taking other Gurus (aneka- guru -karane), the rejection of the former Guru is completed (purva- tyaga- eva -siddha).”

Here the implied meaning is that upon taking a new diksa, then the prior diksa and relationship with a particular Guru are automatically cancelled. Because one is following the orders of sastra, one will not incur any aparadha, offense or negative reaction.

The key word Sri Jiva uses here is aparitosena which means “dissatisfied or displeased with” one’s Guru. However, one must understand that rejecting a Guru is a serious matter. It should only be done after deep deliberation and personal realization, discussion with learned devotees, and meeting with one’s Guru if possible.

Here Sri Jiva Goswami gives what seems like a simple, innocent reason for leaving one’s Guru; just plain dissatisfaction. For many different reasons, excluding the serious one’s mentioned above, a disciple may just not feel happy about one’s Guru, spiritual progress, future prospects, and life in general in relation with a particular Guru.

If that’s so, then it’s time to move on and accept another Guru. In this regard, one Guru commented after giving diksa to two unsatisfied disciples of another Guru, “If it’s not working out—it is not working out. You just have to move on to make spiritual progress.”

Here is additional scriptural evidence for renouncing the Guru.


In Hari Bhakti Vilasa, Sri Sanatana Goswami says a disciple may reject a Guru who:

  1. Is unqualified due to poor sastric knowledge, and thus incapable of answering a disciple’s questions on sastra which leaves the disciple doubtful and unsatisfied.


In Krishna Bhajanamrita (v. 17-18), Sri Narahari Sarakara Thakura (an eternal associate of Gaura-Govinda), says a disciple may reject a Guru who:

  1. Is ignorant about the position of Krishna and has misconceptions about the truth.
  2. Does not accept Krishna’s pastimes, imitates Krishna or calls himself God.


In Hari-nama Cintamani (chapter 6), and Jaiva Dharma (chapter 20), Sri Bhaktivinoda Thakura says a disciple can reject a Guru who:

  1. Opposes Vaiṣṇava philosophy and practice.
  2. Was prematurely accepted without careful examination. And as a result, the disciple sees that all his sadhana efforts are not producing the desired result.

According to sastra, a disciple may reject a Guru who meets the above criterion without seeking his permission or agreement. Or the Guru and disciple may also part company by mutual consent and thus dissolve their relationship.

A genuine Guru always desires the best for his disciple, and thus he will not block or prevent the disciple’s spiritual progress. But rather Sri Guru will compassionately bless the disciple in his/her forward march to the lotus feet of Radha Govinda Yugala.

Conclusion: The Vedas describe that for various good reasons, including personal dissatisfaction, disciples have been rejecting their Gurus for millions of years! The Puranas, Mahabharata, Srimad Bhagavatam, Sandarbhas and Gaudiya Vaisnava acharyas discuss the unfortunate condition wherein a disciple must abandon, leave or reject a Guru.

The Bhagavatam Eight Canto describes how Bali Maharaja rejected his Guru, Shukracarya, because Guruji preached against Sri Vishnu in the form of Vamanadeva. Thus rejecting the Guru is not a new practice. Sometimes it must be done in order to save one’s spiritual life. Again, I repeat this is a grave matter not to be taken lightly.

Deep thought, sastric study, counsel of the wise, personal realization, and intense prayers to Sri Krishna will give the guidance and direction a sincere devotee needs to carry on in progressive, happy, and successful Krishna consciousness.

Sad Guru ki jai! Happy, fulfilled and enlivened disciples ki jai! Guru bhakti ki jai! Sastra praman ki jai! Jaya Jaya Sri Radhe!

Mahanidhi Madan Gopal Das

Diksha mantras are given for the purpose of worshiping, attaining, and seeing one’s desired istadevata, Radha-Krishna. The diksha mantras received from Sri Guru are so powerful that by chanting them a sadhaka can achieve a post of unlimited wealth, power and influence; travel to any planet in the universe; enjoy eternal bliss; attain Krishna prema; and see Radha and Krishna face to face, sakshad darshana!

Gaudiya Vaisnava mahajana acharya Sri Sanatana Goswami proves this point in his magnum opus titled “Brhad Bhagavatamritam” by narrating the spiritual odyssey of a cowherd named Gopa-kumara who lived in Vrindavana five hundred years ago.

One day when Gopa-kumara was playing by the Yamuna, a vairagi sadhu noticed the boy and called him to his side. Being inspired by the Paramatma to give diksha, the sadhu whispered the Gopala mantra three times in Gopa-kumara’s right ear. After giving diksha, the sadhu experienced divine ecstasy, started crying and ran away.

Feeling amazed and grateful by the transforming experience, Gopa-kumara began sincerely chanting his diksha mantra while praying to Thakuraji Sri Sri Madan Gopal for His divine mercy. Just by chanting his diksha mantra (Gopala mantra), Gopa-kumara got the power to travel through India and beyond the earth. Gopa-kumara’s diksha mantra chanting carried him to Indraloka, Brahmaloka, Shivaloka, Vaikuntha, Ayodhya, Dvaraka and finally to Goloka Vrindavana.

During his travels, Gopa-kumara spoke a very important verse regarding how to properly chant diksha mantras.

Gopa-kumara said, “I eagerly chanted my diksha mantra (i.e. Gopala mantra) with the specific intention to see Bhagavan Sri Krishna.” (Brhad Bhagavatamrita 2.2.12)

tad darshane jata mano rathakulah
sankalpa purvam sva japam samacaran

Here, Gopa-kumara reveals three mental attributes necessary for perfection in chanting diksha mantras:

1) Eagerness, enthusiasm;

Gopa-kumara chanted with fervor, an intense eagerness to achieve mixed with anxiousness (akulah).

2) Desire;

Like all of us riding on the uncontrolled chariot of material desires, Gopa-kumara had desires. But Gopa-kumara had only one all-consuming enthusiastic desire driving his mind and life forward (manah ratha): To see God, Sri Sri Madan Gopalji.

3) Specific intention, fixed purpose, mental resolve and fixity;

Every day before (purvam) chanting his diksha mantra, Gopa-kumara would focus, concentrate and fix his mind on his desired goal (sankalpa) by enthusiastically and eagerly addressing his mind: “By chanting this Gopala Mantra I must see my most worshipable Prananatha—Sri Sri Madan Gopalaji!”

In this way, the great devotee Sri Gopa-kumaraji is instructing us how to properly chant our diksha mantras. First, you should make a sankalpa, which means to mentally see and state the purpose or goal you want to achieve by chanting this mantra. “O Krishna, I really want to see You so please help me. O Gurudeva, O Sri Gopala Mantra, please bless me with the sweet darshana of Sri Sri Radha-Govinda Yugala!”

This is called sankalpa purvam and jata manah ratha, to mentally, before chanting, fix one’s attention on one’s cherished desire. Then EACH AND EVERY TIME you chant your diksha mantras, you should, like Gopa-Kumara, pray and meditate upon your sankalpa and the meaning of the mantra while fervently chanting it with an “an intense eagerness to achieve your goal mixed with anxiousness (akulah).

If one chants in this way as taught by the humble Vrajavasi cowherd, Gopa-kumara, then by the unlimited power of the Gopala Mantra and Kama Gayatri, the primary Gaudiya Vaisnava diksha mantras, a sadhaka will surely obtain darshana of Sri Sri Radha and Krishna.

Diksha mantras ki jai! Mantra Guru gana ki jai! Jaya Jaya Sri Radhe!

Mahanidhi Madan Gopal Das

One often hears the question, “How to get free nama aparadhas?

Nāma āparādha cannot be counteracted through some ritual or just by chanting some slokas. One needs to reform or change one’s faulty mentality which caused the offenses in the first place. Be it envy, disrespect or just a faultfinding mind—all this must be consumed by the fire of repentance, nama-sankirtana and Vaisnava seva.

As one can never forget the Tulasi necklace around one’s neck, Mahaprabhu told us to “always wear the necklace of this sloka” [which means constantly remember and imbibe the four saintly traits within it]:

  1. Think I’m lower than grass!
  2. Live with tolerance!
  3. Feel insignificant, undeserving—just one atomic jiva!
  4. Honor all as better, higher, worthy and deserving!

Thus Mahaprabhu commanded, tṛṇād api sunīcena, taror api sahiṣṇunā, amāninā mānadena, kīrtanīyaḥ sadā hariḥ (Chaitanya Caritamrita 1.17.31)

By adopting these four attitudes, one can blast off into continuous nama japa which is the best, fastest and ONLY WAY to remove all aparadhas. Smrti confirms, “For nama aparadhis, the Divine Name itself is surely the only panacea. Incessant chanting of the Name will effectively destroy that sin.” (Padma Purana.; Svarga-khanda 48, 49 & Bhakti Sandarbha 265)

nāmāparādha yuktā nām, nā mānyeva haranty agham,
aviśranta prayuktāni, tānyev ārtha karāṇi ca

Jai Haridasa Thakura ki jai! Nama Sankirtana ki jai! Jaya Jaya Sri Radhe!