Mahanidhi Madan Gopal Das

This audio series presents narrations of the occassional and eternal pastimes of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu and Radha and Krishna. In Japa Walk Thru Lila Meditations, we mix japa chanting with meditation on Krishna’s pastimes. The result is a most wonderful, blissful, satisfying and enlightening experience of chanting Hare Krishna japa.
The practice of combining japa with lila meditation is a standard practice among most Gaudiya Vaisnavas. In fact, the founder-acharya of the world famous Hare Krishna Movement, Srila Prabhupada said, “You should know that it is not offensive to think of Krishna’s pastimes while chanting Hare Krishna japa. Rather IT IS REQUIRED!” (SP Letter Dec. 4, 1968)

The Japa Walk ThruLila Meditation Technique

1. Take your tulasi japa mala, and sit comfortably in a clean, sanctified place.

2. Play the desired lila audio tracks while listening through speakers, headphones or earplugs (or one ear plug).

3. Keep the audio player or the remote control within reach of your left hand, so you can occassionally pause or replay the audio track to deepen your contemplation on a particular scene, expression or loving exchange.

4. Start chanting the Hare Krishna Maha Mantra japa either silently in the mind or by softly whispering.

5. Adjust the audio volume so that you simultaneously hear the lila and attentively hear the Hare Krishna maha-mantra. Experiment until you find the perfect sound level that affords maximum concentration on both the pastimes of Krishna and His sweet Holy Names.

6. While chanting japa with full-heart concentration, listen to the lila narration while mentally trying to vizualize the pastime, to be there, to feel the loving exchanges of Radha and Krishna, and to think what seva you would be offering Them at that moment.

7. Whenever you want to deeply meditate or reflect upon a particular lila, a part of a lila, or a special exchange or scene within a lila, you can simply pause the audio track while continuing your nama japa. For example, sometimes we adjust our audio player so it repeatedly plays the same lila such as “Radha’s Morning Bath”.
Then while listening to that pastime and continuing our maha-mantra japa, we submerge our minds and hearts in all the minute details and sweet dealings of Srimati Radharani and Her sakhi/manjaris at that tender time of morning.

8. The japa walk thru technique is easy and blissful. Instead of wrestling with our wandering minds during japa, we can fill our minds with Radha and Krishna’s beautiful forms, qualities and pastimes while chanting. By this practice our scattered, monkey-jumping minds become pacified, pointed, and absorbed in hearing Krishna’s sweet Holy Names, mentally seeing Krishna’s form and pastimes, and feeling the hearts of Krishna and His loving friends.

9. After sometime of chanting japa and listening to the japa walk thru series, you will no longer think you are just a listener or observer of the lila. If Sri Krishna is merciful to you, you will feel that you are personally there, directly walking with Radha and Krishna and serving Them in every possible way. This is the perfection of Hare Krishna Maha Mantra japa. And this audio series is presented to help everyone attain this perfection.

Maha-mantra Radha-Krishna lila meditation ki jai! Jaya Jaya Sri Radhe!

Mahanidhi Madan Gopal Das

Please read previous part one before.

On the path of Radha-Krishna bhakti bhajana, one must pass through nine steps or stages to reach the final goal, Krishna prema.

1) Beginning with faith in Sri Krishna (Shraddha); bhakti grows, deepens and progresses successively through the levels of:
2) Sadhu sanga;
3) Bhajana kriya (practicing nine limbs of Radha-Krishna hearing, chanting and remembering);
4) Anarthanivrtti (sensual, mental and emotional, purification);
5) Nishtha (firmness, strong conviction, enthusiasm and mental peace);
6) Ruchi (taste, joy and fulfillment in bhakti bhajana;
7) Asakti (strong attachment to Radha-Krishna with intense yearning to meet Them);
 Bhava (experience spiritual ecstasy, and intense desire to see and intimately serve Radha-Krishna along with occasional deep visions or even darshana;
9) Krishna prema (the final stage of perfect, transcendent loving bliss eternal, and constant rapturous Vrajamadhurya-lila immersions in one’s siddha.

One should be forewarned, however, that the fourth stage, anarthanivrtti (cessation of offenses and all bad habits), is the most difficult one to pass through. It may take lifetimes!

In Madhurya-kadambini (3.16,18), Srila Visvanatha Cakravarti explains exactly how aparadhas and anarthas i.e. offenses, unwanted obstacles and impediments gradually disappear from the mind and heart of the sincere sadhaka. He describes five stages in gradual cessation of all aparadhas and anarthas:


1) Partial—15% anarthas & aparadhas destroyed; Bhajankriya stage.At this stage one is 15% attached to serving and being with Krishna and 85% attached to enjoying his/her material body and senses. 15% Krishna consciousness v.s. 85% MAYA!
2) Pervasive—75% anarthas & aparadhas destroyed; Nishtha stage.At this stage one is 75% attached to serving and being with Krishna and 25% attached to enjoying his/her material body and senses. 75% Krishna consciousness v.s. 25% MAYA!
3) Almost complete—95% destroyed; Bhava stage. 95% Krishna consciousness v.s. 5% MAYA!
4) Complete—100% destroyed; Prema stage. 100% Krishna consciousness v.s. .0,01% MAYA!
Even here however, there is a slight chance anarthas may reappear. Sri Rupa Gosvami confirms this: “Yes, it’s true and possible that even at the stage of bhava or prema, one may commit an aparadha if one offends a great devotee of Bhagavan Sri Krishna, Krishna presthaaparadhatah.”(Bhakti Rasamrita Sindhu 1.3.54)
5) Absolute—100/100% destroyed; 100% Krishna consciousness v.s. 0,00% MAYA!

For the fully realized Krishna premibhakta, the cessation and destruction of ALL ANARTHAS AND APARADHAS IS ABSOLUTE because one has received the complete mercy Sri Krishna along with His direct seva and association (sakshad seva & sanga). There is not even the slightest chance for the appearance of anarthas or aparadhas. One has now attained the perfection of his/her human life and the final goal of Krishna consciousness.

Thus one can see that advancing in Radha-Krishna bhakti bhajana is a gradual process that may extend for many lifetimes.

In Sri Gita, Bhagavan Sri Krishna explains this point:“In the next life, one is automatically attracted to the type of sadhana bhajana one practiced in the previous life, pūrvābhyāsena tenaiva hriyate hy avaśo ’pi saḥ.”(Bhagavad Gita 6.44)
Sridhara Swami tika:“Thus struggling under the momentum of his former practice, the sadhaka gradually attains liberation in Krishna consciousness.”

Sri Krishna continues, “Unlike one’s previous life, the bhakti yogi will now strive for spiritual perfection with intense effort and become purified of his/her anarthas and aparadhas. Then after many births, one will finally attain perfection in Krishna consciousness, Krishna prema. (6.45)

prayatnād yatamānas tu, yogī saṁśuddha-kilbiṣaḥ
aneka-janma-saṁsiddhas, tato yāti parāṁ gatim

Sri Baladeva Vidya bhushana tika: “Due to fear of his previous obstacles, the sadhaka now makes even more effort in bhajana. And this additional effort purifies one of all material desires.”

Srila Prabhupada tika: “With determination, therefore, the bhakta begins his/her unfinished task, and thus one completely cleanses oneself of all material contaminations. When one is finally free from all contaminations, one attains the supreme perfection—Krishna consciousness.”

The principle of a gradual process also applies to the realization and perception of one’s Guru received or mentally conceived siddha svarupa, siddha deha. In the beginning, awareness of one’s eternal, transcendental female identity as Srimati Radharani’s loving loyal maidservant is slight, and bodily attachment is great. Gradually as one advances in meditation and receives more mercy from Sri Krishna and Sri Guru, he/she will more deeply identify with the siddha deha and Sri Radha’s seva, and simultaneously identify less with the external material body and enjoying material sense gratification.

The material body and siddha deha are like communicating vessels—more identity with body, less identity with siddha deha; or more identity with siddha deha, then less identity with one’s temporary material body.

In this regard, Srila Prabhupada said, “The more we make progress in Krishna consciousness, this ‘my consciousness and I consciousness’ will vanish. So this is a natural consequence. And as soon as you begin to eat, your weakness will disappear along with your hunger and satisfaction will come.

“Similarly, these two things cannot stand together, maya and Krishna. If I am in Krishna consciousness then there is no question of maya. It may be that I’m not fully Krishna conscious. Just like while eating it is not that immediately my hunger is satisfied; it takes a little time. Similarly, Krishna consciousness is a gradual process of advancement. That is the test. If I am still in illusion, then I should understand that my Krishna consciousness is not progressing. This is the test.” (folio: 670116CC.NYC)

Further, Srila Prabhupada said, “Material hankerings and spiritual advancement go ill together. (Srimad Bhagavatam 1.8.27 tika) Material attachment and taking shelter of the lotus feet of Bhagavan Sri Krishna go ill together. Material attachment means ignorance of transcendental happiness under the shelter of Sri Krishna (Srimad Bhagavatam 1.12.27 tika). Increasing one’s love for Krishna is a gradual process. “(folio: TLK Verse 36)

In the next wonderful quote, Srila Prabhupada perfectly and beautifully explains the gradual journey to Krishna prema:
“The development of intimacy between Bhagavan Sri Krishna and the living entity happens by a gradual process of progressive devotional activities. Such a progressive march of transcendental devotion for Sri Krishna culminates in the attainment of loving service of Krishna, which is called prema in different transcendental varietgatedness called rasas, [astonishingly tasty, loving divine mellows].” (Srimad Bhagavatam 1.5.37 tika)

The conclusion is that one must try his/her best to perform bhakti bhajana, all the while understanding that perfection does not come easy. One should think, “Krishna prema may come in one life, two or even ten lifetimes, but still I must attain this perfection no matter what! The joy, the peace and the fulfillment I have found so far in bhakti bhajana completely eclipses and surpasses all other pleasures I obtained by trying to enjoy my body and this mundane world.

“I am totally convinced that nothing else in this world but Krishna consciousness is so supremely beautiful, sweet, blissful, tasteful and fulfilling. I know that I am far, far away from Krishna prema perfection, yet I will keep moving on and on. I am sure that if not now then in some future life, my most loving and merciful Radha-Govinda Yugala will grant me Their sweet love, Their blissful darshana and Their tight, loving embrace!!!!

Bhakti bhajana ki jai! Radha-Govinda Yugala prema seva in Vrajanikunjas ki jai! Jaya Jaya Sri Radhe!

Mahanidhi Madan Gopal Das

One can experience, perceive and literally see transcendental phenomena i.e. the spiritual form of Bhagavan Sri Krishna or one’s own siddha svarupa according to the purity of one’s consciousness. Brahmaji says a sadhaka can directly see God, Bhagavan Sri Krishna, when the mind and eyes are fully purified and saturated with Krishna prema.
premāñjana-cchurita-bhakti-vilocanena santaḥ sadaiva hṛdayeṣu vilokayanti (Brahma Samhita 5.38)

To enter fire one must become fire. Thus, if one wants to see the transcendental, madhurya prema svarupa of Vrajendranandan Sri Krishna, one must also have a form, heart, mind and eyes full of madhurya prema.

As GaudiyaVaisnavas we are aspiring for the absolute topmost of all conceivable and attainable goals of spiritual perfection i.e. Radha-Krishna prema, and the confidential service of Sri SriRadha-Krishna in the bowers of Vrindavanaas the loyal maidservant manjaris of SrimatiRadharani.

Such a lofty spiritual perfection will naturally demand the utmost sacrifice, dedication, determination, patience and enthusiastic endeavor continually sustained for possibly many life times. Yes, it’s true that spiritual success in Kali-yuga comes to one and all just by chanting Hare Krishna, dancing and honoring Krishna prasadam.

Although it may sound easy, IT IS NOT SO EASY! There are many levels and stages of purification that one must pass through before attaining the coveted goal of Krishna prema, wherein one will pass his/her days chanting and dancing with Krishna in Vrindavana!

When confronted by disciples disappointed over their slow progress, lack of spiritual advancement, and complete absence of any direct experiences of Sri Krishna, Srila Prabhupada repeatedly used the phrase “GRADUAL PROCESS” as seen in the following examples:
“Cleansing the heart is a gradual process, it doesn’t happen abruptly!”
“Krishna consciousness is a gradual process of realization and purification.”

This post will describe the ‘gradual process’ (anukramat) of spiritual advancement in Krishna consciousness, and the consequent seeing or perceiving of one’s individual eternal spiritual body (siddha deha/siddha svarupa).

One starts Krishna consciousness by hearing and reading to gain knowledge of Krishna, the practice, and the goal of bhakti sadhana. Transcendental knowledge helps us to perceive our eternal individual spiritual identity as atomic particles of consciousness—a soul, jivatma. Gradually purity and knowledge (aka Krishna consciousness)increases to a point wherein one can meditate on Sri Sri Radha-Krishna’s beautiful names, forms, qualities and sweet Vraja lilas.

Although moving from one level to the next may take many years OR EVEN MANY LIFE TIMES, the fact remains that bhakti sadhana has different stages (anukramat) which one must reach before attaining spiritual perfection in Krishna consciousness.

There are nine levels or stages in performing Krishna bhakti sadhana:
culturing faith – sraddha;
meeting a Vaisnava, hearing hari-katha, taking diksha, and serving Sri Hari, Guru and Vaisnavas – sadhu sanga;
performing bhakti sadhana –bhajanakriya;
purification and inner peace – anarthanivritti;
steadiness and conviction – nishtha;
taste, inner joy and satisfaction – ruchi;
loving attachment and hankering to see Bhagavan Sri Krishna – asakti;
ecstatic spiritual emotions, experiences, and possibly a glimpse of Radha and Krishna – bhava;
overwhelming spiritual bliss and continual communion with Radha and Krishna – Krishna prema.

The Srimad Bhagavatam describes the ‘gradual process’ or the progressive steps to spiritual perfection as follows:

(sraddha, sadhu sanga)

“With an attentive mind one should constantly hear, chant, remember and worship Bhagavan Sri Krishna who protects devotees.” (Srimad Bhagavatam 1.2.14)
tasmād ekena manasā, bhagavān sātvatāṁ patiḥ
śrotavyaḥ kīrtitavyaś ca, dhyeyaḥ pūjyaś ca nityadā

Mahanidhi Madan Gopal Das: One may ask, “The Bhagavata directs one to constantly hear about Krishna. But I have no interest or attraction for this. Even if I try to read spiritual books, I get no taste and just fall asleep. So how does one get the desire and a genuine taste to hear and read about Sri Krishna?”

The Bhagavata(Srimad Bhagavatam 1.2.16) answers:
“By nicely serving pure-hearted devotees (mahatsevanisevanat) one obtains four priceless benefits:
a. Taste for Harikatha (vasudevakatharuchi);
b. Strong faith;
c. Surrender to Guru;
d. Genuine desire to hear more Harikatha.”
śuśrūṣoḥ śraddadhānasya, vāsudeva-kathā-ruciḥ
syān mahat-sevayā viprāḥ, puṇya-tīrtha-niṣevaṇāt

Mahanidhi Madan Gopal Das: Here the secret is revealed—it’s mercy. There is a mystic transference from the kind and compassionate heart of the sadhu bhakta into the mind and heart of the humble serving soul. You approach a saint and attentively, lovingly and carefully serve him.

Then the sweet heart of the sadhu melts, and he invisibly deposits into the vault of your heart some jewels from the vast treasure of his personal firm faith in Radha-GovindaYugala and his deep taste for hearing Harikatha. Your newly strengthened faith and taste attracts the attention of Bhagavan Sri Krishna, who in turn comes to purify you and personally help you advance in spiritual life.

II. CHANTING GLORIES OF SRI KRISHNA (bhajanakriya, anarthanivrtti)
“By the mercy of the sadhu bhakta, one now hears and chants the beautiful and purifying topics of Sri Harikatha with taste and faith. Becoming pleased, Krishna as the Antaryami within (hṛdiantaḥ)personally removes all one’s obstacles and inauspiciousness (abhadrāṇividhunoti ).” (Srimad Bhagavatam 1.2.17)
śṛṇvatāṁ sva-kathāḥ kṛṣṇaḥ, puṇya-śravaṇa-kīrtanaḥ
hṛdy antaḥ stho hy abhadrāṇi, vidhunoti suhṛt satām

“Daily hearing from and serving the beautiful Srimad Bhagavatam and Bhagavata devotees destroys all inauspiciousness to nil and brings steadiness in bhakti bhajana.” (Srimad Bhagavatam 1.2.18)
naṣṭa-prāyeṣv abhadreṣu, nityaṁ bhāgavata-sevayā
bhagavaty uttama-śloke, bhaktir bhavati naiṣṭhikī

Srila Visvanatha Cakravarti: By serving bhaktas and Bhagavata, most of one’s namaaparadhas (abhadresu) diminish, and this continues till the stage of bhava bhakti. Anarthas are mostly destroyed, and one attains the stage of nishtha where one can easily concentrate on Bhagavan Sri Krishna.

“Gradually one becomes very fixed, steady, pure minded and free from lust, desire, greed, hankering and other qualities born of ignorance and passion.” (Srimad Bhagavatam 1.2.19)
tadā rajas-tamo-bhāvāḥ, kāma-lobhādayaś ca ye
ceta etair anāviddhaṁ, sthitaṁ sattve prasīdati

Srila Visvanatha Cakravarti: The mind is not disturbed or transformed (anaviddham) by the agitations of lust, greed and other qualities such as anger, illusion, and hatred arising from passion and ignorance, rajas, tamas.

In the stage of ruchi, one loses his/her taste and interest in material objects because one is relishing great happiness by hearing, chanting and remembering Radha and Krishna. After this, the mind becomes fixed (sthitam) in the transcendental form of Bhagavan Sri Krishna and one attains the stage of asakti, which means continuous attachment and thinking of Radha and Krishna.

“By the process of Krishna bhakti bhajana, one’s mind becomes enlivened and satisfied. One obtains clear, realized knowledge of Bhagavan Sri Krishna and freedom from all bad association.” (Srimad Bhagavatam 1.2.20)
Second translation: The mind becomes joyful and satisfied on attaining bhava or rati. Finally prema manifests along with complete detachment. The devotee then experiences the transcendental form, qualities, pastimes, powers and sweetness of Bhagavan Sri Krishna.

evaṁ prasanna-manaso, bhagavad-bhakti-yogataḥ
bhagavat-tattva-vijñānaṁ, mukta-saṅgasya jāyate

Srila Visvanatha Cakravarti: As one becomes more and more attached to Sri Krishna and worships Him at every moment which is the stage of asakti. Afterwards, the stage of bhava bhakti appears (prasanna-manasao). Without having bhava bhakti, no one can be completely detached from the objects of material enjoyment.

And without constant detachment, one can never find mental satisfaction. Finally the long awaited Krishna prema appears (bhagavad-bhakti-yogatah). From that arises realization (vijñānaṁ) of the Sri Krishna’s form, qualities, pastimes, powers and sweetness.

“The knots (ignorance) within the heart are completely cut out, and all doubts and karmic reactions are destroyed because one now sees his real self and His eternal Supreme Controller, Bhagavan Sri Krishna.” (Srimad Bhagavatam 1.2.21)
bhidyate hṛdaya-granthiś, chidyante sarva-saṁśayāḥ
kṣīyante cāsya karmāṇi, dṛṣṭa evātmanīśvare

Srila Visvanatha Cakravarti: Ignorance which is the main knot in the heart is cut out, hrdaya-granthischidyante. All doubts, i.e. thinking that attaining Krishna prema is impossible, are destroyed. And all karmas are destroyed because one directly sees Bhagavan as the Paramatma, (atmani) in the mind (sphurti), and also externally with the eyes.”

Srila Visvanatha Cakravarti summarizes the ‘gradual process’ to spiritual perfection in Krishna prema in fourteen steps:
1. mercy of devotees;
2. service to devotees;
3. faith;
4. surrender to guru;
5. desireto worship, serve and hear about Bhagavan Sri Krishna;
6. bhakti;
7. clearance of anarthas;
8. nishtha;
9. ruci;
10. asakti;
11. rati;
12. prema;
13. sphurti, seeing Sri Krishna;
14. madhuryaasvadana, experiencing and relishing the sweetness of Shyamasundara.

Krishna bhakti bhajanaki jai! Nava vidha bhakti ki jai! Jaya Jaya Sri Radhe!

Mahanidhi Madan Gopal Das

Srimati Radharani’s personal maidservants (aka manjaris, kinkaris or dasis) have divine, transcendental bodies that are sweetly saturated with gopi seva/bhava from head to toe.
Radhika’s beautiful, playful and most trusted friendly servants, Her manjaris, have so much love and attachment for Sri Radha that, “if even for a moment, the manjaris can’t see Radhika, they practically die, radha kshana adarshana mriyante!” [Vraja Vilasa Stava 40]
During asta-kaliya-lila, Radha-Madhava and all the sakhis take rest at about 2 a.m. every night. While the sakhis are resting, Radhika’s manjaris are busy busy busy with sevas! However, there is an example of a manjari who “falls asleep on the job” which shows that even Radharani’s serving girls get tired too.
Sri Prabodhananda Sarasvati describes one manjari who was massaging Radha-Krishna’s lotus feet as They slept. But while doing that seva, the manjari felt so tired that, “she fell asleep at the end of the bed, padambhoja samvahanani shayyante kim, kim api patita prapta tandra bhaveyam!” (Radha Rasa Sudhanidhi 213)
But factually there is just no time or necessity for Radha’s servants to sleep. While Yugala and the sakhis pass the time in peaceful and ecstatic lila “dreams”, Radha’s loving serving girls are collecting flowers, stringing fresh garlands, grinding sandalwood paste, gathering juicy forest fruits, and a host of other the services for the blissful pleasure of Radha and Krishna when They arise from Their flower bed at 4:30 a.m. or so.
To give some idea of the bliss-busy seva day of a Sri Radha’s seva-nishta handmaidens, the manjaris, we offer you the following list of about 150 DAILY SERVICES collected from the books of our Gaudiya Vaisnava acharyas.
Manjari bhava sadhakas may use this outline for meditation and internal seva within their individual siddha svarupas, transcendental eternal forms. The sadhaka should focus on the particular time of the day, and deeply think, “I am right next to Srimati Radharani, personally performing each one of these many sevas for the divine happiness of my most worshipable Ishvari Sri Radha.” Now we’’ begin describing 150 daily sevas of Sri Radhika dearest maidservants, the manjaris.

Radha-Govinda Yugala Asta-kaliya-lila & Manjari Sevas

I. Nisanta Lila 3:36—6:00 a.m. Pre Sunrise Sevas
1. WAKING SEVA: During Brahma-muhurta time [2 hrs. before sunrise], on Vrinda’s order, the male and female mynas, parrots, peacocks, cuckoos and doves start sweetly singing to arouse Radha-Madhava. Hearing the birds, I, in my beautiful, transcendental, spiritual body as Srimati Radharani’s loyal maidservant, quickly get up and prepare for Priyaji’s personal services.
2. DARSHANA SEVA: Going to the nearby groves, I wake up Gaurangi’s gopis. Bringing them to Sri Sri Radha-Krishna, I show them the charming vision of the disheveled Sporting Pair sleeping on Their flower bed.
3. RADHA’S HAIR SEVA: Sri Radhika becomes startled, however, by the ecstatic whispering of all the sakhis peeping inside the kunja. Waking up suddenly, Sundari tries to rise from the flower bed. But She can’t because Her hair, necklaces and other ornaments are entangled with Krishna’s. Tip-toeing into the kunja, I quickly and expertly untie all the knots.
4. PAINTING SEVA: When Radha-Madhava want to paint pictures on each other, I hand Them paint brushes, and stand beside Them holding a small golden tray containing freshly prepared, sandalwood pulp, musk, kunkum etc.
5. ORNAMENTS SEVA: When Yugala Kishora want to decorate each other, I present Them pearl necklaces, jeweled ornaments, flower garlands, etc.
6. MANGALA ARATIKA SEVA: After Radha-Govinda Yugala dress, I devotedly offer mangala-arati by waving various auspicious presentations before Them.
7. GOING HOME SEVA: When Gandharvika leaves the garden grove to return home, I walk behind Her carrying nicely prepared betel nuts and a golden water jug.
8. PRASADI SEVA: When the pearl necklaces and other ornaments break off and fall from Radha’s neck as She rushes home, I pick them up, tie them in my sari, and later repair them to share that rasa-laden Radha prasadi with Her sakhis.
9. PRASADI SEVA: With Her beautiful golden hand, Pranapriya lovingly rewards me with Her pan prasadi, which I then later share with the other sundari sakhis.
10. RESTING SEVA: As soon as Radha arrives in Yavata or Varshana just before sunrise, I immediately and affectionately lay Lajjavati in Her bed. Then I go to rest in a special bedroom set aside for Devi’s dasis.

II. Pratah Lila 6:00—8:24 a.m. Morning Sevas
1. CLEANING SEVA: At sunrise, I wash Vinodini’s clothes from the previous night. Then I clean the trays, dishes, bowls, brushes, and other items previously used in the kunja.
2. UNGUENTS SEVA: To decorate Swamini’s gorgeous divine body, I grind together saffron and sandalwood pulp.
3. WAKING SEVA: Hearing the voices of the palace ladies approaching Her bedroom, I lovingly waken Srimati by gently touching Her lotus feet. Then I sit Bhanu-tanya on Her bathing platform.
4. BATHING SEVA: I offer scented water to wash Radha’s face, and hand Kishori Her tooth-powder, golden tongue-scraper, and other items.
5. COSMETICS SEVA: While Kalyani brushes Her teeth, I prepare a fine powder of kunkum, musk, saffron and scented sandalwood, for cleaning Kunda-danti’s body. I make mascara for Madhuri’s beautiful blue eyes and prepare other body ointments.
6. MASSAGE SEVA: With great care and attention, I affectionately rub invigorating, scented oil all over Radhika Sundari’s beautiful divine form.
7. CLEANING SEVA: I then remove the massage oil from Rai’s body by using a special cleansing powder.
8. SHAMPOO SEVA: I wash Priyaji’s long, silky black hair with a mixture of tamarind juice and scented oil.
9. BATH SEVA: Using golden jugs of scented cool water in summer or warm in winter, I bathe Vrishabhanu-nandini.
10. DRYING SEVA: I dry Sundari’s lovely body and hair with fine cloth towels.
11. DRESSING SEVA: I dress Nagarimani in a jewel-embroidered blue silk sari.
12. HAIR SEVA: I dry and scent Swamini’s hair with smoke of fragrant aloe-wood.
13. SRNGARA SEVA: I dress and decorate Radha Ji with 16 kinds of ornaments, including tying Priya’s braid, attaching flower-earrings, weaving flowers into Her hair, applying eye mascara, painting creepers upon Radha’s limbs, tilaka on Her forehead, and finally giving Navina Kishori a play lotus to twirl.
14. FOOT SEVA: I paint red lac dye on Radhika’s divine foot soles.
15. MIRROR SEVA: After dressing Her, I show Sriji a mirror and notice how happy Hemangi is with Her radiant beauty, knowing it will give great joy to Her Gokulendu.
16. PUJA SEVA: I prepare the trays and paraphernalia for Shyama-jivani’s upcoming Surya puja.
17. INTIMATE SEVAS: On Ramani’s request, I return to the keli-kunja to retrieve Rai’s forgotten corset, pearl necklaces and other ornaments.
18. WALKING SEVA: When Nikunja-jivani goes to Nandagrama to cook Priyatama’s breakfast, I walk behind Bhanunandini carrying Her water jug and betel nut tray.
19. HEARING SEVA: I relish the joking and laughing of Sriji and Her sakhis as they walk to Nandagrama.
20. ADMIRING SEVA: Sri Radhika, the sakhis and I too bow down to Mother Yashoda upon arriving in Krishna’s palace. While listening to Yashoda praising Priyaji, I admire how Yashoda lovingly embraces Lajjeshvari, smells Her head and kisses Kalavati again and again.
21. DRESSING SEVA: I help Harinakshi change into Her cooking robe, and then prepare different items for Kishori’s cooking.
22. FANNING SEVA: I fan Kishori-mani with refreshing breezes while She cooks or serves the food.
23. FOOD SEVA: I help Rasavati Rai and Mother Rohini display the cooked items for Yashoda Ma’s approval and then bring the serving pots.
24. SERVING SEVA: I help Haripriya hand trays and pots of food to Yashoda.
25. DARSHANA SEVA: Standing beside Radhika, I watch Sri Krishna enjoying His meal as He laughs and jokes with the sakhas.
21. FANNING SEVA: I continually fan Chanchakshi as She relishes Krishna’s prasadi.
22. WATER SEVA: I offer Kunkumangi cool, rose-scented drinking water.
23. WASHING SEVA: I offer Sarvanga-sundari scented water to wash Her mouth and hands.
24. RESTING SEVA: I lay Radha down on a comfy bed, and offer Her betel nuts mixed with camphor and cardamom.
25. CLOTHES SEVA: I meet Subala Sakha and trade Krishna’s yellow shawl for Sriji’s blue one. The Playful Pair had mistakenly swapped clothes when rushing out of the kunja at daybreak.
1. ESCORT SEVA: Radha and the sakhis follow Krishna when He goes for cow herding. Praneshvari exchanges forlorn glances with Her Priyatama before returning to Yavata. I walk behind Radha holding a tray with betel nuts and a water pot.
2. FOOT SEVA: After settling Radha in Her palace, I wash and massage Her lotus feet.
3. GARLAND SEVA: I pick some flowers so Madhura-mukhi can string a mala for Murari.
4. COOKING SEVA: I assist Anuragini when She cooks Acyuta’s favorite sweets.
5. DELIVERY SEVA: I deliver Srimati’s sweets, flower malas, and Her messages to Madhavananda in the forest. I return with Radha-vallabha’s response and thus satisfy both Rai and Kanu.
6. ESCORT SEVA: On the pretext of Surya Puja, Shyama-priya and Her sakhis come to Radha-kunda to meet Govinda. Following Sriji like Her shadow, I carry Her tray with betel nuts and a water pot.
IV. MADHYAHNA LILA 10.48 a.m.—3.36 p.m. MIDDAY SEVAS
1. DARSHANA SEVA: Upon arriving in the bowers of Sri Radha-kunda, I arrange Radha Govinda’s mutual darshana.
2. DECORATING SEVA: With other manjaris, I clean the kunja and attractively decorate it with wondrous arches, pavilions and thrones made of colorful, fragrant flowers.
3. FLOWER BED SEVA: I prepare an astonishing flower bed with artistic patterns made of different colored forest flowers.
4. FOOT WASHING SEVA: I clean the beautiful lotus feet of Radha and Krishna.
5. FOOT DRYING SEVA: Using my soft, fine hair, I dry Lila Yugala’s lotus feet.
6. FANNING SEVA: I refresh Radha-Madhava with cooling breezes from a huge peacock-feather fan.
7. NECTAR SEVA: I make honey nectar from sweet forest flowers like kadamba.
8. BHOGA SEVA: I then offer full pots of honey nectar to Radha-Govinda for Their pleasure.
9. HEARING SEVA: I go mad with bliss listening to Radha-Madhava’s outrageous joking and laughter with Their sakhis.
10. BETEL SEVA: I offer delicious betel nut packets flavored with cardamom, cloves and camphor to the Divine Pair.
11. PRASADI SEVA: Out of love for me, Radhe-Shyama give me Their prasadi betel to relish.
12. DISCRETION SEVA: I discreetly exit the bower as soon as I sense that Sriji and Shyama want to be alone.
13. SMELLING SEVA: While waiting outside, my nose delights in the divine, natural bodily fragrances of Priya-Priyatama that resemble an exotic mixture of musk, kunkum, camphor, lotus flowers and sandalwood paste.
14. HEARING SEVA: My ears dance along with the excited, sweet jingling of Radha-Madhava’s bangles, waist-bells, ankle-bells and so.
15. SEEING SEVA: Gazing at ground near Gauri-Shyama’s lotus feet, I marvel at the wondrous sight of Their most auspicious and divine footprints marked with the designs of a flag, goad, cakra, chariot, conch, thunderbolt, lotus, and so on.
16. KUNJA SEVA: After Radha-Krishna finish Their amorous affairs inside the grove, I enter to render various sevas.
17. FANNING SEVA: I caress Radha-Madhava’s lotus feet and fan Them with gentle breezes.
18. WATER SEVA: I offer cool, flower-scented drinking water for Rai Kanu’s pleasure.
19. TILAKA SEVA: Using sandalwood pulp and a fine brush, I expertly repaint Thakurani’s tilaka and flower-creeper designs removed by Her perspiration.
20. COSMETICS SEVA: I anoint Sumukhi’s wonderful transcendental body with scented cosmetics like musk, saffron, camphor, and vermilion.
21. NECKLACE SEVA: I pick up the pearls scattered around the grove from Premamayi’s broken necklace and re-string them.
22. SHRNGARA SEVA: To decorate Radha-Madhava in various attractive ways, I pluck heaps of colorful fragrant flowers from the gardens surrounding the kunja.
23. ORNAMENTS SEVA: I string Vinodilala’s favorite vaijayanti-mala (five flower mix), and then use some colorful fragrant flowers to make all of Madhavi’s garlands, earrings, crown, armlets, bracelets, and chokers.
24. MALA SEVA: While Lila Yugala enjoy joking and laughing together, I offer my pearl necklaces and flower garlands to Their lotus hands.
25. DECORATING SEVA: Per Yugala’s request, I place the garlands and necklaces on Their divine necks.
26. HAIR SEVA: With a golden comb, I very carefully comb Radha’s flowing tresses.
27. VENI SEVA: I expertly tie Radha’s hair in a nice braid that hangs down Her elegant back.
28. KAJALA SEVA: I encircle Radha’s beautiful blue eyes with Shyama-black kajala
29. LIPSTICK SEVA: I apply bright red lipstick to Radha’s divine, naturally red lotus petal lips.
30. TILAKA SEVA: I paint dark musk dots on Gandharvika’s radiant golden lotus face.
31. SWEETS SEVA: I offer Krishna’s favorite sweets like Ganga-jal laddus, ananga-gutika and sidhu-vilasa to both Radha and Krishna.
32. FRUIT SEVA: I collect fresh, juicy sweet fruits from the forest orchards.
33. OFFERING SEVA: I prepare the fruits and arrange them attractively on a tray to present to Rasika Yugala.
34. HEARING SEVA: My ears drink the nectar of Madhuri-Madhava’s sweet murmuring and love-prattles during Their romantic exchanges.
35. DARSHANA SEVA: I taste great bliss in seeing and taking part in Radha-Madhava’s astonishing pleasure sports as They wander through the forest, enjoy flower-fights, steal Krishna’s flute, drench each other in Holi colors, soar on a swing, splash each with water, play hide ‘n seek, and stake ridiculous wagers during Their board game (pasha khela).
36. VINA SEVA: I walk behind Radhika carrying Her vina. I hand it to Radhika-sundari whenever She wants to play solos or duets with Her Beloved Shyama. As Radha-Damodara ramble through the forests, They sing songs, and touch the trees and creepers while looking at the colorful tropical birds and listening to their sweet chirping.
37. FOOT SEVA: Using my soft, Yamuna-black tresses, I wipe the vraja-dhuli from Radha-Gopinatha’s divine lotus feet.
38. DEFENSE SEVA: When Sri Hari and Shyamajiu fight over who owns the forest flowers, I shield Sukumari from Sundarananda’s aggression, and thereby indirectly enjoy struggling with Shyama.
39. STEALING SEVA: On Haripriya’s hint, I steal Hari’s vamshi as They struggle and secretly pass it to Srimati. Not seeing His flute, Mukunda searches me and I hint to Him that Radha has it. Govinda goes after Gandharvika, but She secretly passes the flute to another sakhi. I happily participate in all this mischief.
40. HOLI REFILL SEVA: When Radhe-Shyama play Holi to drench each other with colored dyes, I repeatedly refill the pichkaris (meter long, jeweled golden syringes) with liquid musk, saffron, camphor, sandalwood paste and powdered fragrant flowers and hand them to Sriji and Her sakhis.
41. JHULAN SEVA: When Radha Govinda sit on a swing, I push it back and forth, throw fragrant flowers over Yugala’s divine heads, play the vina and sing songs of Their glories.
42. LUK-LUKI SEVA: To play hide ‘n seek Radha and Krishna scatter throughout the woods. When Krishna asks, I lie about Hemagauri’s hiding place. But when Ananga-mohini asks, I immediately reveal Ananda-Bihari’s location.
43. CLOTHES & KUNDA SEVA: When Radha-Shyama sport in Radha-kunda, I watch Their clothes and ornaments while waiting on the bank. Sometimes, however, Radha pulls me into the kunda to enjoy the fun too.
When the Playful Pair come out of Radha-kunda, I dry Them off and offer fresh clothes, ornaments and cosmetics.
When Priyaji and Prana-natha play pasha khela and wager various items, I collect the prizes Jaya Sri wins. I proudly go over to Madana Gopala’s side of the playing board, and forcibly take away His pet deer or flute lost in the match. During the game, I also participate in the sakhis’ joking ridicule of Radha-ramana and His attempts to please His Ishvari.
46. ESCORT SEVA: When Sri Radha leaves Radha-Kunda for puja at Surya-kunda, I follow Kanta-vallabha carrying items for Her service.
47. SURYA PUJA SEVAS: When Jatila asks Radha to bow to the “brahmana purohita” (Krishna in disguise), I restrain my laughter. During the puja, I hand trays, flowers, incense, and other items to Radharani. As Krishna recites various, amorously-tainted and concocted puja mantras, I cover my face with my veil to keep Jatila from my laughing.
48. DARSHANA SEVA: As Srimati returns to Yavata, I lag behind to give Her a pretext for repeatedly turning around to glance at Her beloved Shyama standing in the mandira doorway. When Priyaji can no longer see Shyama, I try to pacify Sriji’s ever-mounting feelings of separation.
1. MASSAGE SEVA: Back in Radharani’s palace in Yavata, I see that Radhika is feeling very bad due separation from Pyariju. At that time, I very attentively care for Priya Sundari by lying Her down on a cooling flower bed, and washing and massaging Rasavilasini’s lotus feet.
2. COOKING SEVA: Responding to Yashoda’s request, Radharani cooks sweets for Krishna’s supper. I help Vidagdhi Radha by lighting the stove, grinding spices, and bringing other ingredients.
3. BATHING AND DRESSING SEVA: When Madhuri Radha goes for Her afternoon bath, I follow Srimati holding Her fresh clothes and ornaments. After Her bath, I dress and adorn Krishna priya with all these items.
4. DARSHANA SEVA: Sulochana and Her sakhis run to the rooftop to see Ramana Bihari’s uttara goshtha lila [returning with many cows and sakhas]. I offer Radha refreshing cool water to drink, and enjoy watching Govinda-nandini glancing at Her beloved Govinda Deva.
5. BEDROOM SEVAS: I follow Swamini as She descends from the roof with Her sakhis, and then tend to Rai back in Her quarters.
1. BHOGA & HEARING SEVA: At sunset, I go to Nandishvara [Nandagrama] with Tulasi manjari to deliver Radha’s bhoga offering to Krishna which includes food items, betel nuts, flower garlands, etc. I hear Sri Krishna and Tulasi fix the time and place for Lila Yugala’s rendezvous that night.
2. DELIVERY SEVA: Tulasi manjari and I bring Sri Hari’s prasadi to Sri Radha in Yavata.
3. PRASADI SEVA: I distribute Nanda Kishora’s prasadi to Shyama jivani and Her sakhis.
4. INCENSE SEVA: While the sakhis eat, I burn nice fragrant incense for their pleasure.
5. WATER SEVA: I offer cool, rose-scented drinking water to Rasa-sundari and Her sakhis.
6. RINSING SEVA: When they finish eating, I offer scented water to Smita-mukhi and Her sakhis to wash their hands and mouths.
7. SPICE & REST SEVA: I offer fresh betel nuts scented with cardamom, cloves, camphor, etc. to Sundarangi and then lay Her down for a brief rest.
8. NECTAR SEVA: In great bliss, I slowly savor Syamajeu’s nectarean prasadi.
9. WAKING & DARSHANA SEVA: When Raseshvari wakes up, I take Her to a rooftop garden to peek into the goshala to watch Govinda blissfully milking the cows.
1. MOON MATCHING DRESS SEVA: During the light or dark phases of the moon, I dress and decorate Radhika-sundari in the appropriate dark or light clothes and ornaments and unguents.
2. BODY DESIGN SEVA: I anoint Rasavati-rai’s beautiful limbs with camphorated sandal paste, musk etc., and then paint creepers, leaves and flowers upon Radha’s body with tilaka.
3. ABHISARA SEVA: The sakhis and I arrange for Prema-mayi’s rendezvous with Priyatama Shyama by helping Her sneak out of the house. I follow anxious Madhavi, and carry various articles for Radha’s worship, comfort, and for Her to offer to Sri Krishna.
4. KUNJA DECORATING SEVA: I comfort Kunja-vilasini as She anxiously waits in the Sanket Kunja. When Vrinda-devi takes Sriji out to see the splendor of the groves surrounding the bower, I quickly decorate the kunja with flower garlands, scented pollen, burning incense, etc.
5. BRINGING KRISHNA SEVA: After Nandulala sneaks out of His palace in Nandishvara, I meet Him on the footpath and bring Him to Nilambari. By this seva, I enable the Playful Pair to experience the ecstatic bliss of meeting.
VIII. NISHA LILA 10.48 p.m.—3.36 a.m. LATE NIGHT SEVAS
1. DARSHANA SEVA: I lovingly behold Radha-Madhava as They meet in the forest in a most astonishing manner.
2. CHASTIZING SEVA: I chastise Manohara when He is too aggressive in dealing with Madana-mohini.
3. VANA BIHARA SEVAS: While following Them, I gently fan and sprinkle fragrant flowers on Yugala Rasika-vara as They ramble through the forest. I also entertain Lila Yugala with praises in self-composed songs. I point out the wonders of the midnight forest, and decorate Radha-Damodara with beautiful flowers when They sit down to rest.
4. DARSHANA SEVA: Upon arriving on the Yamuna bank, I marvel at how the splendorous moonlight is enhancing the beauty and sweetness of the rasa-dance as it begins so wonderfully.
5. HEARING SEVA: I relish the soothing sweetness of Rasa-vilasini’s anklets and waist-bells jingling along with the enchanting melodies of Shyama’s murali and Her own sweet playing of the vina. As Radha-Madhava sing a duet, my mind melts in the sweetness of Their melodies.
7. DARSHANA SEVA: In great amazement and appreciation, I admire the sweetness of Radha Rasabihariji’s blissful dancing in the center of the rasa-mandala.
8. FLUTE SEVA: When Muralidhara’s flute slips out His dhoti while dancing, I immediately follow Hrimati’s hint and hide under my dress.
9. STRUGGLING SEVA: I enjoy the fun as Shyama Nagara struggles with me and the sakhis while attempting to retrieve His flute. Laughing and giggling, I toss the flute from gopi to gopi as Ghanasyama searches each gopika.
10. RASA DANCE SEVA: To increase the ecstatic bliss of Rasika Yugala, I also dance, sing, and play musical instruments along with the other gopis.
11. COMFORT SEVAS: To alleviate Navina Yugala’s fatigue from rasa dancing, I serve Them rose-scented cool water, tasty betel nuts and flower garlands. Then I smear Radha-Shyama’s sweat-drenched limbs with sandalwood paste, massage Their lotus feet and fan Them with cooling breezes.
12. BHOGA SEVA: As Radha-Gopinatha rest, I join the manjaris to pick ripe, juicy forest fruits. Sitting on the veranda outside the bower house, I cut the fruits into bite-sized pieces, arrange them attractively on a golden tray and bring it inside the bower house. While serving the fruits and special sweets I made earlier with Radha, my bumblebee eyes dance with joy.
13. PRASADI SEVA: Afterwards, I happily serve Govinda-sundara’s remnants to Shyameshvari and Her sakhis. Then in great bliss, I relish Vinodini-rai’s remnants.
14. KUNJA SEVA: I thrill with joy upon seeing Radha-Gokulananda laughing and joking happily together with Their sakhis. When Radha-Vinodilala enjoy amorous delights, I serve Them fresh betel nuts and render other services. Along with other maidservants, I relish immense bliss as my ears drink the sweet nectar of Radha-Madana Gopala’s rasa-laden love talks.
15. SLEEPING SEVA: Seeing it’s time, I lay Radhika-Shyamaraya down on a beautifully designed, fragrant flower bed I prepared earlier. And then gently fan the tired Yugala Rasika, offer chilled water and other relaxing sevas.
16. RESTING SEVA: After Radha Pyare-mohana drift off to sleep, I enter a separate grove with my group of manjaris and take a brief nap. (adapted, list of Sri Dasaratha-suta Dasji)

Manjaris’ blissful asta-kaliya-lila sevas ki jai! Japa Mini Meditations ki jai! Jaya Jaya Sri Radhe!

Mahanidhi Madan Gopal Das

The “Japa Mini Lila Meditation” series presents short audio files describing transcendental sevas and lilas to be meditated upon while chanting one to two rounds of Hare Krishna japa.
These Radha-Krishna nitya-lila meditations are very helpful for sadhakas aspiring to become eternal maidservants (manjaris) of Srimati Radharani. For other devotees, the meditations will give a taste of an amazing inner joy and satisfaction that arises from combining nama-japa with Radha-Krishna lila.

The Basic Meditation Technique
While attentively chanting japa and listening to the audio, try to mentally visualize the time, place, personalities and pastime being described. Completely forget this world and think that you are in the spiritual realm of Vrindavana, standing right beside Srimati Radhika and expertly serving Her in so many special and intimate ways.
Try to see, hear and take part (mentally of course) in all the loving exchanges of Radha-Madhava, Their sakhis and the manjaris in the lilas you are hearing. Try to feel what they are feeling, saying and doing by mixing your heart, even in small way, with the heart of Sri Radha and Her dasis, the manjaris. Intensely pray for the mercy of your beloved Gurudeva, and also Sri Rupa Manjari, Sri Tulasi-manjari (Sri Raghunatha Dasa Goswami) and Sri Radhika to help you identify, albeit in a tiny way, with Their feelings and moods during each wonderful lila.
In your known or desired mentally conceived and cherished spiritual body (siddha svarupa) try to visualize that you are seeing, hearing, speaking, serving and personally moving with Radha-Krishna in Their beautiful sweet pastimes as they flow on into eternity.
For the meditation to be fruitful, blissful and transforming, however, you must use your powers of concentration and visualization. Concentration means to withdraw your mind from all internal thoughts and external sense stimuli. Visualization means to mentally “see” the whole panorama of the setting, the personalities, the clothes, the colors and the various articles and places being described in the narration.
Focus all your conscious attention on the lila narration and the internal vibration of the Hare Krishna maha-mantra. You can become peaceful and increase your concentration on hearing the Divine Name and visualizing the lilas if you close your eyes, relax your face, and breathe slowly and deeply while fixing your attention on the point between the eyebrows. Try to really feel and mentally identify yourself as a humble serving maid of Srimati Radharani who really wants to be there with Sri Radha, serving Her and Her beloved Sri Krishna from moment to moment in the eternal realm of loving bliss—Vrindavana.
Japa lila meditation is a sadhana, and like all sadhanas one must practice it every day without fail. In the beginning, it will be difficult to hear and chant while simultaneously concentrating and visualizing the pastimes. However, by daily practice (abhyasa), your ability to concentrate and visualize will improve more and more.
Within a short time of six months or so of diligent practice, you will definitely have some amazing meditations, and also experience an extraordinary taste of transcendental sweetness by this Japa Mini Meditation practice.
It is also very important to remember that during any sadhana practice, you must always remain humble and patient, feeling confident that our affectionate Loving Lord Sri Krishna will surely reciprocate with our efforts and bring us success.
So now let’s begin the Japa Mini Lila Meditations. Jaya Jaya Sri Radhe!

Mahanidhi Madan Gopal Das

Before starting the Japa Mini Lila Meditations series, we will first reveal some supremely interesting truths about the nature of the spiritual sky that we all hope to attain one day.
In the spiritual dimension of Vrindavana, every person and every “so-called object” such as a tree, rock, finger ring or a necklace is a completely transcendental person—a unique and colorful individual made of pure, love-saturated consciousness.

Everyone has a bhava-deha, a body made of transcendental loving sentiments. There are no bodies made of gross matter, flesh and bones or even mind, intellect or ego (prakriti, indriya, mana, buddhi, ahankara). In other words, everyone and “everything” is completely personal, interactive, alive and full of prema for Radha and Krishna.

In Vraja Dhama in the spiritual sky, there is only love, bhava, pure divine love interacting with pure divine love. Vraja is an eternal blissful realm wherein all the lovers and beloveds exist only to please and satisfy Sri Krishna and each other, be they acting as Sri Krishna’s servants, friends, parents, gopi lovers or dasi serving girls.

Our Gaudiya Vaisnava shastras and purvacharyas say that there is one form of Bhagavan Sri Krishna for every liberated soul! Not only one Krishna, but there is also one form of each one of Sri Krishna’s eternal loving associates in Vrindavana to interact with and accept eternal sevas from that liberated soul i.e. sadhana siddha bhakta.

This is a most astonishing and wonderfully inspiring and reassuring spiritual truth that fully enables every liberated soul, premi-bhakta, to have his or her own individual and personal Radha and Krishna to love, have, hold and humbly serve forever.

Thus we see in the books of Sri Rupa Gosvami, Sri Raghunatha Dasa Goswami, Sri Narottama Dasa Thakura and Srila Visvanatha Cakravarti describing Radha-Krishna’s asta-kaliya-lilas and Their sevas therein, the first person tense “I” is used to speak of the eternal present or the future eternal.

For example, sometimes these acharyas describe their hankering to someday serve Srimati Radharani: “O Kishori-mani! WHEN WILL I COMB Your hair and set beautiful bakula malas in Your shimmering, silky black hair braid?”

Or they write: “O Kalyani! On the full moon night, I DRESS YOU in pure white garments, ornament You with pearls and moonstone, and cover Your beautiful lavanya lustrous face with white sandalwood paste to prevent anyone from noticing You rushing out to the kunja to meet Your beloved Priyatama.”

And these acharyas also describe how they or rather I am personally doing each and every service required by Srimati Radharani when She is alone and with Her dearest sweet heart Shyamasundara. This means when you attain spiritual perfection you will not be left out in cold, waiting one millennium for your turn to render your individual service of fanning Sri Radha.

In the spiritual dimension of pure loving consciousness, Radha and Krishna are eternally present in millions upon millions of unlimited divine, transcendental forms. And with each form the Playful Pair are being eternally loved and served by one individual liberated prema bhakta—YOU!

Now just imagine how vast, beautiful, inconceivable and personal is the spiritual sky? Radha, Krishna and all Their loving associates with YOU in Vraja Dhama forever.
Following the lead of our Gaudiya Vaisnava acharyas, we will present the Japa Mini Meditations series in first person “I”. Thus while listening to the lila audios, one should think, “I am right there with Radha and Krishna and Their dedicated sakhis and manjaris. And I am personally offering each and every one of the many sevas being described here for the pleasure of my own individual Radha-Govinda Yugala.”

In the next audio, we will begin our Japa Mini Lila Meditation series.

Radha-Krishna asta-kaliya-lila ki jai!
Japa and lila ki jai!
Jaya Jaya Sri Radhe!

Mahanidhi Madan Gopal Das

These amazingly sweet and charming nectar-filled verses will carry you into the realm of Srimati Radharani’s eternal seva. The original Sanskrit verses of Radha Rasa Sudha Nidhi by Sri Prabodhananda Sarasvati are all incomparably beautiful and worthy of remembrance.

However, since most people cannot memorize Sanskrit verses, we have presented mostly just the English translations. These verses paint wonderful lila pictures for meditation on Radha Krishna’s Vrajalilas. And most importantly, they will help a sadhaka to adopt the feelings and sentiments, gopi-bhava, of a dasi of Sri Radha. The verses have titles to facilitate their remembrance.

Verse 191 Manjari Protects Radhika
O Radhe! When will I follow You down the road and fully enchant You and Your rasika lover by pushing Krishna away from You while saying, “O most shameless boy! Don’t come anywhere near my dear friend, who becomes enchanted like a little girl whenever You simply touch the borders of Her breasts!”

Verse 208 Manjari Protects Radhika
O Radhike! When will I hide the signs of Your amorous union with Krishna from Your cruel superiors by saying, “My sakhi was picking flowers far away from here, and on the way back Radha’s breasts were scratched by the thorns, Her tilaka was washed off Her forehead from sweating, and Her lips were bruised by the cold wind!”

Verse 213 Sleeping Manjari
When will I somehow fall asleep at the end of Your flowerbed while I am softly massaging Your lotus-feet, padambhoja -samvahanani -shayyante -patita -prapta -tandra -bhaveyam?

Verse 219Manjari Helps Krishna
O Pranayini Radhe! When You are angry with Krishna, He falls at my feet, holding a straw between His teeth, and prays to me with many pitiful words. Krishna constantly follows me to ask me to arrange a meeting with You. O Radhe! I am tired of this, so now I submit Krishna’s plea to You.

Verse 224 Manjari’s Humor
O Vrshabhanu-nandini! When will I tell Your Priyatama, “O Gopendra-kumara! Don’t vainly make such proud jokes over here! With great difficulty You held one Govardhana Hill on Your hand. But as soon as You even see Sri Radha’s two golden mountains You become afraid, sri -radha -hema -shaila -yugale -drshte -bhayam!

Verse 243 Radha Teaches Manjaris
When will my Ishvari Radha engage me in serving Her Praneshvara Sri Krishna in the solitary places of Vrindavan by teaching me how to string flower garlands, grind sandal paste, make wonderful sweet-balls, and sweep the kunja?

Verse 246 Krishna’s Bewilderment
May Sri Radha’s smile protect us when Radha smiles upon seeing Hari marveling at His own form reflected in Radha’s shining golden breasts. At that time, Krishna says, “O Radha! I see two beautiful boys in Your breasts! Their luster steals the glories of hosts of blue lotus-flowers! I am completely enchanted by their forms. Please make Me Your girlfriend, so that we two girls can tightly embrace these two boys!”

Verse 247 Radha’s Bewilderment
O Radhike! When at the very beginning of Your love festival will I hear You sarcastically tell Shyam, “O Nitigya! (knower of morality) Stay away from Me!”
Then I will watch You push away Krishna’s hand before You storm out of the kunja to go angrily lament with tear-filled eyes to Your sakhi’s that You just saw Krishna with another sakhi. Although it was actually Your own sweet form seen in Krishna’s Kaustubha gem.

Verse 259 Radha: Aim of Sadhana
I always meditate on Krishna wearing a crown of peacock-feathers. I always sing Krishna’s name in sankirtana. I always serve Krishna’s murti, and repeat His best of mantras, Gopala-mantra. During all these activities, however I am holding in my heart the desire to attain the supremely cherished service of Sri Radha’s lotus-feet.

Verse 267 Manjari Darshan
When will I, in a body maddened by ecstatic love, live in Vrindavan, that purifying, effulgent, and most amazing rasika abode that witnesses Sri Radha’s artful loving pastimes? And when will I clearly see my divine spiritual form, eyes, ears and so on that is just suitable for serving Radha Krishna in the effulgent kunjas?
Manjari meditations ki jai! Jai Jai Sri Radhe!

Mahanidhi Madan Gopal Das

These amazingly sweet and charming nectar-filled verses will carry you into the realm of Srimati Radharani’s eternal seva. The original Sanskrit verses of Radha Rasa Sudha Nidhi by Sri Prabodhananda Sarasvati are all incomparably beautiful and worthy of remembrance.

However, since most people cannot memorize Sanskrit verses, we have presented mostly just the English translations. These verses paint wonderful lila pictures for meditation on Radha Krishna’s Vraja lilas. And most importantly, they will help a sadhaka to adopt the feelings and sentiments, gopi-bhava, of a dasi of Sri Radha. The verses have titles to facilitate their remembrance.

Verse 43 Assisting Radha’s First Tryst

When Vrshabhanunandini is shy and afraid of Her eternal first meeting with the king of debauchees, when will I catch Radha’s lotus hand and eagerly bring Radha to the play-bed of soft fresh sprouts in the sanket-kunja?

Verse 48 Falling in a Pool of Rasa

O Sri Radhika! When will this confidential maidservant of Yours fall into a pool of rasa as I stand by the gate of the kunja, dvara -sthita -rasa -hrade -patita kada -syam, listening to the sweet jingling of Your ornaments mixing with the sweet indistinct sounds of Your love prattles with Krishna at the beginning of Your rasa-festival?

Verse 53 Wearing Radha Prasadi Cloth

When can I see myself as Sri Radhika’s tender kishori wearing Swamini’s prasadi dress and blouse lovingly given to me with Her own hand as I always stand by Radha’s side to expertly serve Her in various ways?

Verse 56 Manjari Tastes Madhurya Rasa

O my Praneshvari Radha! Knowing that I am Your fortunate maidservant, Krishna may softly kiss me, embrace me, and intoxicate me with the wine of eros, surata- madhvya- madayati, showing a wonderful treasure of affection towards me. Even then O Radhe! My mind will always remain absorbed in the rasa-filled pastimes of Your lotus-feet, tavaiva -sri -radhe -pada -rasa -vilase -mama -manah!

Verse 59 Rasa Lila Seva

Nagari Rasikshekhara’s cheeks are moistened with sweat drops of fatigue from Their incomparable dancing during Their amazingly enchanting, laughter-filled Rasa festival. When will I joyfully serve Radha Madhava by massaging Their feet and nicely fanning Them?

Verse 61 Govinda Bows to Radha

Govinda experiences a festival of rasa by bowing down and touching the lotus feet of Radha, pada-sparsha -rasotsavam -pranatibhir -govindam, who is Krishna’s only giver of rasa, rasaikadayini.

Verse 63 Confidential Seva to Radha

When will Sri Radha order me to accompany Her and tell Nandanandan, after He repeatedly hints to Radha with His glances, which She seemingly rejects while yet indicating a beautiful trysting-place to Krishna, “O king of cheaters! My Ishvari Radha will not go alone into that solitary grove of Kadamba-trees because She is afraid of You!”

Verse 75 Radha Meditation

O Sri Radhe! In my meditation may I always see Your crooked eyebrows, widened eyes, cherry-red lips, sweet smile, full breasts, thin waist, wide hips, soft body, slow elegant steps, and the stunned condition Your rasika heart.

Verse 87 Manjaris Relish Radha’s Prasad

When will I submerge in ever-new, ecstatic blissful rasa by repeatedly chewing the sweeter than sweet remnants of Sri Radha, which are the essence of nectar?

sri -radhaya -madhura madhur -occhishta -piyusha -saram
bhojam -bhojam -nava -nava -rasananda -magnah -kada -syam

Verse 144 Siddhis Roll at Manjari’s Feet

Millions of amazing siddhis roll at the feet of Sri Radha’s maidservants, sri – radha -kinkarinam -luthati -caranayor -adbhuta -siddhi -kotih!

Verse 156 Radha’s Motherly Affection

When will Radha relish Krishna’s prasadi tambula, and then put it into my mouth to show Her motherly affection, dasi-vatsala, to me?

Verse 166 Fanning Seva

When on the terrace of a bower house of fresh creepers on the bank of the Yamuna will I fan Radha Murari in such a way that They blissfully close Their eyes while enjoying the incomparably cool breeze?

Verse 180 Nikunja Prasad

When will I enter the nikunja in the morning to sweep it, and then decorate myself with the prasadi kajal, camphor, musk, and sandalwood paste from Radha Madhava’s love bed that fell off Their divine bodies at the beginning of Their wonderful love-play? And when will I restring and wear Their broken garlands?

Manjari Meditations ki jai! Jai Jai Sri Radhe!

Mahanidhi Madan Gopal Das

These amazingly sweet and charming nectar-filled verses will carry you into the realm of Srimati Radharani’s eternal seva. The original Sanskrit verses of Radha Rasa Sudha Nidhi by Sri Prabodhananda Sarasvati are all incomparably beautiful and worthy of remembrance.

However, since most people cannot memorize Sanskrit verses, we have presented mostly just the English translations. These verses paint wonderful lila pictures for meditation on Radha Krishna’s Vraja lilas. And most importantly, they will help a sadhaka to adopt the feelings and sentiments, gopi-bhava, of a dasi of Sri Radha. The verses have titles to facilitate their remembrance.

Verse 6 Radha, Essence of Rasa

Glory to Nikunja-devi Radha who revives Nandanandan when He faints from the attack of Kandarpa’s millions of  arrows by abundantly sprinkling Krishna with the nectar-waves of Her bodily contact, which is the quintessence of bliss, rasa -sara -nijanga -sanga!

Verse 14 Radha Blesses Vraja

radha -karavacita -pallava -vallarike
radha -padanka -vilasan -madhura -sthalike
radha -yasho -mukhara -matta -khagavalike
radha -vihara -vipine -ramatam -mano -me

May my mind find pleasure in the play forest of Radha, where the sprouts and vines are touched by Radha’s hands, where the lila-sthalis are sweetened by Radha’s footprints, and where the birds madly sing Radha’s glories!

Verse 9 Radha Saves Sadhus

Full of good moods, Radha delivers all the good devotees living in Vrindavan, vrndatavim -sat -tarani – krta -subhava -sudha.

Verse 17 Kunja Seva

O Radhe! After You blissfully pass the night enjoying pastimes with Your rasika nagar Krishna in a kunja, I will bathe You, and serve You some sweet foods. Then You will fall asleep while I massage Your lotus feet with my hands.

Verse 18 Radha Darshan

When will Sri Radhika who is an ocean of play manifest in my heart, sphuratu -me -hrdi -keli -sindhuh?

Verse 23 Taking Radha to Kunja

O Radhe! While carrying garlands, perfumes, and divine, soft sandalwood paste when will I follow You and point out the way as You, eager for love play, go to a sanket-kunja walking slowly like a graceful elephant?

Verse 24 Spying Shyam

O Sri Radhika! After going with You to a lonely spot on the bank of the Yamuna, when will I suddenly see Your Nagarendra Shyam intensely looking at You from a place high in a Kadamba tree, as I massage Your ambrosial limbs that are the very life of Cupid, amrtam -angam -ananga – jivam?

Verse 32 Begging for a Glance

O Sri Radhika! Please cast a merciful glance on me! I want to arrange Your meeting with Shyamchandra and make a bed for You in the trysting-bower.

Verse 39 Power of Radha’s Glance

venuh  -karan -nipatitah -skhalitam – shikhandam –
bhrashtam -ca -pitavasanam -vrajaraja sunoh
yasyah -kataksha -shara -ghata -vimurcchitasya-
tam -radhikam -paricarami -kada -rasena

When can I blissfully serve Radhika whose arrow-like sidelong glances strike Krishna, the Prince of Vraja, to make His flute fall from His hand, His peacock feather crown slip off, and His yellow dhoti fall off before He completely faints?

Verse 41 Manjari’s Only Desire

O Radhe! My only desire is to become Your maidservant, kinkari -bhavitum -mam -abhilash

Manjari meditations ki jai! Jai Jai Sri Radhe!

Mahanidhi Madan Gopal Das

These amazingly sweet and charming nectar-filled verses will carry you into the realm of Srimati Radharani’s eternal seva. The original Sanskrit verses of Vrindavan Mahimamrita by Sri Prabodhananda Sarasvati are all incomparably beautiful and worthy of remembrance.

However, since most people cannot memorize Sanskrit verses, we have presented mostly just the English translations. These verses paint wonderful lila pictures for meditation on Radha Krishna’s Vraja lilas. And most importantly, they will help a sadhaka to adopt the feelings and sentiments, gopi-bhava, of a dasi of Sri Radha. The verses have titles to facilitate their remembrance.

Sataka 14.57 Manjaris’ Guru

Radhika personally teaches her dasi manjaris, radhika -dasih -shikshayate.

Sataka 14.70 Manjari Begs Radha Krishna 

A manjari holds the lotus feet of Radha Madhava and begs, “O Swami and Swamini Radha! Please come to my dear sakhi’s supremely charming kunja.” Radha Madhava then happily go there and lavishly praise that dasi. Just meditate on this.

Sataka 15.2 Manjari Makes a Garden

With her own hands the manjari prepares an astonishing flower garden in the forest of Vrindavan. Within it she builds a charming mandap and decorates it with varieties of fragrant flowers. She sprinkles lots of soft lotus petals on the path leading to that mandap. Radha Govinda Yugal then come there and enjoy many loving pastimes.

Sataka 15.44 Sakhis Teach Manjaris

The main gopis like Lalita and Vishakha personally teach their own extraordinary arts and skills to the newly arrived young gopis, sadhana siddhas, nava -prakata-ballavih -samupashikshya -mukhyalibhir, nijam -nijam -ananyagadbhutatamam -kala-kaushalam.

Radha Govinda merge in happiness whenever They call out the names of these wonderful new manjaris and accept their seva.

Sataka 15.73-75 The Topmost Secret Mantra

I will tell you a mantra hidden from the Vedas, and not found anywhere even in the most confidential scriptures. This infinitely glorious mantra is the sweetest nectar, the zenith of all auspiciousness, and the ultimate goal of all attainments.

It is the supreme madness of all forms of maddening bliss. It is the secret of all secrets. Without thinking of anything else, day and night chant this mantra: RADHA!

Sataka 15.83 Extreme Intimacy of Manjaris

All glories to Radha, who on the pathway just outside the nikunja confides to her manjari saying, “O auspicious well behaved dasi, anuchari -shubha -shile! I have a problem, so please tell me what should I do?

“During our never-ending love battles my lover always becomes totally exhausted, nitya -klanta -sa -kanta, even though Lalita, Vishakha and other sakhis try to encourage Shyam.”

Sataka 16.15 Fanning Radha Krishna 

I blissfully worship Radha Krishna as They sit facing each other on a beautiful cushion at the door of a vine cottage. Within Their hearts They are relishing a recent lover’s quarrel as They happily throw dice, and I gently fan Them with a camara fan.

Sataka 16.62 Reading Radha’s Hints

Remember Radha’s manjaris as they expertly serve Ishvari Radha according to Radha’s every splendid hint, motion or tasteful gesture.

Sataka 17.2 All Senses Connected with Vrindavan

May my feet walk in the forest of Vrindavan; may eyes see the beauty of Vrindavan; may my tongue sing the glories of Vrindavan and may my ears hear them. May my nose smell the sweet fragrance of Vrindavan. May my body, its hair erect in ecstasy, roll on the ground of Krishna’s lila sthalis.

Sataka 17.83 Proper Vision of Vrajavasis

If one lives in Vrindavan committing the offense of thinking that the Vrajvasis do not have eternal spiritual forms of condensed bliss and knowledge, one will not attain Goloka Vrindavan.

Sataka 17.84 Becoming Genuine Servant of Radha

When one understands that the moving and non-moving residents of Vrindavan have forms of eternal spiritual nectar, one will attain the form of a beloved servant of Radha, radha-priya-sevi-rupah.

Manjari meditations ki jai! Sridham Vrindavan ki jai! Jai Jai Sri Radhe!