By: Mahanidhi Swami

Many religious-minded people throughout India and the rest of the world wear necklaces of Tulasi wood (tulasi-kanthi-mala). Tulasi wood is sacred to Lord Krishna and His followers.

However, there are many popular taboos and misconceptions regarding who can and cannot wear tulasi.

This article will answer this question by citing the infallible authority of the Vedas. It is a fact that all actions, be they secular or spiritual, will be beneficial and successful when done in accordance with transcendental scriptures i.e. Shruti, Smrti and Puranas like Mahabharata and Bhagavad-gita.

Without being swayed by popular beliefs or opinions, Gaudiya Vaisnavas base their spiritual conduct on the authority of the Gaudiya Smrti titled Hari-bhakti vilasa by Srila Sanatana Goswamipada. This book is basically a collection of quotes from various Puranas and Vedas to establish the proper spiritual practices for adherents of the devotional path, bhakti-yoga.

Quoting this pramana, we will describe the glories of wearing tulasi neckbeads and who can wear them.

  1. Benefits of Wearing Tulasi Kanthi:
  2. Destroys greatest sins (maha pataka samhantrim) Skanda Purana: HBV: 4.318
  3. Sri Hari always with you (deha sada harih) Garuda Purana: HBV: 4.335
  4. Million times benefit from punya karmas, pitr or devata puja (pitrnam devata krtam koti gunam) Garuda Purana: HBV: 4.336
  5. Yamaraja stays far away (preta raja dutakah drstva nashyanti durena) Garuda Purana: HBV: 4.337
  6. Gives full protection…from bad dreams, accidents, attack by weapons, and the Yamaduttas (duhsvapnam durnimittam bhayam shastrajam) Garuda Purana: HBV: 4.338

Who Can Wear Tulasi Neckbeads?

The following authoritative quotes should put to rest all rumors, taboos and speculations regarding this question. Bhagavan Sri Krishna Himself states that ANYONE CAN WEAR TULASI kanthi mala. There are no restrictions! The wearing of tulasi neckbeads, (tulasi kanthi mala) simply depends on one’s personal sense of allegiance to his beliefs, duty, or simply as a matter of inspiration if he/she wants to do so. Srila Sanatana Goswamipada calls this a taste or attraction to wear them, (yatha ruchi) HBV: 4.308

In Vishnu Dharmottara, Bhagavan Sri Krishna says, “Without a doubt, ANYONE who wears tulasi neckbeads, even if he/she is unclean or of bad character, will surely attain Me.” (ashauco anacharo mam eva iti na samshaya) HBV: 4.322

The following quote from a book titled, Associates of Sri Chaitanya, says that Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura gave tulasi neckbeads to a Calcutta industrialist who had neither diksha nor the most exemplary behavior: “Mr. S.K. Ghosh often visited Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura at his residence called “Bhakti Bhavana.” Under the direction of Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura, Mr. Ghosh started wearing a tulasi mala around his neck, although he was not able to accept the principles of Vaishnava behavior in their entirety.”

In addition, an Iskcon publication titled “Vaisnava Etiquette”, quoting Hari-bhakti Vilasa states: “The Padma Purana states regardless of whether one is an impure or pure state, ONE SHOULD ALWAYS WEAR TULASI MALA. And one should never take it off even when bathing, eating or passing stool and urine.” In other words, tulasi beads are always pure and purify anyone who contacts them.

We hope this article will encourage all those who are pious and sincerely trying to progress spiritually to wear tulasi kanthi mala. You will be greatly benefitted by this, and experience some amazing miracles in your life. Tulasi ki jai ho!

Tulasi kanthi mala ki jai! Srimati Tulasi Maharani ki jai!

Jai Jai Sri Radhe!

*footnotes not in net article on mso


One should then pray, “O necklace! You are prepared out of tulasi wood and you are very dear to the Vaisnavas; I am wearing you on my neck, please make me dear to Krsna. The meaning of the word ‘ma’ is ‘to me’, and the meaning of ‘la’ is ‘to give’; O beloved of Hari! Please offer me to the devotees of Krsna. In this way you are known as ‘mala’.”

—-tulasira hara, na pare je chara, jamalaye basa tara; contemptible person who never wears tulasi neckbeads takes his permanent residence in the abode of Yama,(locan das thakura bhajan Nitai Gaur nama.

By: Mahanidhi Swami

In Hari Bhakti Vilasa, Srila Sanatana Goswamipada presents this prayer to speak while offering your new tulasi neckbeads to Thakuraji before wearing them:

“O Tulasi kanthi! You are made of tulasi wood and you are very dear to the Vaisnavas. Now I will wear you around my neck, so please make me dear to Bhagavan Sri Krishna.”

Srila Sanatana Goswamipada gives a wonderful explanation of the word mala, which means necklace as in tulasi kanthi mala. He says the word “MA” means “to me,” and the word “LA” means “to give”. Thus the word mala means, “O tulasi kanthi, the beloved of Hari! Please offer me to Krishna’s devotees!

Our Gaudiya padakarta mahajana, Sri Lochana Dasa Thakura, says, “Condemned and abominable persons who never wear tulasi neckbeads will reside in hell. (tulasira hara, na pare je chara, jamalaye basa tara [“Nitai Gaura Nama” bhajan]

Tulasi Kanthi ki jai! Tulasi Maharani ki jai!

Jai Jai Sri Radhe!

By: Mahanidhi Swami

Forty-three years ago during Karttika in Vrindavana, Srila Prabhupada presented a most amazing conception. It was November 11, 1972 in the Radha Damodara Mandira. Srila Prabhupada sat facing North between Srila Rupa Goswamipada’s samadhi and bhajan kutir.

At that auspicious time and place, Srila Prabhupada presented to his disciples the vision of a transcendentalist. It was how he wanted his disciples to see reality. In his conception, Srila Prabhupada sees all women as belonging to Krishna. They are Krishna’s energies; and moreover they are gopis! All women are to be enjoyed by Krishna and served by others.

Adopting this transcendental vision will free one from illusion, create inner peace and purity and push one forward to perfection. May you all deeply ponder Srila Prabhupada’s holy words, which are still reverberating within the sanctified grounds of Seva Kunja.

On that chilly morning of November 11, 1972, Srila Prabhupada said, “There may be thousands of beautiful women before a devotee, but that does not disturb his mind.

He sees:

*They are all energies of Krishna.

*They are gopis of Krishna.

*They are enjoyable by Krishna.

*I have to serve them. They are gopis.

“A devotee should try to engage all beautiful women in the service of Krishna. That is his duty. Not to enjoy them. That is sense gratification. This is the position of a devotee. He is not pierced by the arrows of Cupid because he sees everything in relationship with Krishna, nirbandhe Krishna sambandhe yukta vairagyam ucyate.” (BBT Folio: 721111ND.VRN)

Srila Prabhupada ki jai! Jai Jai Sri Radhe!

By Mahanidhi Swami

We present this essay, based on scientific research, to help aspiring devotees recognize THE NEED TO TAKE REST EARLY each night (latest by 10 p.m.), and to rise by 4 a.m. each morning in order to chant the Hare Krishna Mahamantra and attain the perfection of human life.

After conducting hundreds of experiments on sleep and health, the world’s leading scientists have discovered that to keep optimum health, one should sleep early and RISE BEFORE SUNRISE. The best hours of sleep for your body are between 10 p.m. and 6 a.m. The scientists say going to sleep at 11 p.m., 12 p.m. or 1 p.m. is extremely harmful to human health, and is a direct cause of many modern “killer diseases” such as heart disease and cancer.

Nature acts and moves according to precise rhythm cycles influenced by the rotation of the earth, sun and moon. Daily the sun rises and sets, the seasons come and go, the moon waxes and wanes, and the ocean tides rise and fall. The function of sleeping and wakefulness is part of this natural rhythm.

In Nature, one finds that the animals and plants are awake and asleep in tune with these rhythms. human beings also have natural rhythms. Our human bodies, like Mother Nature, function according to natural cycles, body rhythms commonly called the internal body clock or the biological clock.

Disruptions of the natural functions of our biological clock due to improper habits and incorrect sleeping patterns cause many different diseases. When our bodies are out of balance and not functioning in harmony with nature, nothing seems to feel right. This is because hormones, chemicals and neurotransmitters that determine our energy levels, vitality, and how we feel, sleep and eat are out of sync. In other words, we are imbalanced and out of tune with our biological clock. We are going against the natural harmony established by mother nature and Bhagavan Sri Krishna.

Before the introduction of electricity in Indian villages, people would just naturally just go to bed shortly after sunset, as most animals do and which Nature intended for humans as well. The best hours of sleep for your body are the hours of 10 p.m. – 6 a.m. These hours and what your body is naturally programmed to do during these hours are governed by the movements of the sun and the 24-hour natural rhythm cycle of your internal body clock; both of which are beyond your control.

During these times (10 p.m. –6 a.m.), the human body is meant to be at a state of rest, repair, detoxification (elimination of waste products and poisons) and rejuvenation. Due to TV, computer, cell phones and Internet absorption most people nowadays are foolishly going against the natural order and design of our body. As a result, we will pay the price by getting various diseases and problems. For example, if your body is overtaxed digesting a heavy late meal or you are up late (after 10 p.m.) working, playing, watching TV or computer, your vital body energy is focused there and not available for rest and rejuvenation. Remember: Bad action brings bad reaction!

We are free to stay up late, and we make that choice. And thus we ignore our bodies, which want to rest so they can do the many things needed to keep us healthy. Let your mind rest once and a while, and give your body some time, so it can do what it has to do to reward you with good health.

The saying is “Health is the greatest wealth”. The main internal organs of your body work according to a “Time Schedule”. Knowing how your body works can help you regulate your schedule in order to attain the optimum level of health and well-being.

The biological clock and your internal organs

9.00 p.m. – 11.00 p.m.: At this time, your body eliminates toxic chemicals from the immune system (lymph nodes). It is best to be sound asleep by 9 p.m. or 10 for your body to properly execute this important function.

11.00 p.m. – 1.00 a.m.: This is the time your liver eliminates poisons and rejuvenates itself. It is best to be sound asleep by 9 p.m. or 10 p.m. for your body to properly execute this important function.

12.00 midnight to 4.00 a.m.: This is the time your bone marrow produces blood.

1.00 a.m. – 3.00 a.m.: This is the time your gall bladder eliminates toxins and rejuvenates itself.

3.00 a.m. – 5.00 a.m.: This is the time your lungs eliminate toxins and rejuvenate themselves.

5.00 a.m. – 7.00 a.m.: This is the time your colon eliminates poisons and rejuvenates itself. This is the proper time to empty your bowel.

7.00 a.m. – 9.00 a.m.: This is the time that vitamins, minerals, proteins and nutrients are absorbed in your small intestines. You should definitely eat breakfast at this time.

Scientists have concluded that everyone should go to bed early (falling asleep by 10 p.m.) to obtain quality sleep, which will ensure proper physical regeneration. When you cooperate with your internal biological clock and allow Nature to take her course, you will feel refreshed, joyful and energized when you wake up (by 4 a.m., of course!). Going to bed before 10 p.m. is essential to keep the human body in tune with Nature and to remain healthy, happy and holy.

material scientists have concluded that the average human being needs 8 hours of sleep per day, which is best obtained by sleeping between 10 p.m. – 6 a.m. However, if you follow a spiritual path by eating sattvic vegetarian food [especially Krishna prasadam], your body becomes healthy, light and sanctified. And by chanting the Hare Krishna Mahamantra and engaging in Krishna’s devotion, your mind becomes purified, pacified and relaxed.

Although, most people require 8 hours daily sleep, Krishna devotees usually only need 6 hours or less to maintain ideal health because their spiritual practices produce tremendous physical energy, mental peace, purity and internal harmony. Wanting all his followers to rise at 4 a.m., Srila Prabhupada said, “We request everyone to rise early in the morning by 4 a.m.” (NOI pg. 34)

If possible (if there’s a will, there’s a way), everyone should follow the golden rule to rise at 4 a.m. in order to be healthy, mentally happy and progress nicely in spiritual life. There is a saying, and it’s true: “Early to bed—early to rise—makes one healthy, wealthy and wise”, provided of course that you chant Krishna’s Holy Names and serve Sri Krishna, Sri Guru and the Vaisnavas. Obviously to rise by 4 a.m, you must sleep early. Practice makes perfect. You have to try sincerely to change your schedule and work towards this goal of taking rest at 10 p.m. and rising at 4 a.m.

16 Scientific tips for good rest

  1. Cave Like darkness: The bedroom should be pitch-black, so you can’t even see your hand in front of your face, which means no bright lights, clock lights, night lights or any light coming in from the windows. why? When we sleep in total darkness, the human brain produces a hormone called melatonin. Melatonin is an important antioxidant which protects our DNA structure and prevents cancer. Tests prove that even a small amount of light hitting the skin almost immediately shuts off the production of melatonin.
  2. Daily go outside and get natural sunlight: This helps regulate your biological clock and increases the production of melatonin, which promotes well-balanced sleeping patterns.
  3. Daily exercise: At least thirty minutes a day will help improve the quality of your sleep.
  4. Avoid bright lights: One should avoid keeping bright lights on inside the house before going to bed. At this time, bright light hitting the eye disrupts the bio-rhythm of the pineal gland and shuts off your melatonin production.
  5. Hot shower before bed: This relaxes the body and helps you fall asleep quickly.
  6. Sleep as early as possible: You should be in bed and FAST asleep by 10 p.m.
  7. Wear Socks to Bed: This applies to cold climates only.
  8. the bedroom should be free from electromagnetic field: Do not keep a TV, computer or any other electronic item in your bedroom because they create strong electromagnetic field which disrupts the quality of your sleep.
  9. Fresh Air: Open the window at least a crack to get fresh air to circulate while sleeping.
  10. Avoid fluids: Do not drink any fluids two hours before sleep.
  11. Sleep Regulation: Get up and go to sleep at the same time every day. If you are up late one night, still rise at your usual time and nap later in the day.
  12. Daytime Nap: If one needs to take a nap in the day, it should not be longer than one hour for optimal rejuvenation, rest and repair. If you nap longer, it will disrupt the night-time sleep quality.
  13. Avoid Noise: Because it disrupts sleep.
  14. Hot Water Bottle: To relieve tension and anxiety, place a hot water bottle between the navel and the bottom of your ribcage.
  15. Head Massage: To relax before sleeping.
  16. Foot Rub: Rub ghee or sesame oil on the bottom of your feet to promote restful sleep.

We hope this essay will help everyone understand the extreme importance of sleeping at the proper time, and rising early in order to realize the full potential of this rare and valuable form of human life. Our heartfelt desire is that each and every one will live a long healthy life full of Krishna bhakti, spiritual happiness, and attain the ultimate perfection of Radha Govinda’s eternal loving service in the groves of Vrindavana.

Jai Jai Sri Radhe! Giridhari Shyama ki jai! S

By: Mahanidhi Swami

Your goal of life and mine is love of God—Krishna prema—immaculate, unadulterated pure loving devotion to Radha and Krishna. As devotees, we all think about prema, we read about prema, we hear about prema, we discuss prema, we hanker for prema, we look for prema, we want prema, and we all hope to one day attain Krishna prema.

But such a coveted and cherished pure goal of life is rarely attained. While describing the means to attain pure love of Sri Krishna, Srila Sanatana Goswamipada states that mercy or compassion is the main cause.

Let’s examine six factors necessary for the attainment of Krishna prema, and see how we can incorporate them into our daily lives.

  1. Mercy: The prime cause of Sri Krishna prema is mercy, nidanam param prema, Sri Krishna karuna bharah.
  1. Meditation: Prema develops by regularly meditating upon Krishna’s sweet Vraja lilas, Vraja krida-dhyana.
  1. Singing: Daily sing about Krishna’s sweet Vraja lilas (lila-kirtana), Vraja krida gana.
  1. Association: Mix with Krishna premi-bhaktas, rasa loka sanga.
  1. Residence: Live alone in Vrindavana in a favorite pastime place (lila-sthali), of Sri Krishna like Radha Kunda, Govardhana, Seva Kunja or Varsana, priya krida vana raha nivasa.
  1. Humility: The root and foundation of prema is to always, in all places cultivate the utmost humility in your thoughts, words and deeds, sthitam sarvatra dainya mulakam. (Br. Bhag. II.5.215-223)

Radha Govinda Yugala prema ki jai!

Krishna krpa ki jai!

Jai Jai Sri Radhe!

By: Mahanidhi Swami

Cupid, the material Kamadeva, is the god of love, desire and attraction who turns the minds and churns the hearts of all men and women with lust and attachment. Besides Cupid, there is the original God of pure unadulterated love, Sri Krishna, who seekers of love divine worship by chanting the ancient Vedic mantra called the Kama Gayatri.

The kama gayatri mantra is described in the Srsti-khanda of Padma Purna, the Gaudiya Vaisnava smrti, Hari-bhakti vilasa (3.321-2), citing Sanatkumāra Kalpa, and the Chaitanya-caritamrta by Srila Krishnadasa Kaviraja.

Shastras state that within Vedic mantras one will discover the form, qualities and pastimes (rupa, guna, lila) of the devata described within the syllables and meter of the mantra. For example, within the kama gayatri one will first discover the form of Bhagavan Sri Krishna. After some time, the sadhaka will see the transcendental Kamadeva in his heart, and feel sweet sentiments for Kamadeva Sri Krishna in his mind while chanting the mantra.

And then if Krishna’s mercy manifests, the sadhaka will see Srimati Radharani along with Her eternal darling and beloved consort Shyamasundara. Eventually the mantra chanting will bring the qualities and pastimes of Radha Govinda Yugala into one’s heart too!

To properly chant the kama gayatri one should visualize the transcendental form of Sri Krishna, and contemplate the meaning of the kama gayatri as revealed by your diksha guru or adi guru Bhagavan Sri Krishna within the recesses of your purified heart.

In the following entry, Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu defines the kama gayatri and gives a perfect Krishna meditation for sadhakas to use while chanting the mantra.

Once to Srila Sanatana Goswamipada, Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu said, “Kama gayatri mantra is the personal divine form of Bhagavan Sri Krishna, kama gayatri mantra rupa, haya krishnera svarupa.” (Cc. 2.21.125)

In other words, the mantra and rupa are one. There is no difference between the words of Kama gayatri and the form of Sri Krishna. When you chant Kama gayatri, you should see the form of Krishna while meditating on the meaning of the mantra.

Once while He was absorbed in Radharani’s mahabhava and tasting the joy of conjugal love (sukhe madhurya asvadana), Gauranga Mahaprabhu described how to meditate on Krishna’s form (rupa dhyana) while chanting the kama gayatri mantra.

Sri Chaitanyadeva continued saying, “O Sanatana! Kamadeva Sri Krishna’s lovely sweet face; His elongated reddish lotus eyes; His beautiful curly locks of hair; the candana bindu tilaka on His forehead; the makara kundala earrings on His shining cheeks, and His playful seductive smiles fragrant as honey all combine to create a constant festival for the eyes. The transcendental body of Krishna is sweeter than an ocean of sweetness, krishna anga madhurya sindhu su madhura. Krishna’s divine form is an ocean of the sweetest nectar, Krishna madhurya amitera sindhu.” (Cc. 2.121-149)

My personal experience is that the sincere regular chanting of the kama gayatri mantra turns the mind toward Krishna. It fills the heart with sweet attraction to Krishna and desires to serve and love Krishna eternally in the land of blissful enchantment, Sridhama Vrindavana. The more one chants the kama gayatri mantra, the more he becomes attached to Sri Krishna. Many sadhakas daily chant several rounds (108 beads) of the mantra. There is no limit. Since it is a very powerful, wish-fulfilling Vedic mantra, one should take advantage and daily chant many rounds to fulfill your cherished desires to find bliss, peace and love in Sri Krishna’s eternal service. The proof of the mantra’s power is your personal experience!

Kama Gayatri ki jai! Krishna Prema ki jai!

Jai Jai Sri Radhe!

By: Mahanidhi Swami

Who can hear and who can speak about Radha and Krishna’s intimate Vraja lilas? Radha-Madhava’s rasa-lila depicted in the Srimad Bhagavatam is undoubtedly one of the most famous of the confidential pastimes of the aprakrta Kamadeva Bhagavan Sri Krishna and the aprakrta Rati murti Srimati Radharani.

And somehow by the will of Sri Krishna, this intimate, transcendental loving pastime of Sri Sri Radha-Krishna has been translated into 50 languages and is being read worldwide by all classes of people.

To answer the opening question, we will quote from our Vaisnava acharyas, comments on the Rasa-panchadhyaya (5 rasa lila chapters) and then give a conclusion.

I. Sridhara Swami: Bhagavan Sri Krishna’s sporting in the rasa dance proclaims the conquest of Cupid by pure love of God, Krishna prema. In the guise of presenting topics of conjugal love, the rasa-panchadyaya aims at the conclusion of renunciation.

II. Srila Visvanatha Cakravartipada: In the next five chapters of the Srimad Bhagavatam (10.29-33), which are the five life airs of the entire book (pancha-prana), Shukadeva Gosvami describes Sri Krishna’s rasa-lila which is the prize jewel within the whole treasury of Krishna’s pastimes. All glories to the rasa dance!

III. Srila Prabhupada:

  1. The reason the Lord displays the rasa-lila is essentially to induce all the fallen souls to give up their diseased morality and religiosity, and to attract them to the kingdom of God to enjoy the reality.” (Cc. 1.4.30 p.)
  1. Srimati Radharani is the central petal of the rasa-lila flower. (Cc. 1.4.81 p.)
  1. One who has developed his faith in Krishna as the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the Supreme Spirit Soul, can both describe and hear the rasa-lila.
  1. One must hear from an authorized person who is in the disciplic succession and is always engaged in Krishna consciousness.
  1. When a person hears the rasa-lila in this way, the effect will be sure: he will be elevated to the highest position of spiritual life.
  1. One who is actually deriving benefit from hearing the rasa-lila dance surely achieves the transcendental position. He surely loses all traces of lust in his heart. (# 3-6 Krsna Book chapter 33).


Qualities of Speaker (of confidential topics like rasa-lila or others):

  1. FAITH; has faith that Sri Krishna is the transcendental Absolute Truth, the Supreme Personality of Godhead.
  2. PARAMPARA; has taken diksha in a disciplic succession.
  3. KRISHNA DASA; is always serving Sri Krishna.

Qualities of Listener (of divine confidential topics):

  1. FAITH; has faith that Sri Krishna is the transcendental Absolute Truth, the Supreme Personality of Godhead.


  1. You will definitely be elevated to the highest position of spiritual life!
  2. You will achieve the transcendental position!
  3. You will lose all traces of lust in the heart!
  4. And most importantly, YOU WILL ATTAIN Radha-Krishna Vraja madhurya-prema (SB 10.33.39)

Radha-Krishna Vraja-lila kathamrta ki jai!

Jai Jai Sri Radhe!

By: Mahanidhi Swami

Every day in Puri, before taking darshana of Sri Jagannatha Deva, Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu would stop at a small shrine dedicated to Lord Nrisimha within the temple complex. Then Mahaprabhu would offer obeisances and recite the following prayers again and again, prati dina prabhu namaskari ei shloka bara bara: (Cc. 3.16.51)

namas te nara simhaya, prahlad ahlada dayine
hiranyakashipor vakshah, shila tanka nakhalaye

Sri Gauranga said, “I offer obeisances unto You, Lord Narasimhadeva, the giver of bliss to Bhakta Prahlada. With Your chisel-like sharp fingernails, You bifurcated the rock- hard chest of Hiranyakashipu.”

ito nrisimhah parato nrisimho, yato yato yami tato nrisimhah
bahir nrisimho hrdaye nrisimho, nrisimham adim sharanam prapadye

“Nrisimhadeva is here, there, and wherever I go. Nrisimhadeva is outside and inside My heart as well. Thus I take shelter of and surrender unto that primeval Lord Nrisimha.”

When Mahaprabhu arrived in Visakhapatnam, He took darshana of the famous Thakuraji named Jiyada Nrsimha. After offering dandavats, Gaurangadeva became absorbed in prema, and started singing, dancing, and offering various prayers, dandavat pranati premaveshe bahu nrtya gita stuti, i.e.:

shri narasimha, jaya narasimha, jaya jaya narasimha
prahladesha jaya padma mukha padma bhringa

“All glories to Sri Narasimhadeva, all glories to Narasimhadeva, the Lord of Prahlada! All glories to You who are like a honeybee always hovering about the lotus face of Sri.” (Cc. 2.8.5)

Here we see Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu chanting prayers to Nrisimhadeva. In the Vedas, there are numerous accounts of Narasimhadeva’s protecting Vishnu’s bhaktas, removing their fear and destroying their sins. In Hari Bhakti Vilasa (11.272-273), the law book guiding Gaudiya Vaisnavas, Srila Sanatana Goswamipada recommends a couple of prayers from the Kurma Purana to petition the mercy of the powerful Lord of protection, Sri Narahari.

The first one, which was also recited by Mahaprabhu, should be chanted 21X to destroy sins, papa kshaya:

shri narasimha, jaya narasimha, jaya jaya narasimha!

The second prayer should be chanted 21X to stop or prevent great fear, maha bhaya nivarana:

shri narasimha jaya jaya narasimha!

Thus, according to the situation or one’s personal taste, a Gaudiya Vaisnava may regularly or occasionally sincerely pray to the all-powerful and all-merciful Narasimha Bhagavan. Some Gaudiyas, however, prefer to surround themselves with, and to be fully absorbed in the continuous chanting of the Hare Krishna maha-mantra.

Of course, this is the ultimate perfection and protection. Mahaprabhu Himself has assured us that all the energies, forms, and various descents of Bhagavan Sri Krishna are contained in this one most amazing, tantalizing and tasty mantra.

To establish the complete and unlimited position of Hari Nama, our Gaudiya Vaisnava rasa-acharya, Srila Rupa Goswamipada, states in Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu (1.2.233):

nama chintamani krishnash, chaitanya rasa vigrahah
purnah shuddho nitya mukto, abhinna tvan nama naminoh

“Sri Krishna’s Holy Name fulfills all desires like a wish-satiation gem (chintamani). The Holy Name is the direct form of Bhagavan Sri Krishna, consciousness and divine raptures. Sri Krishna’s divine Holy Name is absolutely pure and eternally transcendental. There is no difference between the beautiful, sweet, charming and divine Supreme Person Sri Krishna and His Holy Name.”

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare
Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare

Sri Narasimha Bhagavan ki jai! Bhakta Sri Prahlada Maharaja ki jai!

Hare Krishna Maha Mantra ki jai!

By: Mahanidhi Swami

In verse 11 of Manah Siksha, Srila Raghunatha dasa Goswamipada addresses his mind, and reveals five essential practices which will quickly bring Krishna prema.

He says, “Radha Giridhari are forever overwhelmed by divine erotic love (smara vivaso). O mind! You can attain the direct service of this Playful Pair (sakshat seva), and Their eternal associates in Vraja by devotedly worshiping Giri Govardhana every day, and by performing these five nectar-filled practices mentioned by Srila Rupa Goswamipada:

1) Ijya: Worship Radha Govinda Yugala, archana.

2) Akhya: Describe the names, forms, qualities and pastimes of Radha-Madhava and Their associates, sankirtana.

3) Dhyana: Meditate upon Radha-Krishna’s asta-kaliya-lila in Vrindavana, lila-smarana.

4) Shravana: Hear about the glories and pastimes of Radha Govinda Yugala.

5) Nati: Offer prostrated obeisances, dandavats, to the Divine Pair, Their lila-sthalis and Their devotees in order to develop intense humility”

In summary, Srila Raghunatha dasa Goswamipada is saying that bhajana siddhi, or perfection in devotion, comes to those who worship Sri Sri Radha-Krishna with these five items, which are the essense of bhajana. One needs only to worship, hear, chant and remember Sri Sri Radha-Krishna along with the utmost submission and humility.

Vraja bhajana ki jai! Jai Jai Sri Radhe!

By: Mahandhi Swami

While visiting New Delhi one day, I noticed a short message repeated over and over again on a boundary wall beside a main road. Everyday thousands of people read that message which says, “Do One Good Deed Today.” Of course, this is a good maxim to live by, but why is it repeated on this particular wall? Inside this wall lies a cremation ground where people lie for their last time. So the message is reminding you, me and all of us to do something good before it’s too late.

In the balance of this article, I will quote Hari-bhakti-vilasa to mention some good deeds one can perform during this most auspicious month of Vaishakha a.k.a. Madhusudana (16Apr-14May). Of twelve months Vaishakha, Magha and Karttika are considered the best because pious acts done in these months give tremendous benefit to the performer.The following significant events occur in the vaishakha month “Chandana Yatra, Bhagavan Nrisingha Deva Appears, Ganga Appears on Earth and Vishnu creates the barley grain.

The following good deeds can be done daily or whenever you can: Public Harinama Sankirtan; Dhama Parikrama; Read Bhagavatam; Attend Gita Class; Upgrade Thakuraji Seva; Serve Saints; Bathe in a Holy Place (best before sunrise); and to good spiritual persons give charity of cow ghee, umbrella, shoes, cloth, money and sesame seed alone or mixed with honey.

*Special days to DEFINITELY observe;

MAY 2 Akshaya Tritya because even one good deed done today i.e., fasting, jagarana, holy bath, charity and mantra sankhya yields INEXHAUSTIBLE RESULTS. Tretya Yuga begins today (when it comes), and Vishnu created the barley grain today.

MAY 6 Shukla Saptami—Maa Ganga appears; remember, pray to, bathe and worship the sweet kind mother of all sacred rivers. Gange! Gange! Gange! Ki jai!

MAY 10 Ekadashi— Stay awake all night chanting Hare Krishna and dancing in Gaura-smarana. Skanda Purana saya, By doing jagarana, one becomes jivana-mukta, “A living liberated soul.”

***MAY 11: Akshaya Dvadashi—— Like the 3rd, deeds yield inexhaustible merits. Skanda Purana suggests: Bathe Thakuraji in milk or Panchamrita; donate money and pots of water (if you are not a Vraja gopi, this means a bottle of water….(!); in the evening, satisfy Thakuraji with sweet drinks and also give sweet scents (itra) to others.

MAY13 Lord Nrisingha Aavirbhava. Watch for new article on How to observe it.

Vaishakha Month of Lord Madhusudan Sri Krishana Ki Jai!

Jai Jai Sri Radhe!!